Pets have good and bad aspects to them when it comes to growing marijuana. Dogs, for instance, are especially good at chasing away unwanted animals, such as birds or small mammals.
On the other hand, they can actually harm your plants, especially if they choose your plants as a nice place to defecate.
For some reason, this seems to happen more often than not when you bring your pet along to your grow site.
Signs cats and dogs
Domesticated pet poop is not only unpleasant – it could have parasites in it that would be bad news for your compost pile. In other words, it would be a toxic substance to add to your compost pile. If you combine a pet’s defecation with it trampling your plants, it could cause some serious damage to your marijuana plants.
For some reason, many marijuana growers report their pets loving to wind their way through their garden of marijuana plants. Both trample your plants and cats will even pee on them.
This is especially damaging to your plants because cat urine contains large amounts of ammonia and nitrogen – this will burn your plants. If you ever see your cat (or the neighbor cat) peeing on your plants, make sure to immediately pour water over the soil so the urine is diluted.
Cats are also known to eat marijuana plants. I used to have a cat that always tried to sneak into my grow room and have some leaves. I think I know what attracts them to marijuana but it’s still weird 😉
Not sure if cats and dogs are causing the damage to your marijuana plants? Check the article Marijuana pest and bug control for a list with pictures of all pests and bugs. We also offer the complete Plant Protector set, which will protect your plants and will give your grow the highest chance of survival!
Buy plant protector set
- Protection against diseases and pests
- Consists of three 20 ml bottles
- Enough plant protection for 20 plants
How to get rid of cats and dogs
The only sure-fire way of ensuring that your pets don’t cause any damage to your marijuana plants is to train them to avoid the garden altogether. It’s not as tricky as it might sound. Even cats will know to stay away from your plants if you put a dusting of hot chili pepper across the soil. This method even keeps other pests (besides your pets) away, so it’s a win-win.
If you have an indoor cat, you should also make sure their indoor litter box is nice and clean. If it’s an outdoor cat, you should make some sort of a sand-based area that cats will prefer to use. You do need to always keep it clean, however, or else cats will find a new location to do their business.
Another way to keep all cats away is placing chicken wire across the top of your soil. Cats find it unpleasant to walk on and, therefore, will avoid it. You can then use wire cutters to cut holes where your plants will grow.
Dogs’ main problem is their addiction to digging. If you have a pet dog, give it an area where it is allowed to dig. If you have trouble training them to only dig in one area, keep them on a leash – don’t confine them to too little space, but at least keep them away from your marijuana garden.
The correct fertilizers and protectors will give you an edge against any and all pests. I have created multiple grow sets which features all you need in order to grow healthy plants from seed to harvest!
Marijuana grow set
- Everything you need to grow your plants!
- 20 feminized seeds
- Marijuana Fertilizer Set for 5-10 plants
- Plant Protector for 20 plants
List of marijuana plant symptoms
– Cats or dogs digging around marijuana plants
– Cats or dogs defecating near plants
– Burnt roots
– Plant death
Sometimes pets will chew on your plants or on the weed you get from those plants. The THC doesn’t only work on humans – it has an effect on pets, too. While it usually will mellow out most cats and dogs, about a quarter of animals who ingest marijuana become hyped up and loud-mouthed.
While it might sound funny, ingesting marijuana can actually be quite dangerous, or in higher quantities even deadly, for your pets. Keep the marijuana away from your precious pets, both for your pets sake as for your plants.
Thanks for reading. Please leave comments or questions below and don’t forget to download my free grow bible
Happy growing!