Raising marijuana indoors

Mistakes I’ve Made with My First Indoor Cannabis Grow in Soil

The cold weather had set in, and the four small cannabis seedlings in their new fabric pots huddled together on my garage workbench, teeth chattering. Well, if they had teeth… Overhead, an array of incandescent, halogen, CFL, and LED lights clung exploitatively onto the tools protruding off the pegboard. But they didn’t produce enough heat …

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Mistakes when hydro growing by lief goodman

Mistakes I’ve Made With My First Hydroponics Cannabis Grow

“I’m gonna put a sign up: no sunglasses, no hoodies!” spat the cashier in the crowded hydroponics store.  Opposite him, Shirley cringed under her cowl and stylish Ray Bans. In disbelief, I watched the encounter from across the store, sheepishly pulling my own sunglasses and hood off. I guess my wife and I weren’t the …

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