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A person documenting details of an outdoor marijuana growing operation.

How To Keep A Cannabis Grow Journal Like A Pro

Ask any experienced grower if they have ever taken notes or kept a cannabis grow journal. The answer will overwhelmingly be yes. By tracking important variables in the garden, growers can look back a few days, weeks, or even years to find similarities when runs turn out perfectly or result in disaster. Chefs use specific …

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crossbreeding cannabis

How to crossbreed cannabis and create new hybrid weed strains

One of the best traits of cannabis is that it has thousands of different strains to choose from.  And there’s at least one that’s bound to be your favorite. This wouldn’t be possible without experts that knew how to crossbreed cannabis.  They not only created new cannabis strains they also improved its genetics. It’s through …

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cannabis plant at full moon

Using the moon to grow marijuana

Believe it or not, there is likely one huge aspect you may have been neglecting when you grow marijuana: Using The Moon and its various phases to Grow Marijuana. The lunar movements are more important than you might think for all sorts of things, not least of which is your marijuana harvest. Did you know that some people …

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man smelling bud

Maximizing the taste and smell of your marijuana

While many marijuana growers are most concerned about maximizing the yield and getting the most buds out of each marijuana plant, the taste and smell of the end product are also critical factors that can be influenced during your marijuana plants’ lives. In this article, we will discuss how to maximize the smell and improve …

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