It may seem that growing marijuana outdoors is fraught with challenges and risks which is why some growers prefer to grow indoors. But with some preparation and effort, outdoor growing can be more rewarding and satisfying.
While it may seem like growing indoors is more private, this is not necessarily true. The same goes for the yield you can expect from grow rooms. Sometimes, even when a grower can control all the variables, it’s still difficult to get a bountiful harvest. So, even though indoor growing sounds convenient, it still has its drawbacks.
Outdoor growing, on the other hand, has many unexpected advantages. Here are some reasons why you should consider growing weed outside.
Is there a difference in outdoor vs indoor cannabis?
Ready to start growing marijuana outdoors today? Find high-quality weeds seeds in our marijuana seed bank.
The benefits of growing marijuana outdoors
Despite the increased control on the growing variables in an indoor setup, growing marijuana outdoors still has many advantages – to the environment, the plant, and the grower.
Reasons to grow marijuana outdoors
There are many reasons to grow marijuana outdoors, here are five of them.

With the popularity of indoor growing comes the excessive consumption of energy. Grow rooms require lights, ventilation systems, and other equipment that eat up a lot of electricity.
In California, estimates show that a single household uses up as much as 8% of energy growing marijuana. That’s roughly using 200 pounds of coal to produce a pound of weed.
In contrast, outdoor growing needs only the sun, air, and water to thrive. It does not produce any carbon footprint, and it even contributes to the dynamics of the ecosystem. So, if we want to save the planet, the outdoor option is the better choice.

High-quality buds
Blessed by the sun, natural soil, and fresh air, outdoor cannabis develops a distinct flavor. It is often nothing like the ones grown indoors. As such, some weed enthusiasts even swear that they can taste the earthy essence in strains grown outdoors.
Buds are marijuana grower’s prized possesion. Curious how to maximize buds? Just read “How to grow huge marijuana buds” or if you’re looking for the best soil medium for growing weed.
Aside from its pleasant aroma, a home grower knows they are producing top-notch buds merely because they are the ones tending it. Poor quality weed is harsh to smoke and may give a bad headache instead of a good high. Therefore, it’s way better to plant our own vibrant green buds that are safer and provide more satisfaction.
Incredibly cheap and effortless
One of the obvious benefits of growing weed outdoors is the free sun. The plants get unlimited sunshine that is many times better than grow lights. Also free are the infinite supply of fresh air, carbon dioxide, and rainwater. As we know, these are all the elements that the hardy marijuana plant needs to flourish.
Growing outdoors also doesn’t require that much expertise. You only need good seeds and the proper care to germinate them. Once they sprout, they can technically grow by themselves, but, of course, you’re going to do more than that. Even with the least amount of effort, however, you’re going to get something.
Larger cannabis yields
Growing outdoors will most definitely lead to huge buds and an overall higher yield. With the help of the sun and carbon dioxide, the plants will grow extra-large leaves. This, in turn, will help accumulate more energy to produce huge buds.

Assuming that we have a secure location, a plant can grow larger than 180 cm. With this size, it can potentially produce around 500 g of dried buds. With just 5 to 7 plants that are this size, you have a year’s worth of supply of high-quality weed. For patients who use marijuana for medication, this type of yield is especially useful. Obviously, growing plants that are this enormous would be impossible indoors.
Safer for the grower
As we know, security is the main issue when growing cannabis outdoors. Again, this is the primary reason why cannabis cultivation shifted indoors. However, a suitable outdoor location can be even more secure than keeping the plants inside our homes.

Why is this the case? Ownership of an outdoor garden is tougher to trace than an indoor one. You can always deny it if caught, preventing the worry of being charged with a crime. You cannot do that as easily when growing indoors.
These reasons show how growing outdoors is better for both the plant and the growers. If being cheaper, more relaxing, and safer isn’t enough to convince you, being incredibly easier might. Just like any other gardening skill, you need patience and knowledge to be successful, but once you do, growing outdoors can be a walk in the park.
Getting started growing outdoors
Now that you know why you should grow marijuana outdoors, it’s time to learn how to get started.
Depending on where you live, you can plant marijuana outside in the late spring all the way through to the middle of July. Planting earlier basically ensures a much bigger plant. Starting late can prevent plants from getting too large before flowering begins.

