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verticillium wilt on marijuana

Verticillium wilt on marijuana plants

Verticillium wilt happens due to the presence of a fungus, and it occurs most often with marijuana plants in soil that is extremely rich or is not drained properly. Woody plants with roots that are stressed out are what attract fungi the most, so you should always keep a close eye on all of your …

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Algae on cannabis plants

How to get rid of algae in hydroponic marijuana

Many hydroponic growers underestimate the serious damage that algae can cause to marijuana. In fact, most of them allow algae to form in the setup, thinking that it’s okay. But the truth is, it is a living organism that steals nutrients and oxygen from the plants. Despite its harmless appearance, algae can grow greedy, leaving …

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Leaf Septoria On cannabis Plant

Leaf Septoria on marijuana plants

Yellow leaf spot, also known as leaf septoria, are caused by Septoria cannabis and S. neocannabina. These are fungal pathogens aimed specifically at marijuana plants. It is brought about by warm weather and rain and effect marijuana grown outdoors. It may also show up in nitrogen- deficient plants. Read this article and learn how to …

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