Swiss Gold

Swiss Gold Strain

Switzerland is known for creating premium luxury items such as chocolates, cheese, wine, and watches. It also prides itself as the place of origin of the strain used to develop Swiss Gold – one of the best medical cannabis today. Aptly named, amber-colored crystals covering the buds give it a golden glow. Information about Swiss …

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Doug’s Varin

Doug’s Varin Strain

Mistaking Doug’s Varin for a fictional character is easy. After all, its name does sound like it came straight out of a video game. In reality, though, it is an elusive strain and finding it in dispensaries is an adventure in itself. And if one were to get ahold of it, then be prepared for …

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Nova Strain

Nova is Tweed’s version of the famed medical Pennywise hybrid. Like its inspirational strain, it has an equal or 1:1 ratio of cannabinoids and trichomes. Because of this, its effects are less intense but extremely relaxing. However, its medical benefits are far superior than other strains. Information about Nova: Effects Fragrance Flavors Adverse reactions Medical …

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Sunshine Strain

Sunshine strain can brighten the day. Like its namesake, it brings a ray of hope on an otherwise gloomy day. And, it is not only recreational users who benefit from its optimistic high. Medical users too can delight in the reprieve from mental and physical discomforts. Developed by Peace Naturals Project, a licensed producer in …

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Leonidas Strain

One of the many strains made for the medical market, Leonidas has CBD levels high enough to provide a reprieve to ailing comrades of the cannabis community. Information about Leonidas: Effects Fragrance Flavors Adverse reactions Medical Growing Flowering time In creating the bud, Tweed took inspiration from Super Silver Haze. A superb hero in the …

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Green Goddess

Green Goddess Strain

Green Goddess provides a euphoric buzz that sends its users straight to the heavens. From a soaring high, heavy-hitting physical effects bring users back to land in pure bliss. Indeed, this hybrid is a gift from the gods. Information about Green Goddess: Effects Fragrance Flavors Adverse reactions Medical Growing Flowering time This deity of a …

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Lemon Bananas

Lemon Bananas Strain

The use of marijuana itself is nothing new. In fact, ancient people have used it for different reasons. However, what modern people can lay claim to is the manner of how it is used. From rolling joints to vaping, these are pretty much what every user is familiar with today. Don’t forget too, the edibles. …

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Lodi Dodi

Lodi Dodi Strain

Lodi Dodi is a mostly Sativa hybrid that delivers an energetic cerebral high. Unfortunately, the original breeder never disclosed its lineage. It is also not widely available at the moment outside of Washington, let alone the world. Nonetheless, the psychedelic effects combined with its fruity aroma makes it a promising strain. In some circles, credit …

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Pineapple Dog Shit Strain

Pineapple Dog Shit Strain

Information about Pineapple Dog Shit: Effects Fragrance Flavors Adverse reactions Medical Growing Flowering time Canine poop is disgusting. But, that is not the case with Pineapple Dog Shit (also called Pineapple Dawg Shit). In fact, it is one of the most pleasurable hybrids for recreational and medical cannabis users. Although the name is mainly due …

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Lucid Dream

Lucid Dream Strain

All around the world, growers are continuously inventing new strains in the hopes of winning the hearts of users old and new. Typically crossing two plants, some could even use three of four to create a more unique and better hybrid. While some do not fare successfully in such a competitive market, there are those …

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Ice Queen Strain

Ice Queen Strain

If cannabis users are asked why they indulge in such a powerful and potentially harmful plant, the answer can always vary. There are those who are simply taking their chances on the plant’s supposed medicinal benefits while others are more interested in its psychedelic effects. Information about Ice Queen: Effects Fragrance Flavors Adverse reactions Medical …

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Motavation weed Strain review

Motavation Strain

Motivation? More like ‘Mo-ta-va-tion.’ Yes, that’s how the name of this strain is spelled. Done deliberately, its creators wanted to convey that ‘Motavation’ is nothing like the impulsive zing of motivation. Instead, it is the exact opposite – it sedates users and leaves them lethargic. In creating this cannabis, Magus Seeds took its very own …

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