How to Yield More

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High stress marijuana training

High Stress Training (HST) for weed plants

High-stress training (HST) is a cannabis-growing method that helps you get the most out of your plants. It can increase your cannabis plants’ yield and the amount of THC in their buds.  It is, however, risky because it has the potential to cause your plants to become overstressed. Worry not; this step-by-step high-stress training guide …

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Cannabis ruderalis buds

How to grow big marijuana buds

If you really want to maximize the outcome of your harvest, you are going to need to figure out a few things. First, you’ll need to be able to identify the type of plants you are growing. Then, in order to know how to grow huge marijuana buds, you need to understand how to make …

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Mainlining marijuana plants

Mainlining weed: How the pros get higher yields

Many cannabis growers want reliable ways to increase the yield and efficiency of their plants. Mainlining is a cannabis growing technique that increases yield. This article will describe what you need to know about this technique, including a step by step process, and answer many of your frequently asked questions.  The goal of manifolding is …

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how to prune marijuana plants

Pruning marijuana plants

For many growers, the topic of pruning cannabis can be controversial at best. Is it worth it to prune marijuana plants? It can increase yield, so I absolutely say yes, but there are risks involved when pruning cannabis. The thing is, pruning has many benefits, but it’s not the only way to increase yield. There …

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How to Monster Crop Marijuana

Monster cropping marijuana

Monster cropping is a powerful method of creating huge buds from flowering cannabis plants. Also known as Flowering Clones, it’s not as popular as other training techniques but it often leads to remarkable harvests. By taking the budding clones and putting them back to vegetation, we create a bunch of plants with more colas. Thus, …

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Bigger Marijuana Yields

How to Maximize Cannabis Yields

Did you know you can train your marijuana plant? Plenty of experienced growers use a variety of techniques to shape their plants and encourage bigger yields. These advance growing techniques make indoor growing more efficient and help them to get bigger marijuana yields. Your marijuana plant may not look like it’s doing anything, but it …

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Sea of green sog cannabis growing

Sea of Green (SOG) marijuana growing

Sea of Green, usually abbreviated “SOG,” is a method of growing marijuana that forces flowering at a young age. The plants will have only been in a vegetative state for about two weeks. This method allows you to harvest much earlier than growing your plants normally. The Sea of Green (SOG) method is a cultivation technique popularized …

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Weed plant in the early flowering stage

Defoliation: How Pruning Can Improve Your Yield

Have you heard that pruning can boost your cannabis yield but feel a bit nervous about accidentally harming your plants? I get it—overdoing it while pruning is a common worry, and it makes sense to be cautious. But here’s the good news: when done properly, defoliation can make a real difference in your cannabis harvest. …

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