Marijuana Grow Guides

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Robert Bergman Weed Grow Bible

Marijuana Grow Bible

Wish there was a simple marijuana growing guide that you could use to grow high-quality marijuana at home? Of course, you do; and that’s why I wrote it. There are plenty of guides on growing marijuana, but there is only one marijuana grow bible that breaks down the process into easy-to-understand steps for those that have never grown anything …

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Lollipopping cannabis

Lollipopping marijuana

When it comes to pruning your cannabis, one of the most common and straightforward practices used is lollipopping cannabis plants. This pruning technique is a type of high-stress training (HST) because it involves cutting competing growth on your cannabis plant. You do this to focus all your plants’ energy energy on the main colas to …

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How to tell if your cannabis plant is male or female before flowering

How to tell if your plant is male or female before flowering

Cannabis plants are some of the most interesting plants you can grow. There is so much about them to learn. You could focus on how they produce the many chemicals we enjoy. Perhaps you find how they react to different variables like light and heat interesting. Maybe you are fascinated about growing plants in a …

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High stress marijuana training

High Stress Training (HST) for weed plants

High-stress training (HST) is a cannabis-growing method that helps you get the most out of your plants. It can increase your cannabis plants’ yield and the amount of THC in their buds.  It is, however, risky because it has the potential to cause your plants to become overstressed. Worry not; this step-by-step high-stress training guide …

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Cannabis ruderalis buds

How to grow big marijuana buds

If you really want to maximize the outcome of your harvest, you are going to need to figure out a few things. First, you’ll need to be able to identify the type of plants you are growing. Then, in order to know how to grow huge marijuana buds, you need to understand how to make …

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Gophers and moles on cannabis plants

Gophers and moles on marijuana plants

Moles and gophers are animals that run underground. They often go unseen and tend to surface in dark spaces. They can be harmful to your marijuana plants. There are some things that vary slightly about these two, but one thing is for sure, you don’t want them around your outdoor marijuana garden. Moles vs gophers Moles …

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How To Increase Trichome Production

How to increase trichome production

Weed comes in a variety of flavors and aromas. When growing your own, it’s natural to want those tastes and smells to come out. To do that, you’ll need to know how to increase the trichomes in your plants. They’re responsible for the flavor, fragrance, and experience you get from weed. What are trichomes? The …

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Close-up of tweezers holding a seed with its taproot pointing downward, positioned above a small hole in soil.

Follow These Steps for Guaranteed Germination

If you carefully follow either of the germination methods detailed below, you will have every reason to be on the green path to success. Be patient and always work in a clean and sterile environment by using isopropyl alcohol to sterilize. Use sterile tweezers, clean hands, and a clean work area. Good luck aiming for …

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Grow Cannabis in Space Buckets

Space Buckets: Grow Cannabis at Home While Saving Costs

The word ‘space bucket’ was coined around seven years ago, but supposedly this indoor grow style has been around longer. Someone asked a basic question, ‘Could I grow marijuana in a bucket?’ That led to ‘how to grow weed in a space bucket?’ and ‘what’s the best way to grow marijuana seeds in a space …

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Symptom Checker – Identify Cannabis Plant Problems

Leaf diagnosis chart – Identify cannabis leaf symptoms

This cannabis leaf symptom checker will help you to quickly identify marijuana plant problems and easily diagnose sick marijuana plants! Learn more about common cannabis leaf problems, nutrients, diseases, stresses, pests, and bugs.  Click on any picture for detailed information about a particular marijuana problem, deficiency or symptom and find out what’s wrong with your plant. Nutrient problems …

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How to Fix Moisture Stress in Marijuana Plants

Symptoms and solutions for plant moisture stress

Many things can go wrong in the marijuana garden that results in moisture stress. This condition occurs when the water inside the plant’s cell is too high or low to sustain proper function. To a newbie grower, the varying symptoms make it hard to determine the real cause of the problem. Hence, it’s easy to …

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Best temperature levels for growing cannabis

Best temperature for growing marijuana plants

Ensuring your plants have the perfect temperature is not the easiest thing to do. Some would say it is as much art as it is science. That doesn’t mean you can’t figure it out, though. You just need to learn a few things first; which I will teach you in this article. I’ll explain why …

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