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Raising marijuana indoors

Mistakes I’ve Made with My First Indoor Cannabis Grow in Soil

The cold weather had set in, and the four small cannabis seedlings in their new fabric pots huddled together on my garage workbench, teeth chattering. Well, if they had teeth… Overhead, an array of incandescent, halogen, CFL, and LED lights clung exploitatively onto the tools protruding off the pegboard. But they didn’t produce enough heat …

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Cannabis seed beginning to grow in rich soil

How to Germinate Cannabis Seeds in Soil

Germinating cannabis seeds in soil is a traditional practice that connects your grow with the cycles of nature. Here, we’ll examine the reasons behind it and best practices for starting weed seeds in soil. TL/DR Why Would I Want to Germinate Cannabis Seeds Directly in Soil? Known as “direct sowing,” planting marijuana seeds in soil …

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hot soil in a cannabis pot

What is Hot Soil and How to Fix It

Hot soil is a phrase that gets thrown around a lot in the cannabis community, but what does it mean? It does not refer to the temperature or the visual beauty of your medium. Instead, hot soil references an excess of nutrients and additives. This excess can create a range of different problems with your …

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A woman holding soil in her hands, ready for planting.

Living Soil for Growing Cannabis

There are many different ways to cultivate cannabis plants, each with pros and cons. You must consider them when choosing your best style. Personally, my favorite method is living soil. At first glance, it may sound daunting and super scientific with big words like rhizosphere, biodynamic, and flocculation, but rest assured, living soil is as …

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Choosing the Best Soil for Cannabis: The Ultimate Guide for 2024

When it comes to growing top-notch cannabis, the soil you choose can make a world of difference. A good soil mix helps your plants thrive, offering just the right balance of nutrients, drainage, and water retention. But if you’re new to this, don’t worry—I’ll walk you through everything you need to know about picking the …

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Best Soil For Outdoor Cannabis Plants

Best soil for marijuana plants outdoors

Finding best soil for marijuana plants outside is more complex than simply sticking the seeds into the ground. You have to find the method that works best for you, whether it’s planting your cannabis directly into the earth, or using a bucket or other container for it. Both of these methods work fine, and, as …

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growing marijuana indoors using soil

Best soil for weed plants indoors

Indoor marijuana growers face a unique dilemma when deciding how to grow their crop: should they grow in soil or in a hydroponics system? If you haven’t before considered a hydroponics system and you have a larger budget, you may want to look into it. Many growers opt for soil when they are starting out. …

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Earthworm castings

Earthworm castings in growing marijuana

One of the best ways to ensure a bountiful marijuana harvest is to use earthworm castings on the soil. This natural material is the by-product of the food digested by the worms. As such, it is purely organic and extremely rich in both the main nutrients and trace minerals that are essential to the plants. …

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