Marijuana Grow Guides

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Hypochlorous acid cannabis

Hypochlorous acid and cannabis growing

In this age of cannabis cultivation, you’ll find many products for the different issues cultivators face. You’ll also find many conflicting reports on those products. Unsurprisingly, knowing what to turn to when problems arise can be hard. Hypochlorous acid (HCIO) has seen a lot of controversy on forums and grow stores all over the world. …

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Attic grow room

Attic Grow Room Tips

When you start cultivating cannabis indoors, whether the beginning of a lifetime endeavor or a seasonal hobby, there are many initial hurdles to overcome to give your plants the environment they need to thrive. Knowing where to start can be a challenge. Advice on building an indoor grow depends on your techniques and setup, but …

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A house with an open garage

Garage Grow Room Tips

Garages can provide an excellent inside place to grow cannabis. First of all, there are many design options when building a grow room in a garage. Growers can treat the open area as a large grow room with multiple lights or section off a corner to grow just a few plants. You have options. Some …

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Marijuana with seeds in a ziplock bag

Bag Seeds: Are they worth growing?

So you found some seeds in a bag of cannabis you like, and now you have some questions: Will bag seeds even grow? Will they grow the same plants? Should you grow them?  These quandaries will arise when you find “bag seeds” in your weed for the first time. So, are bag seeds worth growing, …

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Marijuana plants in heavy storm

What is cannabis wind burn? How to treat and prevent it.

To cultivate cannabis successfully, your plants need to have the right environmental conditions. Good air circulation around your plants is one of the most critical factors affecting their overall health. This is especially true indoors, where small problems can quickly turn ugly. While it’s important to provide good air movement all around your plants, you …

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beef curly top virus in cannabis plant with a leafhopper

What is Beet Curly Top Virus in Cannabis?

Every year cannabis cultivation becomes more widespread across the world, and with that, growers experience new blights.  In fact, new pathogens appear every year.  Most people have heard of Hop Latent Viroid, but there are others, such as Citrus Yellowing Vein Associated Viroid and Beet Curly Top Virus in cannabis.   This article will explore Beet …

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bud sweeteners for cannabis

Best cannabis bud sweeteners 

When you want to grow sweet cannabis, you may be tempted to look for an out-of-the-box, one-size-fits-all, “enhancing” product, but making buds sweeter is a bit more complex than simply “buy and apply.” However, you’ll understand why bud sweeteners are a popular choice among growers willing to go that extra mile for the quality of …

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Light dep for an outdoor marijuana plants

How to set up DIY light dep for an outdoor grow

In a previous article, we discussed light dep cannabis extensively. If you think it might be right for you, you may wonder, “How can I set up DIY light dep for my plants outdoors?” This article will answer that question.  Light deprivation doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive, but it is limited to outdoor …

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Growing cannabis on your balcony or terrace

Growing cannabis on your balcony or terrace

Do you want the benefits of sun-grown cannabis alongside a cultivation experience with a small form factor? Your balcony or terrace may be perfect for a little home cultivation.  Growing weed on a balcony can be an affordable solution for those in cities or anyone without access to outdoor space. This style of cultivation can …

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hot soil in a cannabis pot

What is Hot Soil and How to Fix It

Hot soil is a phrase that gets thrown around a lot in the cannabis community, but what does it mean? It does not refer to the temperature or the visual beauty of your medium. Instead, hot soil references an excess of nutrients and additives. This excess can create a range of different problems with your …

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Attic grow marijuana for small growers

Best Places to Grow Cannabis Indoors

Cultivating cannabis indoors lets you control the many variables marijuana plants face while growing. Indoors, you can grow cannabis plants year-round, train them to stay small or trigger them to flower when needed. All of these things are quite hard to do outdoors. That’s why, whether you’re just starting out or if it is a …

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