
HomeGrow GuidesTroubleshootingPage 5
Sulfur deficiencies in cannabis plants

Sulfur deficiency in marijuana plants

Sulfur deficiencies in marijuana plants are quite rare. This is a good thing because good growing roots, the proper amount of chlorophyll, and the development of plant proteins are all processes aided by sulfur throughout the vegetation stage. This deficiency is first noticeable when it causes newer leaves to yellow and in some cases the …

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Cutworms on marijuana plants

Cutworms on marijuana plants

Cutworms have the worst effect on younger marijuana seedlings. These pests can completely destroy them in just one night. They are a part of some moth species. Cutworms are around one to two inches with soft bodies that are brown or gray in color. Some may have stripes or spots and have a tendency to curl …

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Powdery mildew on marijuana plants

Powdery Mildew on Cannabis

Powdery mildew, also known as white powdery mildew, comes from lots of different fungi. Powdery mildew looks like white or gray powdery growths on the leaves of your cannabis plants. It appears on grow areas indoors and outdoors and is foreshadowed by small bumps on the topsides of leaves. Typical species of fungi that go …

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Iron deficiency in cannabis plants

Iron deficiency in marijuana plants

Iron may just be a trace nutrient to the marijuana plants but a lack of it can lead to serious problems. In fact, it is one of the most common mineral deficiencies found in growing cannabis. Why is iron important for weed plants? What makes iron a crucial element is its role in the formation …

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Dual purpose controls for pests and disease

Dual Purpose Controls For Pests And Disease

Cinnamon Oil and Tea Cinnamon, as a ‘hot’ spice deters many fungal diseases and insects alike. Powdery mildew, ants, aphids, fungus gnats, spider mites, thrips and whiteflies are among the critters that don’t like cinnamon. When used as an oil spray, the spice will adhere to leaves giving it time to work against many ailments. …

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Caterpillars on cannabis plants

Caterpillars on marijuana plants

Caterpillars love marijuana plants! Corn Borer and Hemp Borer are the two most destructive caterpillars. These pests will diminish the strength of your plant by eating away at the marrow inside the stalk causing stem cankers to form. If the plant is really infested it will break down. Read this article and learn how to …

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Molybdenum deficiency

Molybdenum Deficiency In Cannabis Plants

Molybdenum is responsible for turning nitrates into ammonia, which helps with protein production. This means that molybdenum is an extremely important nutrient. If your marijuana plant has a molybdenum deficiency, it means it is not receiving an adequate amount of this nutrient. If there is a surplus of molybdenum, your plant probably won’t receive much …

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Leaf miners can cause severe damage to the leaves of cannabis plants

Leaf miners on marijuana plants

Leaf miners are a type of insect that has a unique style of damaging your marijuana plants: they burrow between the two epidural layers of your plants’ leaves, eating the plant cells along the way. Adult leaf miners are a type of fly, and they look similar to a house fly. They are not the …

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Silicon Deficiency in Marijuana Plants

Silicon Deficiency In Marijuana Plants

A silicon deficiency is extremely rare, but it can prohibit the plants from producing sturdy leaves, roots, or stems. Fungal and bacterial diseases along with insect infestations are all more common during a silicon deficiency. Photosynthesis is limited and the eventual yield is also lessened. Silicon is not, however, mobile. Make sure to add the …

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Heat stress and marijuana plants 2

Heat stress and marijuana plants

Heat stress is most common for indoor plants. Growing marijuana indoors is the most effective at a temperature of between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the plants’ period of light, and somewhere between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit during their period of darkness. If your plants are enriched with carbon dioxide, they will function better with …

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Underwatered cannabis plant drooping leaves

The Effects Of Underwatering Your Marijuana Plants

All plants, including marijuana, consist of about 80% water. Therefore it makes sense that issues with the water management could cause damage to the marijuana plant. Ourdoors in the ground, the marijuana plant usually has enough soil to work with. Depending on the quality and the structure of the soil, it also helps to regulate the …

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