First Grow

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Costs and Revenues of Growing Marijuana

How much does it cost to grow weed?

People cultivate and grow marijuana plants for a variety of different reasons. Perhaps you are underwhelmed with the quality of the weed you purchase or you just want to bring in some extra cash. Either way, it’s important to be able to answer ‘how much does it cost to grow weed in your area?’ Some …

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A cannabis plant growing outdoors in front of a house, with healthy green leaves reaching up toward the sunlight.

The Ultimate Guide to Starting Your Cannabis Cultivation Journey

What is better than consuming high-grade cannabis buds? The answer is growing them yourself from the comfort of your own home! Welcome to the beginning of your magical journey to discovering the sweet science of growing cannabis.  Prepare for a life-changing lesson that will allow you to become a fulfilled, connected to the Earth and …

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How to grow just one marijuana plant at home

How to grow one weed plant

If you are thinking about growing marijuana yourself, you are likely unsure or indecisive about how to begin. The first step, of course, is deciding what kind of setup you prefer. Are you going to grow outdoors or indoors? Will you grow just one marijuana plant or many? What strain should you buy, and what equipment do you need? We …

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Robert Bergman Weed Grow Bible

Marijuana Grow Bible

Wish there was a simple marijuana growing guide that you could use to grow high-quality marijuana at home? Of course, you do; and that’s why I wrote it. There are plenty of guides on growing marijuana, but there is only one marijuana grow bible that breaks down the process into easy-to-understand steps for those that have never grown anything …

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Best Strains for Beginners

Best Strains for Beginners

With weed becoming more common throughout the US, new people are trying it out for the first time every day. Whether you’re looking for something therapeutic or something fun, you need to choose the right strain. Some strains aren’t the best beginner strains for smoking, though. Here are some amazing seed deals. Buy 10 and get …

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Growing cannabis facts

10 Interesting facts about growing marijuana

We all know that growing marijuana is a fun (albeit tiring) process that many people can enjoy. But, there are a few random facts about the plant many people probably don’t know. You might want to know – is pee good for weed plants? Read on to learn more. As one of the most interesting …

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Different Units of Measurement for Growers

Different Units of Measurement for Growers

There are a lot of aspects of the marijuana growing world that can be confusing to beginners at first, some of which you might not even think about until they become relevant. Perhaps even more important than knowing how to measure different parts of your growing operation is how to convert different units from one …

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ilgm grower's glossary

Grower’s Glossary

When starting a new hobby you may find yourself lost in a jungle of terminology. In this gloassary you will find all jargon and slang used by marijuana growers. Bookmark this page and ase the A-Z navigation to jump to anywhere on the page. A B C D E F G H I L M …

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