Preventing and fixing long, stretchy stems

Elongated, stretchy stems are the bane of any new marijuana grower, in one of our most common questions is “why is my weed plant growing tall and skinny?”. They don’t provide a stable base for a seedling, which can end up affecting the plant throughout its lifecycle. But, getting rid of the stretchy stem is really a matter of replanting the seedling, so it doesn’t continue to grow disproportionately.

Why do seedlings stretch?

There are several reasons why a marijuana plant may stretch. Sometimes there is nothing you can do to prevent a plant from creating tall stems regardless of your efforts to stop it.

why do seedlings stretch
Why do seedlings stretch?

Many factors may cause a marijuana seedling to stretch. Some are biological and others aren’t, however in all cases, the plant grows differently as a result. Here are just a few reasons why a seedling might stretch:

  • Lack of nutrients in the soil
  • Unstable temperatures
  • Improper lighting schedule

Make sure you’re germinating your weed seeds properly. Learn more by reading our guide,

There’s also the plant’s genetics. If a marijuana plant’s parents were originally grown indoors or if they promoted the growth of crowding plants, there is a chance that natural selection kept this trait in the seed’s genotype. But if those seeds were made by a ‘’Willy-nilly’’ crossing from hybrid plants, their offspring will be so variable that it will be hard to know what to expect. Keep in mind, some plants just naturally grow taller than others. One example of a strain that grows tall both indoors and outdoors is the tropical, landrace pure Sativa.

To make sure you don’t see any issues with nutrients arise in your next grow, I have created a balanced nutrient package, specifically engineered for growing marijuana plants!

buy marijuana fertilizer set

Marijuana nutrient package

  • Give your plants the best chance to live
  • All the nutrients from seedling to harvest
  • Enough nutrients for at least 5 plants
  • Say goodbye to nutrient issues!

Sun-hungry behavior

Marijuana plants love light, but some plants may love it a bit too much. SARP is term used among growers that is short for “shade avoidance response phenotype.’’ This is when a plant stretches to reach light that is being stolen by a neighboring plant.

Did you know that plants are perfectly aware of their surroundings?

A marijuana plant can sense when a neighboring plant is close due to less red in the light that is reflected off.  This also means they are less likely to stretch when red spectrum HPS lights are used because they have enough. Of course, temperature and the timing of the growth cycle play a role in the phenomena as well; so, the overall environment is still critical. It can decide if SARP behavior starts to show.

Factors that make your plant more likely to stretch include:

  • Space between plants
  • High temperatures
  • Not enough light
  • Distance to the light

It’s important to understand that SARP isn’t solely about access to light. It is a mixture of outside factors that interact with the light quality. The amount of light needed by a cannabis plant would not be as much of an issue if the plant did not feel threatened by the presence of another plant.  However, when the plant is not exposed to light for a long enough time, it becomes more sensitive to the specific red spectrums needed for growth. When the photoperiod (length of light exposure) is long enough, the spectrum is less relevant.

Stretching, that is not due to shade avoidance, on the other hand, can occur with plants that do not get enough light in terms of intensity. In an indoor setup, it could be that the lamps are too far from the plant. It is literally trying to reach the light. Even though crowding is not the issue, this type of stretching is still a problem because these plants may have a higher risk of premature flowering.

Why stem stretching is an issue

Marijuana plants can develop stretched stems when grown both indoors and outdoors. They may be easy to miss, since a stretched plant may still be large, however, the yield will be much less. Stretched plants are more expensive to grow since those long stems need extra energy – energy that could have gone to growing bigger buds.  

Indoors, these decreased yields are likely related to the challenges of creating proper lighting in an indoor grow.

Stretching can also create fragile stems, which means the plant is at risk of falling over. It is also definitely an issue where ceiling height is a concern.

Stretching can be a big problem, but there are ways to prevent it from happening.

