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Silicon Deficiency In Marijuana Plants

A silicon deficiency is extremely rare, but it can prohibit the plants from producing sturdy leaves, roots, or stems. Fungal and bacterial diseases along with insect infestations are all more common during a silicon deficiency. Photosynthesis is limited and the eventual yield is also lessened. Silicon is not, however, mobile.

Make sure to add the correct amount of nutrients to your soil in order to prevent Silicon deficiency. Prevent future issues with balancing your nutrients by giving your plants my Bergman’s Plant Food, which you can find in the store alongside a super easy to follow feeding schedule.

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Bergman’s Plant Food

  • Suitable for at least 5 plants
  • All the nutrients from seedling to harvest
  • Created specifically for marijuana plants
  • Suitable for soil, hydroponic and other growing mediums

Silicon is important for creating a barrier between the plant and pests or diseases. It is also vital for creating sturdy stems and branches.

Some of the ways to rid yourself of a silicon deficiency include:

  • Diatomaceous earth
  • Silica planting medium
  • Silicate salts
  • Liquid Silicon

Download my free grow bible to learn more about silicon deficiency.

You can also try a product called Marijuana Booster which is meant to provide you with the best mix of nutrients to create the biggest buds and yields possible.

Outdoor Cannabis Plants
Image provided by Unsplash.com

Thanks for reading and if you’re not sure what the problem is with your marijuana plants, please post a picture on the forum or email it to me. Using the correct nutrients and plant protector will get you a long way and your plants will have less chance of getting sick, in addition of being less vulnerable for pests and diseases.

To make sure other growers don’t have the problems a lot of starters experience, I have created multiple grow sets which features all you need in order to grow healthy plants from seed to harvest!

buy all-in-one marijuana grow set

All-in-one grow kit


Robert Bergman


Robert Bergman is an Amsterdam-based marijuana grow expert who has years of experience from small grows to massive operations ... See profile