Growing Indoors

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Indoor grow tents

A Buyer’s Guide to the Best Cannabis Grow Tents

Cannabis grow tents have become an important component in the home grow environment. Growers no longer need to build custom rooms or piece together items to create a makeshift indoor gardening space; grow tents are purpose-built and address their needs.  Grow tents make it easier, but choosing the perfect one can be challenging since along …

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Soundproof room for police

How to soundproof your grow room or tent

The art of discretion as an indoor grower is based on sight, smell, and sound. If these three factors are well covered, you should never need to worry about an unexpected knock on the door or for any neighbors to ever suspect you of being a green-fingered enthusiast. In this article, I explain all you …

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Banner basement room grow

Basement Grow Room Tips

So you have a basement and a dream. What’s next?  When people think of home growing, they immediately jump to growing in a closet or a tent. While that’s feasible and possible, those with space in their basement might want to make the most of it. Although it can be rewarding, building a grow room …

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Grow tent kit mock up

Best Grow Tent Kits

Growing marijuana indoors is a popular choice for many cannabis growers. Indoors, growers can control their plant’s environment and minimize pest issues. Additionally, many growers use indoor grow tent kits when constructing their indoor grow space. Grow tents come in many sizes, but even small grow tent kits include three key components: tent, light, and …

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Banner Stealth Grow Boxes

Stealth Grow Boxes

When stealth is the name of the game, building your own secret garden in the privacy of your own home can give you the peace of mind you always wanted. In this article, I explain all you need to know about stealth boxes, including soundproofing, hydroponic, lighting options, homemade stealth box ideas, how to build …

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Attic grow room

Attic Grow Room Tips

When you start cultivating cannabis indoors, whether the beginning of a lifetime endeavor or a seasonal hobby, there are many initial hurdles to overcome to give your plants the environment they need to thrive. Knowing where to start can be a challenge. Advice on building an indoor grow depends on your techniques and setup, but …

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A house with an open garage

Garage Grow Room Tips

Garages can provide an excellent inside place to grow cannabis. First of all, there are many design options when building a grow room in a garage. Growers can treat the open area as a large grow room with multiple lights or section off a corner to grow just a few plants. You have options. Some …

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Attic grow marijuana for small growers

Best Places to Grow Cannabis Indoors

Cultivating cannabis indoors lets you control the many variables marijuana plants face while growing. Indoors, you can grow cannabis plants year-round, train them to stay small or trigger them to flower when needed. All of these things are quite hard to do outdoors. That’s why, whether you’re just starting out or if it is a …

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Couple of plants within a growtent

How Many Cannabis Plants Fit in a Grow Tent?

The dream cannabis garden might be a wide-open area full of beautiful plants under the blue sky, but for most of us, indoor growing is the reality (which actually has a number of benefits to it).  Figuring out how many plants to fit in your grow tent can be tricky. It depends on factors like …

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Marijuana plants growing indoors under grow lights

A beginner’s guide to hanging grow lights

Certain things can happen in the grow room that most growers only consider once it happens. Once it happens, those growers will never forget. Having your lights fall and crush your healthy, striving, gorgeous-looking cannabis plants is an experience no one forgets. In this article, we will fill you in with all the details, tips, …

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Couple of plants within a growtent

Everything You Need to Know About Cannabis Grow Tents

If you’re growing cannabis indoors, one of the most important tools in your setup is a cannabis grow tent. These specially designed tents create an ideal, controlled environment that helps maximize the health and yield of your plants. Whether you’re just starting your cannabis-growing journey or looking to fine-tune your indoor garden, knowing the basics …

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