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Seedling Stage

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A man is moving a cannabis sapling into a more spacious pot.

How & When to Transplant Cannabis Seedlings?

Transplanting cannabis seedlings from their initial germination medium to a different pot is crucial for their development. As a weed plant grows, it needs space for the roots to spread out, collecting nutrients to grow to its full potential size. Failure to transplant correctly can lead to stressed weed plants, stunted growth, or even death. …

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banner for coco peat and rockwool

How to Germinate Cannabis Seeds in Rockwool, Peat, or Coco

The time has come for your cannabis seeds from ILGM to arrive in the mail. You are now ready to begin your mission to become the next big thing in the breeding world, use complex hydro systems, or find the ultimate mother plant. (Why not?) Whatever your end goal, one thing’s for certain: everything starts …

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Cannabis seed beginning to grow in rich soil

How to Germinate Cannabis Seeds in Soil

Germinating cannabis seeds in soil is a traditional practice that connects your grow with the cycles of nature. Here, we’ll examine the reasons behind it and best practices for starting weed seeds in soil. TL/DR Why Would I Want to Germinate Cannabis Seeds Directly in Soil? Known as “direct sowing,” planting marijuana seeds in soil …

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Cannabis seedlings labeled

Label Cannabis Seedlings to Keep Them Apart

Proper labeling of germinating cannabis seeds is crucial for successful cultivation. Accurate labeling allows a grower to keep track of important primary information like strain names, cultivar types, and growth cycle dates.  This information helps growers identify and monitor growth patterns and specific requirements for each cultivar. Accurate marijuana labels will help ensure consistency, provide …

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germinating marijuana seeds using water

How to Germinate Cannabis Seeds in Water: A Beginner’s Guide

If you’ve ever attempted to grow your own cannabis at home, you probably understand the importance of mastering seed germination. It’s obviously disheartening to set off on your growing adventure, getting all the gear, checking all the boxes, planting your seed, and…nothing.  The seed was a dud. But don’t throw in the towel just yet; …

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Outdoors frozen cannabis plant

Stratification: Waking Up Stubborn Cannabis Seeds With A Cold Shower

You don’t always need to cold-stratify cannabis seeds, but there are some circumstances where knowing how will come in handy.  Decades of cannabis cultivation prohibition created a unique culture around growing our favorite plant. Although it thrives outdoors in a variety of global climates, many home growers and professional seed-makers learned and continue to grow …

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germinating marijuana seeds using a paper towel

How to Germinate Cannabis Seeds in Paper Towels

If you’re new to growing cannabis, the first step you’ll need to master is seed germination. It’s how you get your seeds to sprout, turning those tiny cannabis seeds into thriving plants. One of the most popular and beginner-friendly ways to germinate seeds is using the paper towel method. It’s simple, effective, and widely trusted …

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Robert being the crazy professor

Improve Cannabis Seed Germination with Scarification

Everyone who grows from seeds wants to know how to get the fastest, healthiest cannabis sprouts. To give plants a strong start, commercial and home cultivators should prioritize improving cannabis germination techniques. Scarification is one method.  What is scarifying cannabis seeds? Scarifying is a general term for treating seeds with chemicals or physically altering them …

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germinating autoflowering seeds before transporting

What to Do When Cannabis Seeds Won’t Germinate

So you’ve got your seeds, done your research, and followed all the steps—but for some reason, those cannabis seeds won’t germinate. Frustrating, right?  Germinating cannabis seeds can seem straightforward, and most of the time, it is, but sometimes you’re dealing with a batch that just won’t cooperate. Don’t worry—I’ve got some tips to help you …

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Tweezer marijuana seed

How to Transplant Cannabis Seedlings

Once your cannabis seeds have germinated, you need to know how to transplant those germinated cannabis seeds into their new home. This is one of the most important steps to kick-starting your grow, and it’s all about setting up those little green babies for success. So grab your tweezers, get comfortable, and let’s make sure …

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cannabis marijuana seed banner

Recognizing Quality Weed Seeds

Growing cannabis for seed is a passion project undertaken by plant-loving breeders of every caliber. Generation after generation, parent plants are selected and tracked, genetics are improved and stabilized through traditional farming methods, and the resulting traits are documented and enjoyed by growers and consumers. On the other hand, some folks grow seeds accidentally when …

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Three Germinating cannabis seeds

How Water pH Levels Affect Cannabis Seed Germination

Potential hydrogen or pH is a scale used to measure acidity and alkalinity in objects. Growers use it to measure the soil and water they provide for their cannabis plants. PH plays an important role in soil quality and contributes to a plant’s water and nutrient uptake(1). The importance of pH isn’t limited to established …

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