How to use my images

ILGM Graphics

We would be happy to give you our permission to share graphics created by ILGM, also know as I Love Growing Marijuana. From the beginning, we wanted to focus on letting other people understand growing the best cannabis plants. Why not share our informative graphics over the whole world wide web as well? As long there is a clear link back to the original post, after all, we are a commercial company.

So you are free to share, copy and redistribute specific ILGM graphics in any medium or format. Under the following terms:

  • You must give appropriate credit by mentioning our name: ILGM.
  • Provide a link to our post or page where the used image is actually retrieved from.
  • Indicate if changes were made.

This is applicable for graphic images that have a similar layout as below example image which contains IPTC metadata. Our metadata is mentioning at least:

Robert Bergman

Author title
ILGM – I Love Growing Marijuana

Copyright status

Copyright notice
© Copyright 2023 ILGM –

You are free to:
Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format

Under the following terms:
Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the page where this image is saved from, and indicate if changes were made.

Copyright Info URL

ILGM Image example IPTC metadata
ILGM Image example IPTC metadata

Consider this as our permission to use one of my graphics under the above mentioned conditions. Of course feel free to inform us by email when using our graphics. We always take a look at your website but we might not reply to your email. We’ll hope for your understanding and thanks a lot for appreciating our work.

Unless mentioned otherwise, all other information on this website is owned by Text, layout, photos, scripts, articles, and other items on this website are protected by copyright.

We have securely attempted to contact and seek permission from all owners of images and other material used on this website. Nonetheless, If you detect material for which you can prove you are the legal owner and wish this material to be removed, please contact us.