Ways to reduce the risk of stretching

Air circulation

Having good air circulation will allow the stems and leaves to get thicker and stronger while at the same time reducing how high it grows.

ways to reduce risk
Ways to reduce risk

Strong air circulation can create stem and leaf movement that strengthens and widens the stem while also slowing its vertical growth. Winds will bend the stem, creating small rips in the plant’s tissue. You can also just brush the leaves to simulate the effects of air circulation.


The type of light you use also plays a role in how tall your stems will grow. Orange and red lights provoke taller, thin stems, but thick, short stems blue light is best. Using metal halide lamps while the plant is in the vegetative stage will produce short stems.

Another way to control the height of your plant is by using infrared light. You use these when the lights are off. A black cloth covers the heat lamp reflector, which makes it so the infrared rays create the right results. At the same time, it catches red light to prevent contradicting what you are trying to accomplish. It is best only to use this light during the flowering stage.

The distance of the lights from your plants can also lead to stretching. To avoid stretchy stems make sure your marijuana seedlings get enough light.

In an indoor setup, place your plants under a CFL bulb (3 watts per seedling). The distance between plant and CFL bulb should be around 2 inches. If using HPS bulbs, the distance should be around 40 inches for seedlings (20 inches for vegging plants) but make sure temperatures don’t exceed 77 ºF.

Discovering how much light you should be giving to your plant can be quite a challenge. We’ve put together this Cannabis Lighting guide to help you out!

Outdoors, the distance may not be as relevant, but the amount of sunlight will be. Make sure you are growing according to your region’s growing calendar. In some cases, shorter days may cause plants to stretch – regardless of the amount of sun they are getting during the day. Even in the most tropical areas, outdoor plants may need additional nighttime lighting to prevent stretching during some seasons.

Heat and stem growth

The temperature influences how your stems grow. The higher the temperature, the longer the stems will grow. Your plant’s stems will widen, and the growth will lessen at about 60*F. When you have it around 80*F, the stems and buds will begin stretching.

If your buds get too close to the light, this causes it to become tall and thin. Don’t make the mistake of thinking this is light burn because this is not the case. In fact, the heat from the lamps can make it unbearable for buds. Air-cooled lamps are great for keeping much of the heat from coming into the room.

Not having the proper amount of light will lead to stem stretching. As a result, the seedlings will grow tall, thin stems because it is trying to access more light. As a solution to this problem, give it a more intense light schedule, or you can place them nearer to the light. Once you have done this, the stems will grow thicker and do much better on their own.

Lastly, try pruning as a way to reduce stem stretching. By cutting off the top of the stem, it makes the rest of the branch grow.

Spacing in-between plants

Growing your plants in bulk leads stretching. As your plant grows, the leaves may easily start coinciding with the plant next to it. Over time, this causes the bottom of the plant to be discolored, and the sub-canopy will get darker.

Reduce stress

Stem stretching is the result of many factors, which include high/low temperatures, transplant shock (if you want to know how to properly transplant your weed plants read here”, light spectrums, and humidity. Keep your plant happy by making sure the environment is the best for your plant. You can also reduce stress by protecting the core of the plant itself, using my Plant Protector kit.

Marijuana Plant Protector Set

Buy plant protector set

  • Protection against diseases and pests
  • Consists of three 20 ml bottles
  • Enough plant protection for 20 plants

Fixing stretched plants

If your plants have already started to stretch there are some ways to fix the problem, if you notice it early enough. If it is during the vegetative state or the first two weeks of the flowering stage, you can use blue lights to reduce it. This simple step could save a bunch of trouble later on.

Keep in mind, stretching isn’t always a bad thing. Some growers like a bit of stretch and feel that is good for avoiding bud rot in certain strains. But in most cases, stem stretching is not desirable.

Stretchy as an issue
Stretchy as an issue

If you do notice that your plant is stretching, refrain from giving it too much nitrogen. Instead, use a fertilizer ratio of (2-2-2) at the beginning of the flowering stage to keep the nitrogen levels average. Remember to keep it gradual. Making an instant shift to the normal flowering ration right after the vegetative stage causes yellowing.

