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Spidermites on a marijuana plant

Integrated Pest Management for the Beginner Cannabis Grower

One blight that every cannabis cultivator faces at some point is pests. The term pest can describe many nuisances but primarily entails insects such as aphids and spider mites. Battling these menaces can seem daunting to beginner gardeners, but with a good Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program, growers can feel confident they’re protecting their crops …

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Hypochlorous acid cannabis

Hypochlorous acid and cannabis growing

In this age of cannabis cultivation, you’ll find many products for the different issues cultivators face. You’ll also find many conflicting reports on those products. Unsurprisingly, knowing what to turn to when problems arise can be hard. Hypochlorous acid (HCIO) has seen a lot of controversy on forums and grow stores all over the world. …

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a bird on a marijuana plant

How to keep bugs off weed plants: Marijuana pest control techniques

Marijuana pest control is something gardeners have had to deal with for centuries.  Whether they are birds, insects, mammals, or even other humans, cultivated plants seem to have a target on their backs. While humans don’t really eat raw cannabis, some pests certainly seem to like the taste. If left unchecked, an infestation can end up ruining …

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Gophers and moles on cannabis plants

Gophers and moles on marijuana plants

Moles and gophers are animals that run underground. They often go unseen and tend to surface in dark spaces. They can be harmful to your marijuana plants. There are some things that vary slightly about these two, but one thing is for sure, you don’t want them around your outdoor marijuana garden. Moles vs gophers Moles …

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Marijuana pests aphids

Aphids on marijuana plants

Aphids are winged insects that hide on the underside of your marijuana plants’ leaves, using their piercing mouths to bite a hole in your plant and suck the nutrients from the leaves until they yellow and wilt. They can be green, yellow, black, brown, or red. They have oval-shaped bodies, and you might be able …

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Mealybugs on cannabis plants

Mealybugs on marijuana plants

Mealybugs are an interesting type of insect in that their male and female counterparts function extremely differently. They even look dissimilar: the males have wings (so as to better find the females to fertilize, which is their sole purpose in life) and the females have legs, but no wings. Both of them grow to the …

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Snails and slugs on cannabis plants

Snails and slugs on marijuana plants

You have definitely seen these before. Slugs are gooey and around one inch long with astute antennae. Snails are just slugs with a shell they can retreat into if they feel a threat nearby. Both of these can cause harm to your marijuana plants. Slugs are very common and attack a large variety of plants. The damage …

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Protecting Marijuana Plants from Animal Pests

Protecting marijuana plants from animal pests

One of the most serious enemies of marijuana plants is bigger pests such as cats, dogs, and rodents. This also includes wild animals like deer, rabbits, and raccoons. By nature, these creatures like to dig, nibble, and trample on plants. Obviously, this can be bad news to the cannabis crop and hence it is very …

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Russet mites marijuana pest

Russet Mites

Russet mites are tiny but powerful. Their ability to destroy your precious marijuana plants comes from the fact that there’s never just one russet mite — there are usually hundreds before you even notice an infestation. This can lead to a number of problems, so better to be safe than sorry and learn a bit …

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How to solve fungus gnats

Fungus gnats on marijuana plants

Fungus gnats on cannabis plants are a common problem for soil growers, but if you know what to do they’re actually easy to get rid of. Fungus gnats are extremely small (two millimeters in length) and are gray, black, or brown in color with long legs. Female fungus gnats lay two hundred eggs per week, and …

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Remove spider mites

Spider mites on weed plants

Of all the possible invaders getting into your marijuana crop, spider mites on weed are by far the worst. They’re a common cannabis pest and can be hard to get rid of. Spider mites are not actually insects, but rather arachnids (like spiders) since they have eight legs and lack antennae. They also have an …

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