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Watering & Nutrients

HomeGrow GuidesWatering & Nutrients

What is Fertilizer

Every grow stage requires its specific macro- and micronutrients. Learn all about the optimized solutions.


How to Water

When and how to water and fertilize your plants matters. Learn all about the best techniques to maximize results.


Natural Growing

Learn how to compost and other methods to grow your plants closest to nature with our organic guides.


Hemp plant covered in glistening water beads

The Best Way to Flush Your Cannabis Plants

Flushing is the art of washing your growing medium with plain water or an enzyme solution.  The goal behind this is to push the plants over the finishing line and produce a superior, smooth-tasting bud full of flavor and aroma. I will explain the science behind flushing, the different ways to flush, and how to …

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hydrophonics drip methods

Growing cannabis with a hydroponic drip irrigation system

Recently, due to the rise of social media posts and great success with the process, growing cannabis plants using drip irrigation may be the new standard for many indoor enthusiasts. Jumping ship from organic to hydroponics with drip lines and a pump can be highly advantageous, allowing a grower to increase yields and save time …

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hot soil in a cannabis pot

What is Hot Soil and How to Fix It

Hot soil is a phrase that gets thrown around a lot in the cannabis community, but what does it mean? It does not refer to the temperature or the visual beauty of your medium. Instead, hot soil references an excess of nutrients and additives. This excess can create a range of different problems with your …

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white bucket with compost tea

Compost tea for cannabis

Compost tea is an effective and natural solution for enhancing organic cannabis cultivation. As growers seek sustainable and organic methods to optimize plant growth, compost tea for cannabis has gained popularity for its numerous benefits. This nutrient-rich liquid fertilizer, created by steeping compost in water, offers a holistic approach to nurturing cannabis plants.  In this …

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Automatic Watering System For Growing Cannabis

Automatic Watering System For Growing Marijuana

Cannabis plants need adequate hydration to thrive and achieve maximum yield. When grown in an ideal environment, you’ll see just how thirsty they can get. Your cannabis plants need water and naturally consume a lot of it –  especially photos. Remember, they’re made of 80% water! Keeping cannabis plants properly hydrated in optimal growing conditions …

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Autoflower marijuana plant growing outdoors

Autoflower Feeding Schedule

Plants need food like the rest of us. And just like us, knowing what food leads to what outcome within the body is essential. Cannabis plants have different nutrients that help power other systems within them, and these can typically break down into micronutrients and macronutrients. The three main components you’ll see contributing to the …

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feeding marijuana plants

How often should I give my cannabis plants nutrients?

Providing nutrients to your cannabis plants is necessary if you want the best results from the strain you’re cultivating.  However, there are a lot of variables at play when it comes to trying to feed your plants the nutrients they need.  To maximize your yield’s quantity and quality, you have to know how to use …

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Watering outdoor cannabis plants

Watering outdoor weed plants

One of the most obvious factors of growing healthy outdoor plants is that you need to figure out how often should you water your outdoor weed plants. Unless you live in a place that allows you to grow cannabis freely, an essential part of determining your best watering method is secrecy and liability. You need …

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Best Cannabis Nutrients

The Best Marijuana Fertilizers Available

Picking the perfect marijuana fertilizer is hard. I personally dread it, and try to minimize using cannabis nutrients by starting with the ideal growing environment and high-quality genetics. However, there comes a time when every grower needs nutrients, especially when you are just starting out.  TL/DR I will help you pick your ideal fertilizer by sharing some …

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The complete guide to growing marijuana naturally

The complete guide to growing weed naturally

Remember when growing and smoking marijuana was widely considered a “hippy” activity? Cannabis has a rich history as part of a movement that was focused on living peacefully without harming the planet or other human beings by growing marijuana naturally. Yet today marijuana is grown using chemical fertilizers and pesticides, not to mention vast amounts …

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Foliar feed cannabis

How to foliar feed your marijuana plants

Foliar feeding can be incredibly beneficial for your marijuana plants. Although this tends to go against popular perception, marijuana plants require regular spraying and/or misting. Plants can and will absorb nutrients from their leaves with a nutrient solution mixture. Foliar feeding provides a rapid boost to your marijuana plants, ultimately producing larger, better, and more …

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When is the best time to water weed plants?

When is the best time to water weed plants?

Cannabis plants use a lot of water, and regardless of what sort of setup you’re using, you’re going to want to make sure you know the best time to water your weed plants. Water acts as a vehicle for dissolved nutrients and minerals, being absorbed through the roots before spreading through the rest of the …

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