Growing Outdoors

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The best companion plants for cannabis

Cannabis companion planting is a relatively new way of growing cannabis. It is 100% natural and packed with a ton of benefits that any pot grower will surely enjoy. What exactly is companion planting, and what makes it such a popular gardening system among pot growers? Let’s find out. Companion planting is a great gardening …

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Gophers and moles on cannabis plants

Gophers and moles on marijuana plants

Moles and gophers are animals that run underground. They often go unseen and tend to surface in dark spaces. They can be harmful to your marijuana plants. There are some things that vary slightly about these two, but one thing is for sure, you don’t want them around your outdoor marijuana garden. Moles vs gophers Moles …

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Outdoor Marijuana Grow Calendar

Outdoor marijuana grow calendar

Growing outdoors is the way to go for many growers. You don’t have to be concerned with expensive lighting and it’s natural. However, you do have to take into account your place on the planet and how this affects your grow season. Because of this fact, I created this grow calendar for the United States …

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Growing marijuana outdoors

The best places to grow marijuana outdoors

If you smoke heavily, you will only need the harvest from between five and seven large female marijuana plants for the entire year – assuming they were grown properly and are as healthy as possible, of course. When growing marijuana outdoors you don’t need a large amount of land. This is not to say, however, …

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Growing cannabis in a greenhouse

Growing marijuana in a greenhouse

Because the popularity of growing marijuana is growing, in general, the amount of interest in using a greenhouse to grow marijuana is growing as well. There are plenty of advantages to growing weed in a greenhouse instead of a grow room, although it comes with its own fair share of drawbacks as well, of course. …

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A young marijuana plant in a white pot

Starting Plants Indoors Then Moving Outdoors

Growing marijuana outdoors is a relatively easy and cheap thing to do, but you should consider some things before starting. In this article, we’ll be considering the process of germinating your seeds and starting the initial growth of your plants indoors before eventually moving them outdoors. Starting your plants off indoors is an excellent way …

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Security in a field

Security When Growing Marijuana

I cannot stress this concept enough: Silence is Golden. Most important for every grower, legal or outlaw—and this bears repeating as often as necessary, especially to yourself—keep your trap shut about where you’re growing your herb. According to police officers themselves, most growing operations that have been busted were exposed by friends of a grower, …

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Protecting Marijuana Plants from Animal Pests

Protecting marijuana plants from animal pests

One of the most serious enemies of marijuana plants is bigger pests such as cats, dogs, and rodents. This also includes wild animals like deer, rabbits, and raccoons. By nature, these creatures like to dig, nibble, and trample on plants. Obviously, this can be bad news to the cannabis crop and hence it is very …

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Growing Marijuana in Australia

Grow calendar Australia

Outdoor grow calendar Aussie Unfortunately, due to restrictions, we are no longer able to ship to Australia. It truly pains us to not be able to help out our loyal Australian customers, and we hope this situation will change one day! Do feel free to sign up to our newsletter, download our Grow Bible, and …

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Cannabis and weather

How To Deal With Cold, Rainy And Humid Weather

The marijuana plant can be a very flexible plant and can grow in extreme weather, but this can cause abnormalities and growth problems. Keep on reading to find out how to solve weather problems and how to protect you marijuana plants. Cold spells Problem: The weather report indicates an upcoming cold spell that could drop below …

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How to grow pot and not get caught

How To Grow Pot Without Getting Caught

Growing marijuana comes with a few of attendant risks. There is always the threat from law enforcement (depending on your location), but thieves also present a problem, especially for outdoor growers. For the most part, getting caught with a small number of plants won’t land you in too much trouble. For instance, I was forced …

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