ILGM Discount Codes

The official I Love Growing Marijuana discount codes

Congratulations, you found it!

You can find all the official ilovegrowingmarijuana discount codes here. If you stumble across any other ILGM coupon codes online, well save you some time.

They are not going to work.

So let’s cut to the chase, stop copying nonsense phrases, and get to ordering some seeds, shall we? To be honest, I’m not even bothered you are out there searching for discounts. I’m honored, really! So I’ve gone ahead and put all of my active promo codes into this handy place.

Landing on this page is like a coupon code scavenger hunt, and you have just won.

Active ilovegrowingmarijuana discount codes and promos

We love you for shopping at the ILGM seed bank!

This is the one and only place for official ilovegrowingmarijuana discount codes.

Made up your mind about which seeds to order?
Would you like $10 bucks off your next order?

Simply use this promo code:


If you’ve already used that code and need something different, try this promo code:

Use that code for $5 bucks off your order. Yes, I have five on it, now get to growing!

You’ll only have to enter one of these codes at checkout to have the discount applied.

ILGM Discount codes

Ilovegrowingmarijuana discount codes aren’t the only way to save on marijuana seeds and growing supplies. We also have some great deals! Here are all of the ways that you can save:

$5 OFFFive bucks off your entire order5fromrobert
$10 OFFTen bucks off your entire order!THXFROMROBERT$
10 FREEGet 10 free seeds when buying 10 White WidowGo to seeds
10 FREEGet 10 free seeds when buying 10 White Widow AutoflowersGo to seeds
10 FREEGet 10 free seeds when buying 10 Super SkunkGo to seeds
10 FREEGet 10 free seeds when buying 10 Super Silver HazeGo to seeds
ALL DEALSSee all our special offersGo to deals

Unlike our promo codes, our deals are automatically added to your cart, so you won’t have to worry about entering a coupon code. You can also doubly save by using both a promo code and purchasing a deal. Just keep in mind, a coupon code can only be used once.

ILGM Freebies and seed bank deals

We stand by the quality of our products and aim to provide the most accurate information with our seeds. Therefore we refrain from handing out ILGM freebies. You can usually find some strains on sale or you can combine some flavors with our seed variety packs. If anything’s not up to snuff, we give a warranty that your seeds germinate properly. Be sure to check out our warranty policies and delve into the strain properties to get a good feel for what you’re growing.

Want more deals or I Love Growing coupons?

I already know I have great deals and coupon codes, but I also recognize the thrill of the bargain. So, if you’d like to receive an immediate notification of any exclusive deals, I recommend signing up to get my emails. Maybe you’ve already used all of my promo codes, or you’re waiting on the perfect deal. When I have the chance to host a sale, my email subscribers are the first to know.

This is huge because sometimes it only takes 24 hours for the rest of the team to realize I have hosted a sale, and promptly put a stop to it.

Happy Growing,
