Whiteflies on marijuana plants

Whiteflies tend to conceal themselves under marijuana leaves and they can be just as destructive. They are very small and spread diseases while eating one plant then going on to the next.

They will travel great distances releasing honeydew and spreading plant diseases in large amounts. Whiteflies will feed on the leaves and stems of marijuana plants and are one of the most harmful pests to your plants.

Ways to recognize whiteflies

In order to see if whiteflies are present, just shake the plant. After this, if you notice a flock of something that resembles winged white dust or small white moths flying around, then you have whiteflies.

White flies on cannabis plants

Your marijuana plant will show signs of damage from whiteflies. One of the mains signs is chlorosis deficiency, which is basically yellowing in the leaves. The leaves will start to dry up beginning around the edges, then falling off. The growth of the plant will also start to reduce and degenerate.

Not sure if whiteflies are causing the damage to your marijuana plants? Check the article Marijuana pest and bug control for a list with pictures of all pests and bugs.

To protect the entire plant from pests, use Bergman’s Plant protector, which comes in a package of three bottles.

Marijuana plant protector

Bergman’s Plant Protector

  • Protect your plants from diseases and harmful pests.
  • Consists of three 20 ml bottles
  • Enough plant protection system supplies for up to 20 plants
  • Suitable for soil, hydroponic and all other grow mediums

How to get rid of whiteflies

Whiteflies are resistant to pesticides, so they are a terrible enemy. They always show up like a mob which makes it difficult to deal with them. The right way to control them is to take preventative measures.

Stop whiteflies on marijuana plants
Stop whiteflies on marijuana plants

Companion planting is an excellent, natural way to stop whitefly attacks. Planting zinnia inside your plants along with the aforementioned marigolds will push them out of your yard and onto someone else’s.

Zinnias appeal to natural whitefly predators when they are a part of your garden. They gain the attention of hummingbirds, predatory wasps and flies, who like to prey on whiteflies. Hummingbird bush, bee balm, and pineapple sage are some examples of mint scented plants that hide the smell of any nearby plants that whiteflies are attracted to.

Also read The best companion plants for cannabis

It for any reason that doesn’t work there are still other options. Try misting your plant with a garlic oil solution, similar to what is used on aphids. A commercial product like Bug Blaster will always to the job. If you want to make sure to kill them all buy something like Bug Blaster.

One more natural option you can try is making an oil spray by combining two tablespoons vegetable oil with one-gallon water. Pour this solution into a spray bottle and mist your plants really well, giving special focus to the areas under the leaves. Do this two times a week until they are gone. Your nearby gardening center should have sprays for removing white flies.

Marijuana plant symptoms

  • White spots under the leaves
  • Slow plant growth and deterioration
  • Yellowing on leaves
  • Edges of leaves are dry
  • Leaves become brittle and fall off

If there were ever a pest that was not your plants friend, the whitefly is definitely the one. You will want to check underneath the leaves of your plant and shake it frequently to ensure these are nowhere in sight. If you see a gang of these, get rid of them immediately.

There are many measures that can be taken to prevent pests, but for those with limited time, I have created multiple grow sets which features all you need in order to grow healthy plants from seed to harvest!

buy Gold Leaf marijuana strain grow kit

Buy your grow set

FAQs about whiteflies on weed

What are some common signs of whiteflies on marijuana plants?

Your cannabis plants have most likely been infested with whiteflies if you notice white spots under the leaves, slow plant growth and deterioration, and yellowing or brittle leaves.

How can you get rid of whiteflies on cannabis?

You can try companion planting or misting your plant with a garlic oil or vegetable oil solution for two weeks. We also have Marijuana Plant Protector in our shop which offers enough plant protection system supplies for up to 20 plants.

Have you dealt with whiteflies while growing your marijuana plants? Please share your experience in the comments!

Download my free marijuana grow bible to know more about whiteflies and other cannabis pests.

Happy growing!


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25 thoughts on “Whiteflies on marijuana plants”

  1. Ya there not that bad but they are pain to get rid of i found good solutions if grow in a tent open both doors take a blow dryer blow the adults out spray the eggs the be gone the next day tip of the week

  2. White flies are a pain I am also using sticky house plant traps they are yellow and white flies seem to like this color. I put traps in and after about an hour had caught several on each little sticky trap. Need to run my hands gently through the plants to get the little pests to fly off I also then tap the soil to get them up in the air. 42 traps for $15 not to bad still need to spray and rub solutions on leafs for the eggs. So far I think I am making progress.

