Disney Blue Strain

This hybrid bud is a fan favorite, because of its easy-going nature and its mellow and happy-go-lucky effects.

Disney Blue smells sweet and will remind you of blueberries, and make the room smell pungent. This plant is a wonderful way of winding down at the end of the day.

Disney Blue is an uplifting hybrid strain that was bred in Temecula, California by Greenleaf Genetics Collective.

It was named after the happiest place on earth, as this is exactly what its effects can do to you.

This bud is a cross of Blue Dream mixed with DJ Short’s Blueberry.

This hybrid strain is all about feeling good and reeling in happy feelings.

You will feel creatively stimulated when smoking this plant, and it will leave you in a long euphoric state.

Disney Blue has a buzz that kicks in, taking effect slowly and gently, making it an ideal choice for less experienced smokers.

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Disney Blue weed strain attributes:
ORIGINBlue Dream mixed with DJ Short Blueberry
EFFECTShappy – 10
creative – 9
uplifted – 9
relaxed – 9
euphoric – 2
dry eyes – 1
paranoid – 1
headache – 1
anxious – 1
FRAGRANCEfruity, pungent, sweet, sour
FLAVORSpineapple, blueberry, pungent, sweet, berry
MEDICALstress – 18
depression – 7
fatigue – 5
headaches – 5
pain – 5
THC CONTENT %24%-28%
CBD %1%
INDICA / SATIVA %50% / 50%
OUTDOOR YIELD17oz/ plant
CLIMATEbalmy and sunny mediterranean climate
RESISTANCE TO DISEASEresistant to common molds and mildew

* 10 is the highest
* 1 is the lowest


Disney Blue sets in and starts off with happy and light mood. Its onset is quite slow, and its effects will really only sink in after a while.

This strain will make you feel free from worries, and fully enjoying the wave of positive vibrations that will come towards you.

TIP: Looking to buy Disney Blue seeds? Check out this marijuana seed shop

When smoking this bud, you can expect to feel slightly antsy to get creative, as the ideas will just come to you.

You’ll be able to think outside of the box and come up with fresh and unique things to get involved then.

Disney Blue is also uplifting, and will make you stay in a worry free state, even after its effects wear off.

Disney Blue Effects
Disney Blue Effects

If you are looking for a way to relax without feeling super body heavy or tired, then Disney Blue may be able to help you with that.

This balanced hybrid is very relaxing, but allows you to avoid a couch lock.

You will feel euphoric throughout your entire high, and stay in that elated mindset, thinking a positive thoughts.


Disney Blue has a unique fragrance profile that it has inherited from its supreme parentage.

This bud smells very sweet and sugary, and will make you think of ripe and fresh blueberries and strawberries as well, hanging in the air with its aroma.


This strains flavors are just as enticing, and you will notice on the inhale that its smoke will taste sweet and very fruity.

This bud has a pungent aftertaste that will leave its flavor on your tongue. It has a pineapple and blueberry taste that you won’t so easily forget.

Adverse Reaction

Disney Blue can display some adverse reactions for some users, although this bud is relatively mellow and tends to stick to a dry mouth or the feeling of being parched.

It is always a good idea to have a drink ready when smoking this train in order to avoid feeling dehydrated.

Disney Blue Adverse Reaction
Disney Blue Adverse Reaction

Other adverse reactions when smoking this Budd may include dry and itchy eyes, which are easily relieved with some eye drops.

You may feel slightly paranoid when smoking this bud, although this is something that rarely occurs as this bud is quite chill.

In some cases, you may end up with a mild headache or even a little anxiety, although this is fairly uncommon as well.

TIP: Looking to buy Disney Blue seeds? Check out this marijuana seed shop


Disney Blue is a very potent healer that is known for being an ideal choice in the battle against chronic and severe stress.

This hybrid plant can make you feel in control of your emotions, allowing you to stay composed throughout a hectic schedule.

You will entertain mainly optimistic thoughts, which will affect everything you do.

Other medical uses when smoking this strain may include an anti-depressive effect.

Disney Blue can make you feel relieved of sadness or any kind of baggage that you are carrying around with you, and instead allow you to focus on the positive.

This bud is uplifting and will introduce a happier attitude into your day.

Disney Blue Medical
Disney Blue Medical

Disney Blue can also help combat chronic fatigue in some patients.

Those who struggle with severe headaches and other types of pain such as muscle spasms, back aches and  may greatly benefit from the regular use of this particular bud.

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Disney Blue can be easy to grow, and does not require much growing experience in order to be successful harvest. This bud grows into a tall plant, and produces a yield that is average to above average.

Flowering Time


Flowering time for this hybrid when kept indoors can be around eight weeks. This bud tends to yield an estimated 13 ounces per square meters during harvest.


Disney Blue can be expected to yield around 17 ounces per plant during harvest. This bud should be ready around the middle of October for a hearty harvest.

Have you ever smoked or grown your own Disney Blue? Please let me know what you think about this marijuana strain in the comments below.


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