Also, use oscillating fans if you’re growing indoors. A little bit of movement helps make your stems healthier.

If your plants have already experienced large amounts of stretching, here are two ways to nurse them back to life.

Bury the plant

Giving the plant a stronger base can help it stand up straight while the stems grow back stronger. You can create this base by basically re-potting the plant.

First, you’ll want to make sure the soil is dry. If it’s wet, the roots will have a tendency to cling, and you don’t want them to be damaged in any way. Then, very carefully remove the marijuana seedling from its current container. Clean off the roots so that there is no more soil attached.

You may want to use a deeper container or just dump the soil out from the seedling’s current container. Leave a little bit of soil in the bottom of whatever container you decide to use so that the roots won’t try to grow through the drain holes. Place the seedling down in the container in such a way that you can bury the stem. It is ideal to bury the stem almost completely so that only the Cotyledon leaves are showing. After that, provide the marijuana plant with just a touch of water to get it going again.

Also read How To Get The Best Water For Marijuana Plants

At this point, your stem will be buried, and it will eventually start to grow roots of its own. This is something that can apply to little seedlings and even incredibly long, emaciated stems. Again, as long as you’re extremely gentle with the plant, you should cause no harm, and the plant will not be stressed.

Plants with strong genetics have less chances of getting sick and are less vulnerable to pests and diseases. I have created multiple grow sets which features all you need in order to grow healthy plants from seed to harvest!

buy Gold Leaf marijuana strain grow kit

Marijuana grow set


You can also reinforce your plant by using stakes. Various growers have devised methods of staking their plants so that the stems can recover.

You could use some sort of fabric, such as fabric or yarn to create a lattice around weak, stretched stems. This works especially well in a greenhouse where you can simply tie the plants so that they remain standing.

Others use traditional stakes made out of plastic or bamboo and tie or tape weak plants to them for support.

If you decide to use stakes or otherwise tie your plant, be careful not to damage the stem in any way. The idea is to provide support, not stress, otherwise, the stretching will not stop. If you use stakes, it may be a good idea to invest in specialty gels that strengthen the stem during the process.

FAQs about preventing and fixing long, stretchy stems

Why is my plant growing tall and skinny?

There could be several reasons why your plant is growing like that. Some of the factors that lead to such growth are unstable temperatures, lack of nutrients in the soil, and improper lighting schedules. The plant’s genetics could also be responsible for its tall and skinny traits.

How to stop plants from growing tall outdoors?

Sticking to your region’s growing calendar can help keep your plants from stretching. Mostly because they’ll be able to get enough sunlight.
However, you should keep in mind that shorter days can also cause them to stretch. Consider providing your outdoor plants with additional night lighting during some seasons to prevent stretching.

What to do when plants are too tall in vegetative state?

Use blue lights to stop your plants from stretching during the vegetative state. You can also use the lights in the first two weeks of the flowering stage to prevent your plants from growing too tall.
Check out for more information on marijuana seedling problems.

Thanks for reading. Please leave comments or questions below and don’t forget to download my free grow bible for more troubleshooting tips.

Happy growing!


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84 thoughts on “Preventing and fixing long, stretchy stems”

  1. I am an avid gardener and with my tomato plants when they reach about 12 inches I will repot them and bury about half of the stem to promote more root growth and stem strength. Will this work with cannabis?

    • Hi Otis,

      Thanks for your comment. Yes, this process will work with Cannabis plants as well!

      Let us know if you have any other questions!

      Happy growing,
      Alex ILGM

  2. Thanks this is great info and answers a lot. I got some seeds from another grower and despite being outdoors and grown the sane as all my other plants, these guys stretched out so damn much I thought it had to be genetic, Cuz I have never seen stretching like that before. A few of them were too weak to survive the outdoors, but a lot ofhem did survive to

  3. Indoor grow my plants (Granddaddy Purple) have very thin stalks & a couple have fallen over. I staked them, adjusted temperature, watering & LED lighting. They have been up for 2 weeks & are only 4″ tall but have much growth at the top. Not sure what else to get the stalks thicker. Thank you for your suggestions.

