Marijuana Grow Guides

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foxtailing marijuana

Marijuana foxtails

Despite being hardy by nature, cannabis plants are responsive to the environment they grow, meaning a double-edged sword for growers.  On the one hand, they use the responsiveness of cannabis to increase its yield through plant training techniques and different growing methods.  On the other, this means cannabis is more likely to respond to stress …

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Manifolding cannabis

Manifolding cannabis plants

Every grower’s goal is to increase their cannabis plants’ overall yield, which is why there are numerous different plant training techniques for marijuana.  One of many growers’ more common techniques is manifolding. This article will discuss: We also answer frequently asked questions about manifolding such as, ‘When is the best time to start?’ and ‘Is …

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marijuana fimming

Fimming cannabis

‘Fu$k I missed’, or fimming is a trimming method that you can apply to cannabis plants during their vegetative stage to increase the number of bud sites.  It’s done by cutting the upper half of the new growths on your plants which will cause them to produce multiple new branches. Fimming is often confused with …

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Super Cropping Marijuana

Super cropping marijuana: Simple trick for bigger yields

Most growers look for ways to increase their cannabis yield.  While there’s nothing wrong with growing cannabis regularly without any plant training, you won’t make the most of the strain you’re growing without it.  However, plant training has its risks, such as being extremely stressful when used on cannabis.  Thankfully, there is a safer alternative …

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Defoliate Autoflowers

Should you defoliate autoflowers?

Defoliating autoflowers is different from defoliating photoperiod cannabis plants in that autoflowers don’t handle stress as well as photoperiod plants.  However, this doesn’t mean that defoliating autoflowers isn’t worth the effort.  Like all types of plant training, there’s simply a potential risk.  In this article, we cover the risks and the benefits of defoliating autoflowers. …

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Growing cannabis at home

How to grow weed at home: 7 Home growing methods

When it comes to cannabis cultivation, growing in the safety and comfort of your own home is the way to go.  Not only is it efficient, but it’s also discreet. If you want to know how to grow weed at home, continue reading.  We’ve got 7 methods to help you achieve the best yields under …

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marijuana leaves

Marijuana leaves: Everything you need to know

Marijuana leaves are a vital component of the plant’s biological processes. They are the main sites where photosynthesis occurs and the process where energy from the sun fuels the plant’s growth.  However, there’s more to marijuana leaves than just that. This article will detail the many uses of marijuana leaves and how you can turn …

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Cannabis plant during the late vegetative stage

How to Veg Your Cannabis Like a Pro

Congratz! Your cannabis seeds have sprouted, and you are ready for the next (big) stage! The vegetative stage is the growth phase when your cannabis plants bulk up, establish roots, and gear up for the flowering stage. Think of the veg stage as a solid foundation—you want those roots, stems, and foilage to be as …

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feeding marijuana plants

How often should I give my cannabis plants nutrients?

Providing nutrients to your cannabis plants is necessary if you want the best results from the strain you’re cultivating.  However, there are a lot of variables at play when it comes to trying to feed your plants the nutrients they need.  To maximize your yield’s quantity and quality, you have to know how to use …

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wash marijuana buds

Bud washing: The what, why, and how

As its name suggests, bud washing is the process of rinsing your freshly harvested buds until they’re clean.  You don’t need to do it, but washing buds helps remove any dust, spores, or pesticides that bring down the quality of marijuana.  Should you wash your buds after harvest? It depends. If you’re growing cannabis in …

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Phosphorus deficiency

Phosphorus deficiency in marijuana plants

Phosphorus Deficiency In Marijuana Plants is very common. When you buy fertilizer from a garden center or other store, you most likely will notice its N-P-K ratio; the “P” in this ratio is phosphorus. This alone should tell you how important phosphorus is in any marijuana plant’s healthy survival. Phosphorus is an essential nutrient that …

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Growing the Best Weed with Light

From light to growth: Growing the best weed with light

A marijuana plant needs energy, just like humans and animals and plants absorb energy from light through their leaves using chlorophyll in a process called photosynthesis. Include carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and water (H2O) from the soil, and that light is converted into energy for the plant. Understanding this process can help you …

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