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Marijuana Grow Guides

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Drying marijuana buds without hanging

How to dry buds without hanging

Are you all done growing? Once you’ve cultivated and harvested your plants, it’s time to put the finishing touches via drying and curing. Typically, the industry and community use a hang dry method or a combination of that and other solutions like rack and screen drying (see ILGM’s complete Drying guide for more details), but …

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Marijuana growing naturally

Where does weed grow naturally

Cannabis, like every other cultivated crop, started off as a naturally occurring plant. Feral cannabis plants are hardy plants that produce seeds that can lay dormant for 7-10 years. But these wild plants don’t nearly have as much THC as the strains we cultivate today. Where did the ancestors of that sticky-icky you’re puffing on right …

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trellising cannabis plants

Trellising cannabis

Trellising cannabis is one of many ways for growers to increase their yield. Like learning optimal watering schedules and nutrient feeding, trellising helps produce healthier plants that support larger colas. Specifically, cannabis trellising is often used to support the branches of your plants. The question, though, is how? In this article, we’ll define cannabis trellising and …

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brown spots on cannabis plant leaves

Brown Spots on Weed Leaves

Brown spots on weed leaves are a common issue in the cannabis growing community. While they may not be attractive, they can wreak havoc on your crop if left unchecked. This blog post will discuss the causes of brown spots on weed leaves and how to prevent or fix them. First of all, it’s important …

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measuring weed using a scale

What are the best weed scales and why?

Weed scales are crucial in the pot world since they measure out marijuana quickly and efficiently. If you are thinking about buying one, you’ve probably noticed there are quite a few options available. Before you buy one without thinking twice, consider your personal situation and why you are buying a weed scale to begin with. …

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pgr weed

PGR weed

PGRs weed is marijuana boosted by plant growth regulators to create larger and tighter buds.  But, while PGRs do help produce big buds, it’s not the ideal way to get the yield you want from your cannabis plants.  PGR weed does have great visual appeal, but very few trichomes offset it.  Fewer trichomes mean this …

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crossbreeding cannabis

How to crossbreed cannabis and create new hybrid weed strains

One of the best traits of cannabis is that it has thousands of different strains to choose from.  And there’s at least one that’s bound to be your favorite. This wouldn’t be possible without experts that knew how to crossbreed cannabis.  They not only created new cannabis strains they also improved its genetics. It’s through …

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Marijuana Trichomes close up

Trichome harvesting chart

If you ask any grower which part of the cannabis contains the most cannabinoids, they’ll say it’s the trichomes.  Cannabinoids aren’t produced in the flowers or leaves of cannabis. Instead, they are produced and stored in the tiny glandular hairs that you see on the surface of marijuana plants.  Trichomes are also responsible for making …

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CFL and marijuana plant

How many CFLs per plant?

Compact fluorescent lighting (CFL) bulbs are one type of lighting method to use when growing cannabis plants.  CFL bulbs are cheap, like incandescent lights, but don’t produce any of the heat that incandescent bulbs do, making them the ideal light fixture for an indoor garden that doesn’t have a lot of space.  So, how many …

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