Factors to consider when growing cannabis outdoors
When growing marijuana outdoors, you must account for the impact of latitude on day length. There are also ways you can try to maximize plant growth and yield.
The plants can be grown directly in the ground where they generally do very well, or they can be grown in five- to twenty-gallon containers. Plants growing in larger containers will naturally produce more bud.
The lengthening nights of the late summer trigger the plant’s flowering stage. Some varieties will cease growing vegetatively almost instantly, but others could continue growing and quadruple in size.
It generally takes between 55 and 70 days for the buds to mature after the plants have started flowering.
When the plant starts flowering, switch the fertilizer to a bloom formula so that the plants will acquire nutrients needed for larger buds.
Marijuana plants switch to flowering when the uninterrupted dark period passes the minimum amount of time. This period varies by variety and is usually between 8 and 11 hours. If your plants respond to a shorter dark period, they are early season varieties. Plants that respond to a longer dark period are, of course, late-season varieties. Outdoor plants with a short dark period are best suited to higher latitudes.
If you want to learn what the optimal light schedule for growing marijuana plants, read our comprehensive guide!
The effect of latitude

When growing marijuana, you must account for the impact of latitude on day length. For example, June 21 is the longest day and shortest night of the year. As you can see, Boston’s night length is 1 hour and 12 minutes shorter than San Diego’s.
San Diego | St. Louis | Boston |
Dusk to dawn lasts 8 hours and 44 minutes. | Dusk to dawn lasts 8 hours and 3 minutes. | Dusk to dawn lasts 7 hours and 32 minutes. |
Early season varieties growing at lower latitudes (such as San Diego) will be induced to flower early in the season and will remain small even during the maturation process. The generally shorter nights during the summer at high latitudes (such as Boston) give the plants a chance to grow before they flower. A late-season variety growing in the north might trigger late in the season but won’t get a chance to develop mature buds. It will not trigger during the early summer in low latitudes, but it will flower earlier as a result of the longer nights and milder climate.
Marijuana’s different flowering habits and the varieties that produce them have led to many strategies for growing. In northern areas, short-season varieties are needed to ensure that plants mature before the weather turns.
By contrast, gardeners in the south grow long season varieties during the summer that ripen in the fall. Certain short-season varieties will start to flower soon (a month or so after the summer solstice) and will be ready for harvest in early autumn.

If short-season varieties are not provided with extended exposure to daylight, they will not grow large enough to produce much of a yield. Long season varieties can be planted in the fall to mature a few months after planting.
In areas that tend to stay warm throughout the year, sativas and sativa-indica varieties can be planted in the fall. They will continue growing into the winter as they flower and will be ready in about 70 to 80 days after planting.
Understanding what you should grow in your climate is one way to enjoy the higher yield potentials of outside grows. Here are some more tips to help you successfully grow outdoors:
Pruning is sometimes needed to keep marijuana plants at a manageable size. When the main stem is cut, the lower branches increase in size, and the plant grows several other strong branches.