  4. I purchased the Bruce banner seeds. The germination went well for about half the seeds. Which was about 5 seeds. I used a potting mix especially created for plants and veggies. while adding some miracle grow per the instructions. I have the 5 plants growing ,but as a stretched plant. Just top leaves on a skinny stem. Any thoughts on how I can correct this situation? and also what will the plant do if it continues to grow like that. What should I expect to see as it matures.thanks.

  5. Thanks for your expertise on stretching seedlings. I am going to bury the seedlings deeper as you recommend, when I place them in larger pots.. I Had no idea that the stretching stocks would start growing roots. I don’t want to lose these plants, and I think you helped me save them. Most helpful

  6. I’m from Australia.and I only had one plant that was given to me by a friend.then when the plant finished it must have dropped some seed in the soil.they grow on there own then I planted a couple in pots outside but they have grown very tall and it worth keeping or do I just ditch them.

  7. I have been a consumer grower sence I was 15 . Back when it was the devils weed. I have learned things just now that I always wondered about. Some things I was doing right and some wrong. Keep up with the good information. Thanks Grow God 59

  8. Hi

    What is your recomended distance between the plant and the lamp ( full spectrum 1000w Led grow light) at each stage of the plants life cycle i.e. Seedling, vegetative, flowering.

  9. I have three plants 1 weekend but they aren’t growing anymore theybput out the first jagged leaves and thats it should they be further along or am I ok they are 8 days today.

  10. First time grower here. Purchased a QGLED- 24W bulb to get them going inside before moving them outside and I made the mistake of setting up the light too far away, causing my plants to develop quite a long stem. I’m just wondering if i can move the plant from its original planter and just bury it deeper in another planter with is original soil still connected to the roots. (Instead of cleaning them off)? Definitely placing the light closer.


  11. Plants are 7 days old
    Sour diesel looks great but gsc extreme is very stretched and lanky. Can this be corrected?

  12. I have 600wtt led light, how far should my seedlings be from them. I appreciate any info my last ones stretched at manufacturing Recommendations. Which was 24inches

  13. Thank you for the response. This is actually my third grow. I was just wondering if this common for the strain. Blackberry Kush. I actually have nine plants going out of the ten seeds that I germinated. Not too bad

  14. Tombstone,

    I recommend you try Robert’s Gold Leaf. This is out signature strain, high in THC and CBD. An excellent grower with good yield and a favorite among members at ILGM 🙂

    Happy growing

  15. New at this. In the 70,so it was easy. First grow and all 5 stretch Ed and baby sitting the last one using the tips here. My question is my next order, what strain is best for THC for extreme back pain and anxiety. Don’t want to relax to much, fall asleep and get nothing done? Thanx, tired of pain docs!

    • Russ,

      I hope to see you in the forum. Perhaps you already got help. There are so many options for you that it is hard to discuss it all here in the blog. IN the forum; When you post; Place an @ symbol in front of my name, like this; @#latewood

      I may not immediately see it but, one of theModerators will and let me know. Make it clear you want advice from me, although many others will be willing to share knowledge with you.

  16. Join here!:

    Leaving a Red light on 24/7 is totally off base. I suggest you take me up on my offer and join our forum. It sounds like you are loving them to death 😉 Happy frog is OK for some genetics but, limited. to vegetative period, then needs amended and supplement for bloom.

