
HomeGrow GuidesTroubleshootingPage 7
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How Do I Deal with Overcrowding Plants: Part 1

Are your plants overcrowding? Probably. This is a common problem amongst especially new growers, and most of us don’t really think much of it. With the tide of legalization sweeping the US, Canada and Europe, a lot of people are growing in their own houses, apartments, a closet under the stairs, the attic, etc. Compared …

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Cats and dogs on cannabis plants

Cats and dogs on marijuana plants

Pets have good and bad aspects to them when it comes to growing marijuana. Dogs, for instance, are especially good at chasing away unwanted animals, such as birds or small mammals. On the other hand, they can actually harm your plants, especially if they choose your plants as a nice place to defecate. For some …

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verticillium wilt on marijuana

Verticillium wilt on marijuana plants

Verticillium wilt happens due to the presence of a fungus, and it occurs most often with marijuana plants in soil that is extremely rich or is not drained properly. Woody plants with roots that are stressed out are what attract fungi the most, so you should always keep a close eye on all of your …

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Unhealthy weed plant with visible nutrient shortages.

What Stresses Your Cannabis Plants Out (And How to Protect Them)

When you’re growing cannabis, stress isn’t exactly a friend when it comes to problems with your weed plants, but it’s also not always the enemy. For beginners, the key takeaway is that stress usually causes harm to your plants—but sometimes, in the hands of an experienced grower, a little bit of stress can actually bring …

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Browning of leaves is a sign of calcium deficiency in marijuana plants

Calcium deficiency in marijuana plants

Calcium helps your marijuana plant have healthy and strong cell walls, stems, branches, and stalks. It also helps out with root hair growth and root system development. If your weed plants have calcium deficiency, your plant won’t be able to absorb potassium properly, either. Calcium also helps your plants handle stress factors, such as very …

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Algae on cannabis plants

How to get rid of algae in hydroponic marijuana

Many hydroponic growers underestimate the serious damage that algae can cause to marijuana. In fact, most of them allow algae to form in the setup, thinking that it’s okay. But the truth is, it is a living organism that steals nutrients and oxygen from the plants. Despite its harmless appearance, algae can grow greedy, leaving …

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Whiteflies on cannabis plants

Whiteflies on marijuana plants

Whiteflies tend to conceal themselves under marijuana leaves and they can be just as destructive. They are very small and spread diseases while eating one plant then going on to the next. They will travel great distances releasing honeydew and spreading plant diseases in large amounts. Whiteflies will feed on the leaves and stems of marijuana plants …

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Leaf Septoria On cannabis Plant

Leaf Septoria on marijuana plants

Yellow leaf spot, also known as leaf septoria, are caused by Septoria cannabis and S. neocannabina. These are fungal pathogens aimed specifically at marijuana plants. It is brought about by warm weather and rain and effect marijuana grown outdoors. It may also show up in nitrogen- deficient plants. Read this article and learn how to …

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How Do I Deal with Overcrowding Plants Part 2

We already started talking about overcrowding plants and the many different ways to tell if your weed plants are experiencing this issue. Now it’s time to talk about what will happen to your plants as they experience more and more overcrowding. Now, it’s important to keep in mind that a little bit of overcrowding is …

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Ants on cannabis plants

Ants on marijuana plants

In general, ants are useful creatures to have in the marijuana garden. Hence, spotting an ant or two on the marijuana plants is not a cause for major concern especially in a well-kept environment. But in large numbers, they can indirectly cause many problems that may injure the crop. Like earthworms, ants are a natural …

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