Nutrient Issues

Nutrient deficiencies in marijuana plants

Nutrient deficiencies in marijuana plants

Nutrient deficiencies in marijuana plants are not just an annoyance for cannabis growers; they can also kill your plants. If you want to grow the best marijuana possible, you need to learn how to recognize and resolve nutrient deficiencies. Some of my favorite solutions for nutrient deficiencies are easy to do. You simply need to …

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Sulfur deficiencies in cannabis plants

Sulfur deficiency in marijuana plants

Sulfur deficiencies in marijuana plants are quite rare. This is a good thing because good growing roots, the proper amount of chlorophyll, and the development of plant proteins are all processes aided by sulfur throughout the vegetation stage. This deficiency is first noticeable when it causes newer leaves to yellow and in some cases the …

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Iron deficiency in cannabis plants

Iron deficiency in marijuana plants

Iron may just be a trace nutrient to the marijuana plants but a lack of it can lead to serious problems. In fact, it is one of the most common mineral deficiencies found in growing cannabis. Why is iron important for weed plants? What makes iron a crucial element is its role in the formation …

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Molybdenum deficiency

Molybdenum Deficiency In Cannabis Plants

Molybdenum is responsible for turning nitrates into ammonia, which helps with protein production. This means that molybdenum is an extremely important nutrient. If your marijuana plant has a molybdenum deficiency, it means it is not receiving an adequate amount of this nutrient. If there is a surplus of molybdenum, your plant probably won’t receive much …

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Silicon Deficiency in Marijuana Plants

Silicon Deficiency In Marijuana Plants

A silicon deficiency is extremely rare, but it can prohibit the plants from producing sturdy leaves, roots, or stems. Fungal and bacterial diseases along with insect infestations are all more common during a silicon deficiency. Photosynthesis is limited and the eventual yield is also lessened. Silicon is not, however, mobile. Make sure to add the …

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Underwatered cannabis plant drooping leaves

The Effects Of Underwatering Your Marijuana Plants

All plants, including marijuana, consist of about 80% water. Therefore it makes sense that issues with the water management could cause damage to the marijuana plant. Ourdoors in the ground, the marijuana plant usually has enough soil to work with. Depending on the quality and the structure of the soil, it also helps to regulate the …

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Nutrient deficiencies in outdoor cannabis plants

Nutrient Deficiencies In Outdoor Marijuana Plants

Gardeners of any kind need to have the ability to identify plants that are ill. They need to be able to take one look at their plants and determine exactly what is wrong with them. This is even more important for growers of marijuana since they are generally unable to ask others for help and …

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Zinc deficiency in cannabis plants

Zinc deficiency in marijuana plants

Zinc is necessary the proper growth and overall health of your marijuana plant. Zinc affects the strength of all parts of the plant such as the stems, branches, stalks and leaves. It is also a necessary element in many enzymes and a certain growth hormone called, auxin. When plants don’t have the right amount of …

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boron deficiency in a marijuana plant

Boron deficiency in marijuana plants

Boron is an extremely important nutrient that helps marijuana plants use calcium. It helps with maturation, pollen germination, seed production, cell division, the formulation of proteins, keeping the leaves a healthy color, and plant structure formation. It also keeps your plant’s stems, stalks, and branches at a healthy level of strength. When there isn’t enough …

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Browning of leaves is a sign of calcium deficiency in marijuana plants

Calcium deficiency in marijuana plants

Calcium helps your marijuana plant have healthy and strong cell walls, stems, branches, and stalks. It also helps out with root hair growth and root system development. If your weed plants have calcium deficiency, your plant won’t be able to absorb potassium properly, either. Calcium also helps your plants handle stress factors, such as very …

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