    BY the time you buy a bunch of CFL lamps, you could have spent the bucks for even the cheapest LED or 250-400HID digital lamp. If you insist on using small CFL; Expect small yield. For more in delth discussion; Join the forum. Peace 🙂

  17. latewood_ilgm, —-im on a buget, cfl is all that is around & cheap, you didnt say anything about my soil, so im guessing frog-dirt is good, steem,s are wiked-turn,s & 2nd & 3rd leaves comeing but awfull steem,s, im lost for what next or just give-up or let my cat,s at-em, i cut them back-some to make them think they need to grow stronger & had then in darkness allready then just the cfl, would more cfl help? being you said 1600 isnt enuff, do-you-do-house-call,s? oh- i leave a red-lite burning 24/7 for its coloring they say they-need 🙁

  18. hello everybody—– i,ve done my re-search & still the same 🙁 streaching-stem,s under 1,600 lum,s of cfl, & happy-frog, ( the best of both-world,s ) ( from lite,n,soil ) whats a worried-man to do, im russ, i know-i know, but i wont because i want to grow

    • russ hochman,

      First thing to do is lose the CFL. Invest in a 4 tube T5 lamp and put it 1.5″ from the sprout and monitor and adjust as needed to keep lamp 1-2″ from seedlings. This will stack the alternating nodes and keep the plant structure tight.

    • CFL lights is all I use. But I use atleast 5 to one plant.. 3 lights on the ground point ring upwards and 2 or 3 lights on top of the plant… So every bit of the plant is getting some kind of light.. it works well on a budget. I do it every time..

  19. I started an indoor grow with 40 plants. They took off like bottle rockets, grew 10cm in a couple days – really tall and skinny then started falling over even tho I had a fan blowing on them and white and blue LEDs 40cm over the plants. Repotted them by placing the peat cups into a 10 liter pot and took outside. I used bamboo skewers and some 16ga aluminum wire to keep the plants erect. After a couple weeks I started selectively removeing the skewers. After 8 weeks they are over a meter, strong and healthy.
    Haven’t a clue why they grew like that initially but am thrilled with them now.

    • It’s me,

      Seedlings stretch out due to inadequate light. Invest in some T5 lighting and keep it 2″ above your babies. I think you will like the result.

  20. The plant should even out in some way… it is difficult and somehow different to use the High Powered Light on the seeds these days… considering the Hydroponic Arena where vast farms of it are grown with Amazing Root and Flowering Solutions, so using the light is becoming more and more unique, but I recommend you use the Light for the Seed Stage, then when they are about a month or more old re-pot them (hopefully in the Fabric 5 Gallon Pots, or Two in the 7 Gallon ones) and let the natural sunshine grow them. That way you get the Powerful Heat in youth and the Natural grow will finish the product. good luck!

  21. I grew old Mexican weed for years. Seedy but good. The new hybrids are way better but you’ve got to try way harder.

  22. hi Robert please will you email me i need a little advise. now as ive spoent so much money and now on second set of seeds, they ate 6 days old but thin and tall stems. i have a tent and light 300w led canopy light. should i put them under this? and im worried about potential fire hazards with my grow tent and light. any advise please thankyou

  23. Darren Kirk,

    I do not understand why you are only running light 2 houes…

    Light should be on 14-18 hrs per day, and off the rest.

    Stretching is due to plants reaching for light. Best way to prevent stretching is to invest in a T5 lamp with at least 4 bulbs. You place a T5 1″ above seedlings, and they do not stretch. Your stretching appears to be due to”no light’ at all.

    I advise you to join our support forum where you can learn from our many helpful and friendly members, and experts alike.

    Happy growing! 🙂

  24. Ive just stated to grow,and ive got 2little seedlings,I only have a 400w bulb so I have been putting it on for 2hours a time to heat my little cupboard then I put it off.I do this 3times a day and they have grown to about 2″-3″ stocks with 4little leaves,im worried if the stocks r too big or if I should plant them into a bigger pot,sorry I should have said that I used riot root cubes thats all they r in at moment can anyone advise me

    • 2 hours at a time.. buddy u should be putting the light on for 18 to 20 hours a day. And don’t use a light to warm up. Use a electric heater.

  25. The solutions only cover indoor grows. When growing outdoors, someone want to explai how to get it closer to the light? Lol. But would be great info if I was growing indoors.

