An example of a plant with CYVCV

Citrus Yellow Vein Clearing Virus in Cannabis

As cannabis cultivation increases around the world, scientists are identifying more pathogens that affect the plant. Many growers have heard of the latest pathogens, Hop Latent Viroid and Beet Curly Top Virus. Today, I will discuss another new pathogen, Citrus Yellowing Vein Clearing Virus.  What is the citrus yellow vein clearing virus (CYVCV)? Citrus Yellowing …

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Spidermites on a marijuana plant

Integrated Pest Management for the Beginner Cannabis Grower

One blight that every cannabis cultivator faces at some point is pests. The term pest can describe many nuisances but primarily entails insects such as aphids and spider mites. Battling these menaces can seem daunting to beginner gardeners, but with a good Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program, growers can feel confident they’re protecting their crops …

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Hypochlorous acid cannabis

Hypochlorous acid and cannabis growing

In this age of cannabis cultivation, you’ll find many products for the different issues cultivators face. You’ll also find many conflicting reports on those products. Unsurprisingly, knowing what to turn to when problems arise can be hard. Hypochlorous acid (HCIO) has seen a lot of controversy on forums and grow stores all over the world. …

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beef curly top virus in cannabis plant with a leafhopper

What is Beet Curly Top Virus in Cannabis?

Every year cannabis cultivation becomes more widespread across the world, and with that, growers experience new blights.  In fact, new pathogens appear every year.  Most people have heard of Hop Latent Viroid, but there are others, such as Citrus Yellowing Vein Associated Viroid and Beet Curly Top Virus in cannabis.   This article will explore Beet …

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hot soil in a cannabis pot

What is Hot Soil and How to Fix It

Hot soil is a phrase that gets thrown around a lot in the cannabis community, but what does it mean? It does not refer to the temperature or the visual beauty of your medium. Instead, hot soil references an excess of nutrients and additives. This excess can create a range of different problems with your …

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A woman holding soil in her hands, ready for planting.

Living Soil for Growing Cannabis

There are many different ways to cultivate cannabis plants, each with pros and cons. You must consider them when choosing your best style. Personally, my favorite method is living soil. At first glance, it may sound daunting and super scientific with big words like rhizosphere, biodynamic, and flocculation, but rest assured, living soil is as …

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