Smoking resin happens. Do not shy off; nobody wants to judge you for that. For your information, many stoners have had to smoke weed resin at some point.
Why? Dude tough times – you are short of weed and no money to get you high.
Like why would you smoke resin if you can get the actual weed? It is understandable. That’s why this article will discuss some critical stuff about resin and how you can smoke it.
What is weed resin?
For those who do not know yet, resin is the material that accumulates in your pipe or bong after using them for some time.
You can call it pipe resin, weed resin, or simply resin. And yes it is sticky and nasty. It consists chiefly of tar and some amounts of ash and carbon.

Does resin contain THC?
You’re better off with a fresh batch of weed straight from the plant though. If you grow your own, you’re cheaper off than dispensary weed and have a healthy homegrown crop. Check out our seed bank to find a fine selection of high-THC seeds.
Does smoking resin get you high?
Many people often ask, does smoking resin get you high? Yes, it will get you high. Here is some explanation. The resin contains some minute amounts of THC.
Most THC in weed burns when you light it up, but there is always some residual THC that is trapped in the resin.
From this explanation and experience, yes, smoking resin will get you high. Resin, however, does not have a pleasant taste and it will take you more resin to get the same high as the actual weed.
You are probably very excited about resin getting you high, but there is something you should think about before smoking resin—health issues to be specific.
Smoking resin continuously over time will cause harm. Not that smoking anything will not cause problems, but resin will produce more significant problems.

Is smoking resin bad?
The answer is of course yes. Smoking resin is harmful to your health. Generally and inarguably, any form of smoking is not good for your respiratory system.
As you probably know, resin merely is tar, some ash and burnt carbon that make resin more harmful than smoking the real buds.
Hey, but a single hit on resin is not that harmful. Well, what other choice do you have on a desperate day? Here is the thing, do not make smoking resin a habit.
You can smoke resin, but you’re better off with a fresh crop of your own. Growing cannabis is easy! Download our free Weed Grow Bible and learn how to start today!
How to scrape resin
So you are desperate to get weed-high. Do not worry it is an experience almost all stoners go through at least once at some point – we cannot judge.
In fact, let us help you scrape some resin. Any means to scrape some chunks is okay.
Each pipe varies slightly from the other, and a little creativity will come in handy here.
Remember the aim is to pull out some nice chunks that you can place in your pipe and smoke.
Here are a few tools you can improvise to scrape some resins.

Paperclip or Bobby Pin
Any of the two clips will achieve the task. You want to bend the clips into a shape that allows you to scrape around the curves of your pipe with effortlessness.
You might want to dry hit the pipe or the tool you are using to scrape resin. Dry heat softens the resins and makes it easy to extract.
The downside to heating is that as the resin warms, it becomes stinky, sticky, and drippy. Well, in short, it becomes messy.
Just do your best to avoid the resin coming into contact with your hands, clothes or carpet. Heating will saturate the resin, and you have to allow it some time to dry.
Parchment paper
Probably you wonder why you need one. Well, you need a non-stick disposable surface to collect your resin. You can also use gummed paper or even wax paper. You just do not want to mess your surfaces.
Smoker multi-tool
You can get a smoker’s multi-tool that comes in handy for scrapping resin out of bowls. While it is not necessary, it is cool to have one around.
Weed resin precautions
Avoid scrapping plastic pipes. They break down with time, and you will undoubtedly end up smoking small pieces of plastic. Stay safe; only scrape from glass pipe or hard metal pipe.
What are the different ways of smoking resin?

Not a favorite method but still an option though. Unlike the actual bud, resin burns slower.
Resin is also compact, so you will not have enough airflow through the joint. You will still get some amount of smoke but not enough.
There are many resilient marijuana vaporizers and wax pens on the market. It will work to some extent but not quite recommendable especially because it will ruin your vaporizer.
Resin leaves a funky smell or taste in your vape. Doing away with the smell from your vape can prove to be a challenge.
Resin vaporizes at a much higher temperature than THC,so that implies you will need more heat.
Tea and other edibles
Some people claim to prepare resin tea – heat their pipe in water and used the infusion to make tea. A nasty taste!
That’s the best compliment to the product. Let us be real; Resin is a waste product so with minimal THC.
Tar is gross even in edible products. You will probably feel nausea after consuming resin teat or its edibles. Just avoid this.
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A favorite method and the best way to smoke resin. It is even best when you have a water filter (bong or a bubbler) to minimize the harshness of the smoke.
Dry heat the pipe
The best thing about this technique is you don’t have to bother scraping the resin out of your pipe. Why trouble yourself when the resin is already in your pipe?
Just heat the pipe as if you have the real thing in and puff several times, and the resin heats up to produce smoke.
Take care not to burn yourself. As the resin heats up, so will the pipe and this can burn you.
Smoking resin is gross and unhealthy. However, desperate times demand desperate measures, and we cannot judge.
There are times you just have resin as the only option. Just do not make it a hobby.
Now you know all about consuming resin I hope you feel there are better ways to get your high.
Robert’s Grow Bible will definitely help to get you started and our seed bank ships to all USA states.
Happy growing!