  26. Side by side plants in 5L pots using the same soil and sharing a 1.5m LED grow strip light. One plant shot up and the other stayed short and bushed out?? Had to raise one end of the strip light just about every day to accommodate the tall plant. After 45 degrees I gave up and put the tall plant outside. Kinda late in the season as the days are getting shorter. The two outside plants are budding like crazy and I’m hoping the tall one will start. Next spring I’m going to plant all of them outside. This group was just an experiment.

  27. to growers, i used led 200 watt for seedlings, but my light is about half way of my tent due to plant stretching and it works for me, once i start on my forth nod i throw them into a bigger tent with less mix color also i run them about half way of my tent. i guess is that how tall and how wide your tent may be, take that into consideration that it also plays a part into stretching of your plant. at one time i started my seeds and threw them into my big tent with mix leds it didn’t produce anything for my seedling also so i have put them into my germ tent and it started to grow so i guess light plays a important thing when your germ and plant stretch

  28. Richard,

    We still measure lighting in watts and lumens. What has happened is that the LED industry is so Non-Standardized, that it actually takes buying and experimenting with the different brands in order to realize at what values they function. I use HID digital lamps, and T5 for propagation. LED is still too expensive and has too many misleading ratings for me to invest at this point.

    Best advice I can give you is to join our Support forum and open a discussion with some members and experts who use LED lighting.

    Peace, lw

    • I just done a crop.of mazars and sugerhaze in nft under 2 marrshydro 48s cost me 82 pounds each got 12.onces of top drawer dryer cured bud best crop I be ever had this is in a 80 x 80 tent never would I dream of going back to growing with street lights hps and halides …

  29. Robert,

    A quibble and a question about light:

    There have been two changes in the way artificial light is designated. Lumens has replace watts as we’ve moved away from incandescent lamps. And with the advent of tuned LED’s “degrees Kelvin” has replaced the familiar white, warm white, blue, etc.

    The question concerns the description of light color. Could you, even if parenthetically, define your color recommendations in degrees K? As for LED’s: as they become more reliable and cheaper, and since they can be precisely tuned during manufacture, is there a reason not to use these bright yet relatively cool running lights?

  30. “Not having the proper amount of light will lead to stem stretching. As a result, the seedlings will grow tall, thin stems because it is trying to access more light. As a solution to this problem, give it a more intense light schedule or you can place them nearer to the light. Once you have done this, the stems will grow thicker and do much better on their own.”

    ^^ This is the most common thing when it comes to stretching of any seedling, not just cannabis. People all too often don’t realize they need to put the lights pretty close to the seedlings, like, within a couple inches, and from the very beginning of the process. Otherwise, they will stretch quickly, and you can’t really reverse that.

    • I treat mine like tomatoes and if they stretch I bury them deeper just like a tomato plant, but only in the seedling stage. Mine always do well and have more roots because I plant them deeper to cover the stem.

  31. Please anyone have recommendations for supporting weak elongated stems?
    Is supporting by elevating the soil around the stem OK?

    • ‘@Ruven, probably not. You can do that for things like tomato seedlings, because all of those little “hairs” on the stem can turn into roots if they’re covered with soil. I don’t know that cannabis has that ability, and so you might be inviting rot.

      Would probably be better to run some fabric strips or soft yarn from one side to the other, supporting the seedlings between them. Like a sort of lattice. If you’re using a greenhouse type structure, you could tie it to the poles on either side. Otherwise, you could “stake it” in the soil around the plant. Make sure not to let it cut into the plant. You want it to provide support, that’s all.

      • Tomatoes do produce adventitious roots almost anywhere along the stem. They aren’t associated with the “hairs” you can see but the bumps that form from the base up the stem. In fact, when I transplant tomatoes, I lay the plant on its side in a trench turning up the growing tip. The root system then develops along the buried stem.