When these are pruned, the plant becomes bushier and puts less emphasis on growing taller. Plants with the main stem clipped will produce greater yields than unclipped plants.
Cannabis fertilizer
Fertilize the plant with vegetable fertilizer mix or liquid, or use a hydroponic, vegetative formula to maximize plant growth and yield. Follow directions precisely or use less fertilizer than suggested. Never use more than the recommended amount as it can throw chemical balances out of order.
Triggering the flowering stage
Regardless of the latitude you live in, you can trigger the flowering stage at any time during the summer by covering the plants for a portion of each day so that the “night” period is lengthened. For example, if dusk is at 8:00 p.m., the garden needs to remain enshrouded in darkness until 8:00 a.m. the next morning. With an opaque cover over the garden during the 12-hour dark period, the plants will only receive 12 hours of light every day and will thus be triggered into flowering.
Know the perfect time to reap your cannabis plants with my free mini harvesting guide!
Around week six of flowering, you will begin to notice that the buds are becoming more odoriferous by the day. The non-pollinated flowers are starting to mature, and, in two or three weeks, the flowers will be ripe and ready. This can be observed when the stigma dries, the ovary swells, and the capitate trichomes swell with resin and fluoresce. Buds that get the most light will ripen first in most cases. Remove them but leave the unripe buds to continue ripening. They will be ready within 10 days.
Stealth growing
In many areas, outdoor growing must stay discrete. The best way to do this is to focus on finding a private spot. It should have access to water and at least six hours of direct sun each day. If using your backyard, install a tall privacy fence and keep dogs in your yard. The dogs will keep cats and rodents away.
Sometimes marijuana plants are hard to hide, but there are many ways to disguise them. To keep plants small, choose autoflowering strains. You can also plant them next to bright flowering plants, large bushy trees or trim the leaves so that they do not look like weed plants. To hide the smell, choose low-odor strains or plant next to fragrant flowers.
How to grow the best outdoor plants
It is very easy to grow marijuana outdoors, but with a little extra effort, it can produce far superior results than other methods. These practices will help you grow the best plants.

Watch the sun, look for the water
Some growers like to start their plants in pots and then move them to the ground. When selecting a transplant location for your weed plants or seedlings, consider how well it provides for the needs of your plants.
Only at the equator is the sun directly overhead, so any latitude north of that places the sun in the southern sky; an ideal transplant site would be a low, bald south-facing ridge that is open to the east and west and bathed in sunlight from dawn to dusk.
Water is an important consideration. I have been lucky enough to grow on rich swampland knolls where a hole dug more than a foot struck water, and plants more than a foot tall needed no watering for the entire summer. Streambanks, lake and pond shorelines and dry marshes can be great transplant locations, although it might be necessary to clear an opening to the sky from cattails and other underbrush.
One problem with open wetlands is that areas like ponds, lakeshores, and riverbanks are favored by wandering anglers and explorers. While not everyone will recognize cannabis growing in a natural environment, the few who do will definitely bother your crop. You’ll also need to be concerned about providing a solid footing for your plant. A growing marijuana plant needs this for its roots to get a solid grip.
Planters vs. directly growing in the ground
Plants growing free in the earth seem to always achieve more size, with greater health, and lusher foliage, probably because no environment is more natural than nature, not even where short growing seasons don’t allow time for maximum growth. One downside is that plants outside are subject to a range of dangers not encountered by closet growers. Indoor growers rarely face tiny red spider mites that surround and kill the leaves of outdoor plants, but they, too have their concerns.

If your growing pots are large enough, there is no need to transplant. As long as a location provides maximum sunlight, plants are watered—sometimes up to a gallon per plant per day if the harvest angels smile on you—and plants are not eaten by animals and insects, a potted plant with at least a foot of growing room for its roots in all directions can be grown to fruition.
Ideally, you’ll use 5- and 6-gallon plastic buckets – the type used for everything from drywall mud and restaurant pickles to carry-kit/seat combos that have become popular with deer hunters. These are relatively easy to carry by their wire-bail handles, even when weighted with moist dirt and provide ample water storage for the hottest and dryest places while leaving enough root space to satisfy the largest cannabis plant.

