Grow Stages

HomeGrow GuidesGrow Stages
marijuana seedling stage

Seedling Stage

Learn how to take care of your marijuana plant in the first few weeks of its life. Learn everything from germination to vegetation.

marijuana vegetative stage

Vegetative Stage

Learn how to grow your plant to its maximum potential. From the average vegetation to the usage of correct nutrients for the biggest plants possible,

marijuana flowering stage

Flowering Stage

The flowering stage is perhaps the most important phase of your marijuana plant. Learn how to grow the biggest and most potent buds.

marijuana harvesting stage

Harvesting Stage

Learn how to harvest, store and cure your buds for the maximum yield with the best tasting and smelling buds you’ve ever experienced.


A person documenting details of an outdoor marijuana growing operation.

How To Keep A Cannabis Grow Journal Like A Pro

Ask any experienced grower if they have ever taken notes or kept a cannabis grow journal. The answer will overwhelmingly be yes. By tracking important variables in the garden, growers can look back a few days, weeks, or even years to find similarities when runs turn out perfectly or result in disaster. Chefs use specific …

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A man is moving a cannabis sapling into a more spacious pot.

How & When to Transplant Cannabis Seedlings?

Transplanting cannabis seedlings from their initial germination medium to a different pot is crucial for their development. As a weed plant grows, it needs space for the roots to spread out, collecting nutrients to grow to its full potential size. Failure to transplant correctly can lead to stressed weed plants, stunted growth, or even death. …

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Growroom filled with flowering marijuana plants

How Long Should You Veg Your Weed Plants?

One of the biggest questions new cannabis growers face is knowing the right time to switch their plants from the “Cannabis Vegetative Stage” (veg) to the flowering stage. You might think there’s a magic number of days or that it’s based on the height of your plant, but the truth is—it’s a little more complex …

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banner for coco peat and rockwool

How to Germinate Cannabis Seeds in Rockwool, Peat, or Coco

The time has come for your cannabis seeds from ILGM to arrive in the mail. You are now ready to begin your mission to become the next big thing in the breeding world, use complex hydro systems, or find the ultimate mother plant. (Why not?) Whatever your end goal, one thing’s for certain: everything starts …

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Cannabis seed beginning to grow in rich soil

How to Germinate Cannabis Seeds in Soil

Germinating cannabis seeds in soil is a traditional practice that connects your grow with the cycles of nature. Here, we’ll examine the reasons behind it and best practices for starting weed seeds in soil. TL/DR Why Would I Want to Germinate Cannabis Seeds Directly in Soil? Known as “direct sowing,” planting marijuana seeds in soil …

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Cannabis seedlings labeled

Label Cannabis Seedlings to Keep Them Apart

Proper labeling of germinating cannabis seeds is crucial for successful cultivation. Accurate labeling allows a grower to keep track of important primary information like strain names, cultivar types, and growth cycle dates.  This information helps growers identify and monitor growth patterns and specific requirements for each cultivar. Accurate marijuana labels will help ensure consistency, provide …

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Jar of marijuana buds in dark room curing

Curing Cannabis: Why it’s Important, and How to Cure Weed Properly.

Finally, the time has come. You’ve grown your first crop of beautiful cannabis flowers,  harvested your buds (I hope you kept your trimmings; those are useful), and they look amazing—but wait! Before you light it up, there’s an essential final step that turns “meh”  weed into MAGIC weed.  Yup, I’m talking about curing. Never heard …

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germinating marijuana seeds using water

How to Germinate Cannabis Seeds in Water: A Beginner’s Guide

If you’ve ever attempted to grow your own cannabis at home, you probably understand the importance of mastering seed germination. It’s obviously disheartening to set off on your growing adventure, getting all the gear, checking all the boxes, planting your seed, and…nothing.  The seed was a dud. But don’t throw in the towel just yet; …

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Outdoors frozen cannabis plant

Stratification: Waking Up Stubborn Cannabis Seeds With A Cold Shower

You don’t always need to cold-stratify cannabis seeds, but there are some circumstances where knowing how will come in handy.  Decades of cannabis cultivation prohibition created a unique culture around growing our favorite plant. Although it thrives outdoors in a variety of global climates, many home growers and professional seed-makers learned and continue to grow …

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assembly line weed

How to set up a perpetual cannabis harvest indoors

Perpetual means never-ending, and if you consider yourself a hardcore consumer of cannabis, then surely an endless head stash is what dreams are made of? There is nothing worse than running low on flowers, your remaining bubble hash seems to be getting smaller by the hour, and your friends are all in the same boat. …

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germinating marijuana seeds using a paper towel

How to Germinate Cannabis Seeds in Paper Towels

If you’re new to growing cannabis, the first step you’ll need to master is seed germination. It’s how you get your seeds to sprout, turning those tiny cannabis seeds into thriving plants. One of the most popular and beginner-friendly ways to germinate seeds is using the paper towel method. It’s simple, effective, and widely trusted …

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