Overview of all nutrients and the reaction of the marijuana leaves when there is an deficiency or overdosage…
Learn more about growing marijuana in my free Grow Bible.
Overview of all nutrients and the reaction of the marijuana leaves when there is an deficiency or overdosage…
Learn more about growing marijuana in my free Grow Bible.
Hi. Brand new to the forum. We have been growing successfully for a few years in outdoor unheated greenhouse in MI. Wanted to thank you for e-books. Can’t find my problem though! Will fill out ticket. Looking forward to exploring site.
Hi, Robert, What do in the case of Phosphorous & Zinc deficiency?
Is it possible to have a couple of these deficiencies at the same time? I have some leaves that look like there is Potassium deficiency mixed with Phosphorus deficiency. I just want to know because I know there is a problem and I am positive it is due to nutrients.
Chief Green Leaf,
Yes, you can have more than 1 mineral deficiency in your plant. Generally this would be due to PH being ofrf, probably too high or “alkaline”; Or, too high a level of Nitrogen or Calcium. Both issues could “lock out” or make certain minerals unavailable to the plant.
Join us at: ilovegrowingmarijuana.com and our members and staff will be happy to provide some guidance. Peace
do you know where I could buy a full size color chart like the one above for nutrient deficiencies ? Thank you
Jim Bell,
You can buy these off Amazon or from any Hydro Store for the most part 🙂
jim bell,
I would look on Amazon. Good Luck. I wish I could give you a link. 🙂
Having a problem using Esomia liquid nuits. Are you familar with this product and can you provide a feeding schedule that will work for me?
poster of leaf dificiency where aviable