Another advantage is that some of the most willing pot-plant- eaters are unable to climb the smooth sides of a plastic bucket. A downside is that many buckets are brightly colored and must be spray-painted, draped with camouflage mosquito netting, partially buried, or otherwise covered with debris and materials that make them hard to notice.
Make sure your plants can get darkness
When growing in a backyard, it is for your plants to fail to receive a proper light/dark ratio. It is important to remember that access to darkness is just as important as access to the sun. To ensure darkness, do not place your plants near windows. The light from your house will interrupt the dark period. If your property has street lighting, consider covering your plants at night.
Growing outdoors can be beneficial for a large number of people as long as you plan ahead and stay safe. Plus, it is better for the environment and can produce higher yields. If you’ve been considering growing outdoors purchasing some high-quality seeds and learning everything you can about growing marijuana is a great place to start.
FAQs about growing marijuana outdoors
What are the advantages of growing marijuana outdoors?
Among the advantages of growing marijuana outdoors are being environment-friendly, the ability to grow high-quality buds, it’s cheaper compared to growing indoors and larger cannabis yields.
How long does it take buds to mature outdoors?
It generally takes between 55 and 70 days for the buds to mature.
Can cannabis plants grow in containers outdoors?
Cannabis plants can be grown directly in the ground where they generally do very well, or they can be grown in five- to twenty-gallon containers. Plants growing in larger containers will naturally produce more buds.
Enjoy your time
How deep do you plant seedlings outside?
Biggest part of outdoor info missing is mold, mildew, and pest prevention. Pick seeds that are mold and pest resistant, and if you live in a colder climate be sure to pick strains that finish early, or autoflowers unless you have a greenhouse. Moths lay eggs that hatch and bore into your buds causing rot. Also for monster plants 5/6 gal buckets aren’t enough to really sustain a huge plant. At all.. I put my CLONES in 5g buckets out of the cloner. 10gal is MIN but go for a 20/30gal pot that’s the fabric type. Fabric pots are amazing! That size will grow an 8ft plant easy! If you go in ground dig deep and wide, 6/7′ wide and as deep as possible, fill with good soil mix so roots can grow deep and wide.
we will be growing on our screened in front porch. However, we will need to cover them at night because of lighting on our property. What do you recommend that we use to accomplish this without damaging the plants? Thx in advance
I’m a lol wired about my green baby o really did not mean to do it to begen with but like all my baby’s it was not planed. Lol really need help on this need to know if it needs to be moved and so much of here stuff
My ladies are just about to be taller than myself. My first year doing so and enjoying it so much. My indoor plants have already been croppedand being enjoyed by MICHIGANDERS. Hope too keep learning from you all and enjoying the fruition.
Good article Robert. Thank you.
I am also a novice at growing. I recently Acquired six plants approx one foot tall and plan on planting them in t he ground in my yard. I purchase Miracle Grow Compost formula soil, now after reading some of the comments regarding Miracle Grow I may have to return the unopened bags. I live in a part of California that produces Corn, fruit and Tomatoes, what is the best soil and Fertilizer for my plants PLEASE.
I used pro mix combination with miracle grow that I had been adding compost too daily and constantly turning until they were needing a bigger pot for their roots. I then used rottelier made sure ground was free of roots and insects then transplanted And I had no issue’s what so ever. Took off great. So don’t loose faith in miracle grow you can grow with it amazingly. Mine are almost 6 feet tall and the clones taken from them have taken off greater than any of the indoor aeroponics. How did you end up doing?? Great I hope and wish you great success.
thank you for your help I’m just a beginner and I learned a whole lot and I’m going to continue 2to learn from this site and thank you very much
Hi, I’m confused, I have been growing auto super skunk outdoor…started in containers then move to garden bed, the first crop of 3 plants went well but strangely 1 plant grew twice the size and over 18oz, the other two half the size and only 3 oz off each plant??? Any ideas why please…
for two years I start grow in march all is fine till july when temp turns to 100 degree plus. every year at 110 degree all died within days ,is using a green cloth shade best ? and will it be ok If i cover starting in march.this year i tried Afghani and same issue
Any color shade cloth will be fine. I suggest you get 60% shade cloth. If you cannot find that get at least 50%, or add 2 – 30% together. This will lower the leaf surface temperature LST dramatically. approx. 20 degrees f.
