Krishna Kush Strain

Colorado Seed Inc. developed Krishna Kush with growers in mind. In fact, the Indica-leaning strain has been dubbed as a ‘Kush grower’s dream’ by the breeders themselves. It is not only sturdy and stout, it is attractive too. Lining its small frame are broad, deep purple leaves under a thick snowcap of trichomes. Similarly, each bud resonates the same compact and resin-covered structure too.

Sativa/Indica %Indoor YieldOutdoor YieldFlowering Period
30% / 70%12-17 oz/ m217 ounces per plant7-9 weeks indoors, Late September to mid-October outdoors.

The strain itself is a combination of five of the best Indica strains:

Afghani. The indigenous variety is among the most popular landrace strains. It is highly prized for its ease of growth.

Big Skunk Korean. Impressive in the grow room, its buds produce a sweet floral scent that is reminiscent of a blend of herbs. It has been used to develop many tropical and floral-based terpenes for strains like Lavender and Somango.

Gupta Kush. This highly potent bud is prized for its impressive painkilling effects. It is named after neurosurgeon and CNN head medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta who, after hearing its effects firsthand from patients, has changed his stance on the medical marijuana debate.

Lavender. These aromatic herbs are said to have healing properties through its terpenes. A strain of the same name exhibits the same soothing aroma that calms anxieties, melts away worries, and massages the body.

Super Skunk. Living up to the ‘super’ in its moniker, Super Skunk has humongous buds that are coated thickly in trichomes. Its robust frame produces broad leaves, multiple branches, and dense foliage. At harvest, yields are hefty. Apart from being a grower’s bud, Krishna Kush has value recreationally and medicinally. It induces a slow but intense psychoactive high with its THC of up to 27%. Consequently, it could also be used to reduce pain and fortify one’s mindset.

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Krishna Kush weed strain attributes:
ORIGINLavender, Big Skunk Korean, Afghani, Gupta Kush and Super Skunk
EFFECTSRelaxed – 10
Giggly – 9
Euphoric – 9
Happy – 8
Uplifted – 7
FRAGRANCESpicy, herbal, berry, sweet, blueberry
FLAVORSBlueberry, sweet, spicy, berry, herbal
Insomnia – 9
Stress – 9
MEDICALPain – 10
Insomnia – 7
Stress – 7
FLOWERING TIME OUTDOORLate September to mid-October
CBD %Unknown
INDOOR YIELD12 to 17 ounces per square meter
OUTDOOR YIELD17 ounces or more per plant
CLIMATECool climate

* 10 is the highest
* 1 is the lowest


Slow to start, Krishna Kush prefers to introduce users to a mellow euphoria at the start of its effects rather than induce a head-slamming high. This gentle introduction eventually intensifies, grabbing negativity and throwing it to the back of one’s mind. An uplifting buzz that leaves enthusiasts happy takes its place, causing a lot of giggles for the most minute reasons.

Krishna Kush Strain Effects
Krishna Kush Strain Effects

The comedown, on the other hand, is characterized by a soothing sensation. Starting from the temples, it softens the creases on the forehead before ebbing at the back of the neck then down to the lower extremities. It blankets users in a deep relaxation that kneads the muscles to mush. In all likelihood, one will want to lounge on the couch and bask in the comfort it provides.

Although it has prominent cerebral effects, its arresting comedown should warn users that it is a strain best reserved as a nighttime treat. It could lock users to the couch as it continues to induce its body melt. Using it during the day could only prove to be counterproductive.

We don’t currently sell Krishna Kush seeds. Check out other indica dominant seeds in our marijuana seed bank.


Krishna Kush is surprisingly spicy. However, its herbal scent quickly dissipates as notes of blended berries take over. Breaking apart or combusting the buds reveals a subtler but sweeter blueberry aroma.


A blend of blueberries greets the palate at the first toke. There could be some slight coughing though. Depending on the batch, it could either be too sweet or too spicy for one’s liking. On the exhale, it leaves a berry aftertaste saturated by the taste of herbs.

Adverse reactions

Cannabis use always come with arid eyes and a cottonmouth. It is a common reaction that cannot be avoided regardless of the strain due to the presence of moisture-inhibiting cannabinoids. Accompanying it is a slight dizziness that lasts just as long as the dry spell. Although, it would help to use Krishna Kush in moderation and to stay hydrated.


Relieving stress is essential for living a fulfilled life. Otherwise, it can lead to the early onset of issues like depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Krishna Kush could be of use in this regard, It has uplifting qualities that improve the overall mood and better one’s disposition, temporarily washing away problems so users could look at a previous problem with fresh perspectives. Similarly, it could also be used to manage symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

Krishna Kush Strain Medical
Krishna Kush Strain Medical – Image powered by

Its best attribute, however, is pain relief. It is a natural analgesic – partly due to the presence of THC in its buds – and will relieve the body of various aches regardless of its source, frequency, or intensity. Its quick relief is highly efficient at managing chronic pain symptoms from conditions such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, intraocular pressure, and backaches among others.

Deep in comfort, users will likely fall asleep without knowing it. Patients with insomnia may even benefits from Krishna Kush’s sedating properties. It enhances the quality and quantity of sleep, so users wake up feeling energized the next day.

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Krishna Kush is an easy to grow strain that even beginners could cultivate. It has a sturdy frame and is compact. It yields high too, producing dense buds with a high concentration of trichomes that further heightens its marketability to extract enthusiasts.

Krishna Kush Strain Growing
Krishna Kush Strain Growing – Image powered by

Photoperiod plants may sometimes encounter problems with regard the cool weather and lack of sunlight of the northern hemisphere. Optimized for growth, Krishna Kush could withstand many of the unpredictable weather changes and the short days. Not to mention, it has a propensity for cool and dry places.

Indoor cultivation is also an option. Moreover, having a controlled environment allows growers to adjust factors easily like lighting, temperature, humidity, feeding and nutrition. One even has the option to create setups that will encourage higher turnouts.

Growers with knowledge of advanced growing techniques may apply either the Screen of Green or Sea of Green method. The former takes advantage of its branchy structure by weaving the branches into a net situated above the current canopy. Meanwhile, the latter requires placing at least four plants in a single meter and coaxing a single cola. Regardless, both will evenly distribute light to different budding sites and improve the overall yield during harvest.

Some of its phenotypes produce a purple tinge. If one does encounter this variety, exposing it to lower temperatures will bring out its royal tones with azure hints further accentuated by bronze-looking pistils.

We don’t currently sell Krishna Kush seeds. Check out other indica dominant seeds in our marijuana seed bank.

Flowering Time


After 7 to 9 weeks, growers can expect between 12 to 17 ounces of dried flowers from Krishna Kush after harvest.


Fairly quick to flower, Krishna Kush’s buds mature between the last few days of September to the early days of November. Depending on the weather, it may sometimes need a one-week extension to soak up more sun. Growers can expect at least 17 ounces of buds per plant.


  1. Afghani
  2. Big Skunk Korean
  3. Gupta Kush
  4. Lavender
  5. Super Skunk

FAQ About Krishna Kush Strain

What is the Krishna Kush strain yield?

Krishna Kush yields 12-17 oz/ m2 indoors and 17 ounces per plant outdoors.Add image

How much THC does Krishna Kush have?

27% THC.

What are the origins of the Krishna Kush strain?

Krishna Kush was created from a mix between Lavender, Big Skunk Korean, Afghani, Gupta Kush and Super Skunk

Have you ever smoked or grown your own Krishna Kush? Please let me know what you think about this marijuana strain in the comments below.


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