Where to Grow Outdoors

HomeGrow GuidesGrowing OutdoorsWhere to Grow Outdoors
A farmer managing cannabis crops in the open air.

Prepping for an Outdoor Cannabis Grow

Failing to prepare is preparing to fail, and this remains true with growing cannabis outdoors. Before you plant your seeds into the ground and turn the hose on, there are several factors you should consider before starting your outdoor project. Whether you plan to grow a few autos on your balcony or have been inspired …

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Marijuana windbreak

How To Protect Your Outdoor Marijuana Plants Against Wind

Good air circulation is necessary for cannabis to thrive. However, constant or excessive wind can severely impact your plants’ overall health and yield and lead to a disappointing harvest. Good harvests start with good environmental conditions; selecting an appropriate site is vital in outdoor cultivation. Every site has different needs and limitations. Climatic changes in …

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marijuana plant growing hidden in clearing of forest

Learn all about guerrilla growing cannabis

For those living under the oppressive conditions of an ongoing ‘war on cannabis’, becoming a guerrilla grower is one way to fight back. From the Spanish for ‘little war’, the term “guerrilla” refers to locally- or self-organized resistance uprisings and the folks who participate in them. (NB: If you came here to learn how to …

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Light dep for an outdoor marijuana plants

How to set up DIY light dep for an outdoor grow

In a previous article, we discussed light dep cannabis extensively. If you think it might be right for you, you may wonder, “How can I set up DIY light dep for my plants outdoors?” This article will answer that question.  Light deprivation doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive, but it is limited to outdoor …

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The best companion plants for cannabis

Cannabis companion planting is a relatively new way of growing cannabis. It is 100% natural and packed with a ton of benefits that any pot grower will surely enjoy. What exactly is companion planting, and what makes it such a popular gardening system among pot growers? Let’s find out. Companion planting is a great gardening …

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Growing marijuana outdoors

The best places to grow marijuana outdoors

If you smoke heavily, you will only need the harvest from between five and seven large female marijuana plants for the entire year – assuming they were grown properly and are as healthy as possible, of course. When growing marijuana outdoors you don’t need a large amount of land. This is not to say, however, …

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Growing cannabis in a greenhouse

Growing marijuana in a greenhouse

Because the popularity of growing marijuana is growing, in general, the amount of interest in using a greenhouse to grow marijuana is growing as well. There are plenty of advantages to growing weed in a greenhouse instead of a grow room, although it comes with its own fair share of drawbacks as well, of course. …

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Guerrilla cannabis growing

Guerilla Marijuana Growing Picture Gallery

Get your own guerilla growing going? Plant some quality outdoor marijuana seeds. We sell the finest marijuana strains from Amsterdam, and ship them in the United States for free. Have a look in our marijuana seed shop. Download my FREE marijuana grow bible and start growing high quality marijuana strains.