Hope this helps. 🙂
Maybe this is the wrong place ( please direct me to the proper area if so), but as a newbie, I have a couple of ?s for outdoors. My spot Is undeveloped right next to a Septic mound. Hence, lower grade with a higher water table. I will look for the “driest” spot. Aside from overwatering, any hints besides some soil build up? Also, I’ve seen used cig tobacco mixed w/a little dish soap to help a beetle issue on flowers. Any natural tips for insect or 4-legged pests. I’ve used that expensive rotten egg smelling spray for rabbits and protecting floral plants and veggies only to waste $$$. Any tips natural or man-made in regards to all types of pest protection? Once again, my apologies if this is the wrong spot for questions. Thank You Very Much! A Great Day To All! Peace and Love!
I would not grow next to a septic tanks. No closer than 3o yards.
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We can help you with advice from many expert growers in the forum. Thanks
Im a first time very novice grower.. think i mad the mistake of planting 3 different plants in one pot.. 2/3 will produce something but can these plants ever be seperated? I live in tri state area n we had a very warm octiber but they dont look ready to harvest
Hang on to you’re seeds until the last frost is gone , I’m in Mississippi so sometimes that could be late March but you can start them inside and get them started healthy and strong and then when the frost is gone you can start to train them to go outside for the remainder of their life . Good luck
I live in Georgia and will be buying my seeds this week. I would like to know what type of soil should I use since I plan on planting them outside. I plan on starting them inside and then transplanting them outside. I have 3- 3×3 containers to start with and several large buckets. I was thinking that I should use a potting mix with fertilizer in it. Please advise.
I am sorry to inform you that I think you have waited too long to grow outdoors. I think it is too cold in Georgia at night in November and December to grow outdoors unless you have a greenhouse and can supplement heat.
Perhaps I should advise you to join us at and we can help you learn to be a successful grower from start to finish.
Always start plants in starter cubes, and transplant to small 1 gallon pots. Plants will not need to be placed in larger pots for about a month into vegetative cycle. We do not recommend using potting soil with fertilizer. You lose a lot of control and inexperienced growers end up with issues because they have no input on the plants nutrition.
Try our flower Power Starter Pack. Just mix with water, PH and feed plants. Super easy and great nutrients. 🙂
[…] plants ever grown. One plant can yield up to 1 kilo (35 oz) of marijuana. Make sure to read the outdoor growing guide to get the same results as these […]
thank you for your help I’m just a beginner and I learned a whole lot and I’m going to continue 2to learn from this site and thank you very much
My opinion as a former (Heavy) Drinker, and a actual User of Medical Marijuana*, is that under the Effect of Alcohol, driving Any vehicle can be the way to Death,With Marijuana NO, you also Should Not Mix it with ANY Prescription Drugs (I Know!) and People do it and Die, but Not on Marijuana!
Marijuana helps People getting Better, Alcohol Make you Sick, gives you a NASTY Personality that makes you get home Hitting Children Wife Cat and Dog!!! By the other hand, Marijuana can even Help Relationships, ways of Life(again,I Know!) And help “Destroyed” People and Relations, Lifes, Re-Approach of Fathers with Sons..How can Alcohol HELP??? I never heard of anybody being helped by Drinking Alcohol, With Marijuana Yes, I’ve Heard and Seen or Better Yet, I ALREADY FELT the Relief, on Pain on Sleep and on talking to my Father and Mother, a Thing i Did Not Do for 10years due to my Way of Life, With Alcohol, and i had 7 Accidents, Broken Legs, Arms (with lots of Luck!!!)and Lost a TON of Money(BUT i NEVER Learned Nothing!) My Familiar life was really bad, i have an older Daughter(21), of Another Wife i had, and another Girl with One Year Old that me and my new Wife had the chance to See Being Born, PERFECT, Ten Fingers, Ten Toes and a SMILE.. 😀 ! I do not have any kind of INFORMATION of Dead People BECAUSE of Marijuana, in the Entire World, but Alcohol, a Very Dangerous Drug, is Sold to who ever has the Money!! Don’t tell me a MINOR CAN’T BUY a BEER or a Bottle of Vodca because that is BS. Why is Marijuana such a BAD DRUG, my own Psichologist and my Medical Team Chief, aggree Marijuana has a LOT of Capacity to HELP, BUT, the Law isn’t YET allowing us in Portugal, to Grow for Our Own Use, they are even more “on our side” because they Know Better than US!!!
I wait and wait..and wait..Maybe the day comes Soon.
Thanks for sharing Joaquim.
[…] being high on marijuana. Marijuana wins again in the latest bout of marijuana vs. alcohol. Click here for even more information about the positive attributes of […]