        To my knowledge, cannabis does not have that capacity. Robert has promised an article on cloning (I haven’t found it using the search engine associated with his site). I’m sure the process will be similar to rooting common garden plants with woody stems.


      • Say there Ruven:
        I use bamboo stakes and narrow green tape and tie them loosely. The tape is available in most grow stores.
        Also there is a product called “Silca” Several companies make this and it works to build stronger stems. I also use Amino acids and that is helpful.

    • I usually elevate the soil or other stuff up against the seedling and it will usually Stand up or I get a wire tie and a match stick or just a thin plain stick and put it into the soil and tie the wire tie around the seedling and twig..

  32. I would like to get ur bible book , not a email! I don’t know if it’s possible? If it is
    154E County Rd 14

    And I thanks u for all the help u gave me so far!!!

  33. I usually use a single t5 grow light for my seedlings until they get about 5 or 6 inches tall. Is this OK? I bought a 4′ 4 light t5 also for when they grow bigger then switch to a 400 watt HPS. How does this sound to you? Thanks

  34. Can you say the reasions y one plant turnes male and the rest are fine this is at the start and the serds are femanised regards pat

  35. […] You can also solve this issue by adjusting the spectrum of the light you’re using, and making sure that the temperature is hot without being overly hot. Make sure the plants are getting plenty of light, or the plant will stretch out in an attempt to reach the lights. Find out how to deal with stretching marijuana plants. […]

      • Hey Rob my plants are 22 days old.white widow fems.there only about only 10″ tall but are very health . I got them on 18 hrs. On. It worrys me does this seem normal . We do smoke mar

      • They seem to be doing ok. You shouldn’t Worry. So are u saying it’s been 22 days since you planted the seeds, or are u saying it’s been 22 days since it has grew it first leaves. Even so 10 inches isn’t too bad at all..

      • I usually plant my seeds a month before spring just to give it a few extra weeks in veg stage before I put it into flower stage. But u could do yours from day 1 of spring or a week before spring… Up U.. you will get the feel after a few grows and u will find your own likes and dislikes.. and to germinate I find the best way to do it, Is less is best. I always throw my seeds in a cup of warm not boilng or hot water with a bit of seaweed extract in it or a very low dose of nutrients.. and in atleast 8 hours or more When they sink they are ready to plant into the soil. Don’t let them sit at The bottom of the Water for Too long, it may drown it or it may go mouldy inside the Seed. And I find I have more success rate If i just plant them about 1cm or 1.5cm down into the soil straight away and pour a little bit of water on-top of the soil… Nature has been doing it that way for millions of years so I don’t see why any1 should do it any other way. I’ve tried to sprout Them in a cup of water aftr they had sunk And they almost always died. And I’ve tried the paper towel method and it took too long and when the root came out I found that transplant shock always happened when replanting it into soil.. less is always best. Don’t be too fancy when growing plants

    • I have a little trick, works every time, take the paper off a bread tie so you are left with the wire, shape the wire so it’s vertical stic the wire in the soil at an angle away from the tap root, round the top part of the wire in a half circle, put your fallen plant inside the half ring, this will hold your seedling in place till it’s roots take

      • My in door plants seam to flower slow, I have fellow growers that bud for a certain number of days, depending on the strain. But I got by Tricombs . When they tell my they harvested in 60 days it makes me think I’m doing something wrong! I know I’ve had buds that I know wasn’t near ready to harvest at 60 days of flowering. Like I say I go
        By the Tricombs and ya been as lone as 75-80 days sometimes even longer. Why is this? I sure don’t want to rush it but then I think I might be loosing weight or THC by waiting. Now if they look good at 60 days I’ll cut them! Its just confusing. What’s the no fail way to tell count days or observe the beautiful flowers under a Lomé? Thank and I’ll be a reader for life.

    • Didn’t know there where too different seeds one for outdoor and 1 for indoor.. or did u mean what’s the difference between indoor plants and outdoor plants.. the difference is indoor plants seem to grow alot faster. And u have more control on how long it stays in veg stage for..


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