Marijuana Grow Guides

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Autoflower Marijuana Seeds

How to Choose Cannabis Seeds For Your First Grow

Cannabis has a wide array of remarkable traits, and this article will help you pick the perfect strain to grow. Distinct aromas can transport you to another place filled with memories of friends and good times. Flavors can awaken the senses and spark joy in your day.  Selecting the right cannabis strain, however, involves more …

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Fast Flowering Cannabis Plant

What is Fast-Flowering Cannabis?

Fast-flowering strains combine photoperiod genetics with autoflowering genetics. They have been engineered to grow and mature faster than traditional cannabis plants. This means quicker harvests and increased yields compared to autoflower strains. Fast flowering strain yields can match those of photoperiod cannabis varieties. Understanding fast flowering weed and how it differs from established photoperiod and …

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Couple of plants within a growtent

How Many Cannabis Plants Fit in a Grow Tent?

The dream cannabis garden might be a wide-open area full of beautiful plants under the blue sky, but for most of us, indoor growing is the reality (which actually has a number of benefits to it).  Figuring out how many plants to fit in your grow tent can be tricky. It depends on factors like …

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Marijuana plants growing indoors under grow lights

A beginner’s guide to hanging grow lights

Certain things can happen in the grow room that most growers only consider once it happens. Once it happens, those growers will never forget. Having your lights fall and crush your healthy, striving, gorgeous-looking cannabis plants is an experience no one forgets. In this article, we will fill you in with all the details, tips, …

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white bucket with compost tea

Compost tea for cannabis

Compost tea is an effective and natural solution for enhancing organic cannabis cultivation. As growers seek sustainable and organic methods to optimize plant growth, compost tea for cannabis has gained popularity for its numerous benefits. This nutrient-rich liquid fertilizer, created by steeping compost in water, offers a holistic approach to nurturing cannabis plants.  In this …

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Regular Cannabis Seeds

What are Regular Cannabis Seeds?

Regular cannabis seeds produce marijuana plants without an autoflowering or feminized trait. That means they can produce male plants and require a change in the light cycle to flower. Additionally, regular cannabis seeds are made naturally via a male cannabis plant pollinating a female. This is why regular seeds are also called open-pollinated seeds. Are …

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A woman holding soil in her hands, ready for planting.

Living Soil for Growing Cannabis

There are many different ways to cultivate cannabis plants, each with pros and cons. You must consider them when choosing your best style. Personally, my favorite method is living soil. At first glance, it may sound daunting and super scientific with big words like rhizosphere, biodynamic, and flocculation, but rest assured, living soil is as …

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Photoperiod Cannabis Seeds

What are Photoperiod cannabis seeds?

Photoperiod describes the number of light hours a plant receives each day. This is important because the number of light hours dictates the growth stage of photoperiod plants. As the plant receives less light during a 24 hrs period, it will start to change her growth cycle from vegetative (growing) to flowering (mature). It’s this …

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Marijuana Grow Light Timer

Best timers for grow lights

One of the unsung heroes of the indoor grow room is the timer controlling your lights. Without a timer for grow lights, the responsibility of turning grow lights on and off falls on the grower. As diligent as we may think we are, grow light timers are far more consistent and reliable.  Automating your grow …

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Couple of plants within a growtent

Everything You Need to Know About Cannabis Grow Tents

If you’re growing cannabis indoors, one of the most important tools in your setup is a cannabis grow tent. These specially designed tents create an ideal, controlled environment that helps maximize the health and yield of your plants. Whether you’re just starting your cannabis-growing journey or looking to fine-tune your indoor garden, knowing the basics …

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Automatic Watering System For Growing Cannabis

Automatic Watering System For Growing Marijuana

Cannabis plants need adequate hydration to thrive and achieve maximum yield. When grown in an ideal environment, you’ll see just how thirsty they can get. Your cannabis plants need water and naturally consume a lot of it –  especially photos. Remember, they’re made of 80% water! Keeping cannabis plants properly hydrated in optimal growing conditions …

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