  3. That is the whole point of a H2o2 bath. Make sure you have a big enough reservoir or tub to fill up in order to do this process. I would not apply anything else, personally. 🙂

    Happy washing!

  4. RE: smoking weed with bug poop: I bought a microscope to see when trichomes are ripe. Useful for identifying pests; @ 100x, even, I’m told, broad mites. Unfortunately you can also see dead bugs, bits of random fiber, and little piles of bug poop here and there. There’s not a lot, unless a plant is heavily infested, although a part of a bud that’s been chomped on heavily by caterpillars will be full of their shit. I’ve read about washing buds in a weak H2O2 solution, and I’ve used NukeEm to kill bud rot and powdery mildew–kills bugs, too–but it’s just 0.05% citric acid (by weight) water and wetting agents, further diluted 1/32 with water. But it’s >$20 for 8 ounces; I bought a half-kilo of dry powder pure citric acid for $17, and I’ll mix my own. Should be two lifetime supplies.

    So what I’m wondering is, do you think I can wash buds–agitate gently?–in either H2O2 or citric acid solution, without knocking all the trichomes off?

  5. This is my second planting season. I grow outdoors in felt pots. First time I had tons of bugs. Caterpillars, mites got to most of 6 plants. Did some research and found that blue dawn (teaspoon), 24 oz water and a dab (teaspoon and a 1/2) neem oil works miracles. Spray this concoction on plants in early stages, 4-5 nodes. Made it a point to spray it semi- weekly during veg, less each time and at night. Get underside of leaves and trunk coated. Spray soil. Since then, no bugs, no damage to plants or buds. Trickes are plentiful and white. It’s DIY solution. Took care of my concerns.

  6. Thats one of the reasons they inspect it so close,medical has standards that if its infected with bugs an eggs its probably not real healthy to puff on.especially if you already have medical issues…..probably taste like bacon an eggs?????? New strain name!!!! Unbelievable how out of control theyve let it get….

  7. Im not one for throwing away buds youve been careing for ,gor 4 months or so.But smoking bug poop an eggs an shells of the eggs….wow tough one,…. BUG POOP,AN EGGS,! I tjink i will pass, good luck on that one. I feel your pain….

    • Surely you can’t be serious. Have you not eaten a savory piece of food that fell on the table or floor for that matter? Haven’t you ever stuck your tongue in a place that isn’t on any map? If you ever ate at a restaurant and saw what the kitchen does to prepare your food then you just might want to stay home and make your own. Surely, your can’t be serious.

  8. 420queen,

    I like to use yellow sticky trap cards. You can find an insecticidal soap that is not harmful to produce or humans and use that. Might want to give the plant a gentle shower before harvest, and dry with multiple fans afterwards to keep the plant from mold mildew. .

  9. Does anyone know the best way to kill whiteflies on plants that are already budding? Please let me know thank you!

  10. […] Again, pest management techniques usually start by creating an environment that is inhospitable to the pest itself. The best way to accomplish this is by introducing and encouraging natural predators. For example, planting zinnias or other colorful flowers will help attract hummingbirds and insects which can prey on the whiteflies. You can also create diluted garlic mixes to help discourage the whiteflies. Read more about Whiteflies on marijuana plants […]

  11. It was stated above that they spread “plant” diseases. To plants.

    It depends on how bad the infestation was, and how long it took to eradicate the white flies. If this Marijuana is, or was harvested with eggs, and larvae still present in the buds and leaves; I would not consume it. If you cleaned it up, and inspected to see that all eggs and fly poo (honey dew). You may be OK.

  12. Same ques as John…

    Is it safe to consume marijuana from a plant that was infected with white flies? Or once was infected?

    I mean they are pest right?…that too who caries sort of viruses u say 🙂

  13. Is it safe to consume marijuana from a plant that was heavily infected with white flies? My plant was heavily infected during the blooming period, but I managed to minimize their population drastically after about two-three weeks to a controllable amount. Now it is time for harvest and I’m sure these guys left their eggs all around the flowers. Can smoking them cause any harm? I note though that the plant itself does not look very sick anymore.

  14. What if my plants are starting to bud can I still spray with garlic concoction my smoke won’t taste like garlic will it ?


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