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An example of a plant with CYVCV

Citrus Yellow Vein Clearing Virus in Cannabis

As cannabis cultivation increases around the world, scientists are identifying more pathogens that affect the plant. Many growers have heard of the latest pathogens, Hop Latent Viroid and Beet Curly Top Virus. Today, I will discuss another new pathogen, Citrus Yellowing Vein Clearing Virus.  What is the citrus yellow vein clearing virus (CYVCV)? Citrus Yellowing …

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beef curly top virus in cannabis plant with a leafhopper

What is Beet Curly Top Virus in Cannabis?

Every year cannabis cultivation becomes more widespread across the world, and with that, growers experience new blights.  In fact, new pathogens appear every year.  Most people have heard of Hop Latent Viroid, but there are others, such as Citrus Yellowing Vein Associated Viroid and Beet Curly Top Virus in cannabis.   This article will explore Beet …

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brown spots on cannabis plant leaves

Brown Spots on Weed Leaves

Brown spots on weed leaves are a common issue in the cannabis growing community. While they may not be attractive, they can wreak havoc on your crop if left unchecked. This blog post will discuss the causes of brown spots on weed leaves and how to prevent or fix them. First of all, it’s important …

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foxtailing marijuana

Marijuana foxtails

Despite being hardy by nature, cannabis plants are responsive to the environment they grow, meaning a double-edged sword for growers.  On the one hand, they use the responsiveness of cannabis to increase its yield through plant training techniques and different growing methods.  On the other, this means cannabis is more likely to respond to stress …

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Bud rot on marijuana plants

Bud Rot on marijuana plants

Bud rot (also known as gray mold or botrytis) is one of the most devastating fungal diseases to hit marijuana crops. It thrives in cool temperate climates where a high level of humidity is present. Bud rot is so harmful to your plants that it could destroy your whole garden of marijuana plants in less …

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Bacterial and fungal controls

Bacterial and fungal controls for marijuana plants

When you run into trouble with your grow you’ll want to act as fast as possible to prevent bigger problems. This guide will learn you all about bacterial and fungal issues that may occur with your grow. Ampelomyces Quis Qualis These are naturally occurring hyperparasites of powdery mildew. They form colonies on the infection, reducing …

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Tobacco mosaic virus on marijuana plants

Tobacco mosaic virus on marijuana plants

The tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is a disease that attacks not only marijuana plants, but also tomato, pepper, eggplant, tobacco, spinach, petunia, and marigold. It isn’t very selective, but it does have a high impact. Read this article and learn how to recognize and treat TVM. Make sure to download my free Grow Bible for more information. What …

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Powdery mildew on marijuana plants

Powdery Mildew on Cannabis

Powdery mildew, also known as white powdery mildew, comes from lots of different fungi. Powdery mildew looks like white or gray powdery growths on the leaves of your cannabis plants. It appears on grow areas indoors and outdoors and is foreshadowed by small bumps on the topsides of leaves. Typical species of fungi that go …

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Dual purpose controls for pests and disease

Dual Purpose Controls For Pests And Disease

Cinnamon Oil and Tea Cinnamon, as a ‘hot’ spice deters many fungal diseases and insects alike. Powdery mildew, ants, aphids, fungus gnats, spider mites, thrips and whiteflies are among the critters that don’t like cinnamon. When used as an oil spray, the spice will adhere to leaves giving it time to work against many ailments. …

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Diseases on marijuana plants

Diseases on marijuana plants

Diseases on marijuana plants and infections (cannabis diseases) usually create the worst possible issues for your plants. They have a tendency to be much harder to treat than pests. Diseases in your plants will usually come in one of two major categories: fungal or bacterial. Fungal diseases are often caused by environments that are too …

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Fusarium on cannabis plants

Fusarium on marijuana plants

Fusarium is a type of fungi that specifically targets the leaves and roots of the marijuana plants. Dormant in warm, tropical soil, it can wait for years for the perfect time to hit the crop. Hence, it can be present anywhere in the garden. In addition, it is often spread by running water and garden …

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