Marijuana Grow Guides

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Climate problems and your cannabis plants

Climate problems & your marijuana plants

Whether it’s excessive humidity or a temperature that’s too high, climate fluctuations can have a strong effect on your marijuana plants. Growing areas have a natural tendency to be high in humidity since moisture is let off from marijuana plants. A grow room that is too hot will also lead to issues. Take action to …

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Bacterial and fungal controls

Bacterial and fungal controls for marijuana plants

When you run into trouble with your grow you’ll want to act as fast as possible to prevent bigger problems. This guide will learn you all about bacterial and fungal issues that may occur with your grow. Ampelomyces Quis Qualis These are naturally occurring hyperparasites of powdery mildew. They form colonies on the infection, reducing …

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Auto Flowering White Widow

Auto-Flowering White Widow with Hydro System Indoors

For first-time growers, marijuana tends to grow slower in soil than in hydroponics during the vegetative stage. Soil also usually gives lower yields of marijuana. For this reason, hydroponics are preferred. They also provide total control over nutrient levels! This grow journal chronicles growing White Widow in a hydroponic system for the first time. Supplies: Grower: leslijnzLocation Midwest, …

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Why your marijuana leaves are turning yellow

Why your marijuana leaves are turning yellow

If you grow cannabis and experience your marijuana leaves turning yellow, it’s time to do a bit of research into what’s causing it. It is rather alarming to start seeing yellow leaves on your plant, and it isn’t always easy to get to the bottom of the cause. Luckily, many growers have gone through the …

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Marijuana Measurements - Gram, Eight, Quarter, Ounce And Pound Of Weed

Weed weights and measurements

Understanding marijuana measurements can be downright confusing. Thankfully, once you learn it the first time, it’s easy to remember. Seeing that knowing the standard measurements for purchasing marijuana is important, I will explain it. This article explains every measurement, from a single gram to pounds of weed. Keep reading to learn how to buy marijuana …

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leftover cannabis trim

What Do You Do With Your Leftover Cannabis Trim?

You’ve got your crops all trimmed up, harvested and ready to be dried and cured. There’s only one problem, however. What are you supposed to do with all of the leftover trim? You can’t just dispose of it like lawn trimmings, and you can’t smoke it. So, what are you supposed to do with all …

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Snails and slugs on cannabis plants

Snails and slugs on marijuana plants

You have definitely seen these before. Slugs are gooey and around one inch long with astute antennae. Snails are just slugs with a shell they can retreat into if they feel a threat nearby. Both of these can cause harm to your marijuana plants. Slugs are very common and attack a large variety of plants. The damage …

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How to Monster Crop Marijuana

Monster cropping marijuana

Monster cropping is a powerful method of creating huge buds from flowering cannabis plants. Also known as Flowering Clones, it’s not as popular as other training techniques but it often leads to remarkable harvests. By taking the budding clones and putting them back to vegetation, we create a bunch of plants with more colas. Thus, …

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Copper deficiency in cannabis plants

Copper deficiency in marijuana plants

If your marijuana plant has a copper deficiency, this means simply that it doesn’t receive enough copper. This could be due to a lack of copper in its nutrients or something stopping it from accessing the normal amounts of nutrients. Copper toxicity is when the plant has too much copper. This also means it is …

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Can stress cause hermaphrodite cannabis plants

Can stress cause hermaphrodite marijuana plants

Marijuana plants come in two forms: male and female. But what about plants that exhibit traits from both sexes? These are known as hermaphrodites, and they can be very frustrating for marijuana growers. In this article you will learn: Can stress cause hermaphrodite, how to avoid and how to identify. Hermaphroditic marijuana plants have grown …

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places to hide your stash

Hiding weed

If you live in a house with roommates (and most of us do because the economy is in the toilet and the cost of living is getting higher) you might be in a situation where you need to hide your stash from nosy (or handsy) roommates or your kids. Where can you hide your stash …

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Nitrogen deficiency in cannabis plants

Cannabis Nitrogen Deficiency: Signs, Solutions, and Prevention

A limited amount of nitrogen is a one of the more prevalent nutrient deficiencies amongst marijuana plants. Nitrogen is definitely a very essential nutrient for marijuana. When cultivating cannabis, understanding nutrient management is vital, and nitrogen plays a crucial role in the health and development of your plants. A nitrogen deficiency can have significant impacts, hindering the …

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