Marijuana Grow Guides

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Sea of green sog cannabis growing

Sea of Green (SOG) marijuana growing

Sea of Green, usually abbreviated “SOG,” is a method of growing marijuana that forces flowering at a young age. The plants will have only been in a vegetative state for about two weeks. This method allows you to harvest much earlier than growing your plants normally. The Sea of Green (SOG) method is a cultivation technique popularized …

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Cutworms on marijuana plants

Cutworms on marijuana plants

Cutworms have the worst effect on younger marijuana seedlings. These pests can completely destroy them in just one night. They are a part of some moth species. Cutworms are around one to two inches with soft bodies that are brown or gray in color. Some may have stripes or spots and have a tendency to curl …

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Growing Marijuana in Australia

Grow calendar Australia

Outdoor grow calendar Aussie Unfortunately, due to restrictions, we are no longer able to ship to Australia. It truly pains us to not be able to help out our loyal Australian customers, and we hope this situation will change one day! Do feel free to sign up to our newsletter, download our Grow Bible, and …

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Watering weed plants

Best water for marijuana plants

Along with light and nutrients, water is vital in the nourishment of marijuana plants. Aside from assisting in photosynthesis, it also keeps the plant’s internal temperature cool. Most importantly, it carries all the nutrients in the soil to the roots so that it can consume what it needs. So, read more below to find out …

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Growing blueberry autoflower

Growing Blueberry Autoflower

People grow marijuana for different reasons. Some people grow marijuana to sleep better or to relax with friends. Some people grow marijuana to avoid paying the steep cost of cannabis.Growing your own marijuana requires time and effort but these investments will pay off in the long run. This grow journal shows an experienced grower’s attempt …

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Man operating an EC meter to assess water quality.

Measuring PPM, TDS, and E.C. of Your Cannabis Cultivation Medium

Water is essential for both people and plant life, with cannabis plants being no exception. Prepare yourself as we delve into water quality and understanding water’s relationship with plants. I break down all you need to know about PPM, E.C., monitoring runoff, signs of potential issues, and plenty more to help you on your way …

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Marijuana growing with Aeroponics

Growing Cannabis With Aeroponics

Aeroponic growing is a soilless cultivation method that has revolutionized the way plants are grown. By suspending the roots in the air, they are misted with a fine spray of nutrient-rich water, allowing for a more efficient uptake of nutrients and water. This innovative approach curbs the need for a traditional growing medium, thus reducing …

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Powdery mildew on marijuana plants

Powdery Mildew on Cannabis

Powdery mildew, also known as white powdery mildew, comes from lots of different fungi. Powdery mildew looks like white or gray powdery growths on the leaves of your cannabis plants. It appears on grow areas indoors and outdoors and is foreshadowed by small bumps on the topsides of leaves. Typical species of fungi that go …

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Absorption of water and nutrients by cannabis plants

Absorption Of Water And Nutrients By Marijuana Plants

The absorption of nutrition, and the included dissolved nutrient salts, occurs via the roots of the marijuana plant. This process is done through osmosis.  Osmosis is a physical process in which substances move from one fluid, which is separated by a semi-permeable wall (the plant cell), to another fluid. This is done from the side with …

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flush marijuana plant

How and when to flush marijuana plants

When it comes to harvesting your marijuana plants, many people think that the timing and the actual process of harvesting are all that matters. Truth be told, however, many other aspects also come into play. One of these aspects is flushing your marijuana before the harvest. Flushing cannabis plants can be critical, and it isn’t too …

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How to make a cannabis clone box in 7 steps

How to make a marijuana clone box in 7 steps

In this article, I’ll illustrate exactly how to make a box for germinating and cloning marijuana plants. The clone box will be separated into three levels, each with its own individual climate. One level is for germination, one is for growing seedlings and clones, and the last one is to vegetate and grow a few …

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A man is moving a cannabis sapling into a more spacious pot.

How and When to Transplant Cannabis

Transplanting cannabis is all about giving your plant room to grow. It involves moving your plant from a smaller container or pot to a larger one, sometimes even transferring it from one growing medium to another. By giving roots more space to stretch, you’re setting your plant up for stronger branches, fuller buds, and overall …

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