Dr. Feelgood Strain

Gupta Kush is widely renowned for its high levels of THC. While its recreational potential is unbound, its primary purpose is actually medicinal. This should come as no surprise as the strain itself is named after Dr. Sanjay Gupta, neurosurgeon and CNN’s lead medical correspondent. Seeing the positive effects cannabis had on patients like Charlotte, a child who suffered over 300 grand mal seizures in a week, the doctor quickly changed his position on medical marijuana use and is now a prominent advocate.

To further enhance its therapeutic benefits, breeders added in Harlequin. The CBD-enriched strain offers significant therapeutic relief. It induces a clearheaded high that instantly brightens the day by enhancing the mood and soothing the body.

Borne from the cross is Dr. Feelgood. An Indica-leaning strain with high levels of THC and an equally impressive CBD content. This makes it a highly versatile strain that users could not only enjoy recreationally with friends but also alone as a source of reprieve against certain mental and physical health conditions.

Adding to its appeal is its availability as an auto-flowering seed which allows users to grow the strain at home and enjoy its buds.

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Dr. Feelgood weed strain attributes:
ORIGINHarlequin and Gupta Kush
EFFECTSRelaxed – 10
Hungry – 7
Sleepy – 6
Focused – 4
Euphoric – 1
FRAGRANCEEarthy, herbal, tea, pine, woody, spicy, nutty
FLAVORSEarthy, spicy, herbal, tea, nuts, spicy, woody
Anxious. – 5
Dizzy – 5
MEDICALStress – 10
Insomnia – 3
Lack of appetite – 3
Pain – 2
Depression – 1
FLOWERING TIME INDOOR8 to 9 weeks from seed to harvest
FLOWERING TIME OUTDOOR9 weeks from seed to harvest
PLANT HEIGHT1 to 2 feet
THC CONTENT %16% to 20%
CBD %8% to 10%
INDOOR YIELD1 to 2 ounces per square meter
OUTDOOR YIELD2 ounces or more per plant
CLIMATETemperate climate
GROWTH LEVELEasy to grow

* 10 is the highest
* 1 is the lowest


Dr. Feelgood is guaranteed to make users feel good. It boasts 16% to 20% THC but is not at all overwhelming. Counteracting it is a CBD of 8% to 10% that turns its effects into a gentle head and body high that turns the day around.

Dr. Feelgood Strain Effects
Dr. Feelgood Strain Effects

A tingling sensation introduces itself at the onset. It swarms the mind and clears away negativity, instantly improving the mood. It leaves users feeling happy from the inside as it continues to persist. The clarity, as well as brighter mood, encourages users to follow up with old tasks.

The high lasts for two to three hours before developing into a soothing buzz. It quickly envelops users in a deep relaxation as it intensifies over the course of the high. Although powerful, it does not at all induce a couchlock. Instead, it complements the goal-oriented head high.

Enthusiasts may want to find a comfortable spot when toking Dr. Feelgood. Taking a few extra puffs could prompt a heaviness which settles into the limbs. Ushering in drowsiness, one quickly falls asleep without knowing it.


Dr. Feelgood has as an earthy profile accentuated by herbal tea and pine. The woody undertones come with hints of spice and nuts.


Upon consumption, Dr. Feelgood produces an earthy flavor with spicy undertones. Accentuating it is the taste of herbal tea with tinges of nuts and spice. On the exhale, it leaves a woody aftertaste.

Adverse reactions

Users can expect the usual arid eyes and a cottonmouth upon consumption. Its mildness, as well as its typicality, usually means that seasoned users often ignore the adverse reactions. Still, enthusiasts may down a few glasses of water to manage the dry spell.


Dr. Feelgood has a 1:2 CBD to THC ratio, making its therapeutic benefits highly efficient, effective, and long-lasting. It is also versatile and could be used to manage a variety of health afflictions.

Dr. Feelgood Strain Medical
Dr. Feelgood Strain Medical

Its gentle invigorating head and body high quickly dissipates stress. It eliminates worries, soothes the overwhelming dread, and instills a sense of calm. In doing so, it also helps improve symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. The mental clarity creates space for happy thoughts to thrive while allowing users to temporarily forget about problems.

It has a soothing buzz that alleviates a wide variety of aches and pains starting from the temples. Its analgesic properties, together with its muscle-relaxing abilities, help patients dealing with chronic pain issues, arthritis, joint pains, body aches, and cramp. It also reduces intraocular pressure which could lead to headaches and migraines.

At the comedown, the freedom from mental and physical inhibition instills a deep sense of relaxation that lulls users to bed. People with insomnia will find that it is an excellent companion for a night at home. Its sedating comedown also plays a role in its ability to improve the quality and quantity of sleep.

Download my free marijuana grow guide and start growing high quality strains


One should not expect high yields with Dr. Feelgood. The auto-flowering produces only up to 2 ounces of buds per square meter or plant. However, patients need not worry as the time it takes from seed to harvest is short; giving one access to its therapeutic buds in less than 3 months.

Dr. Feelgood Strain Growing
Dr. Feelgood Strain Growing

With that said, it is a fairly easy strain to grow. It is independent of light cycles and has good immunity against various unpredictable factors that may stunt the plant’s growth such as pests or disease. Its versatility also allows growers to place it in different environments and conditions. As such, it is perfect for beginners.

Dr. Feelgood does not have any special needs with regard feeding and nutrition, however it will benefit from boosters. Growers with knowledge of advanced growing techniques may apply the Sea of Green method. It is non-invasive and will shorten the vegetative period without affecting yields by gently coaxing the main cola toward the light.

TIP: Buy seeds like Dr. Feelgood at our seed shop

Flowering Time


Dr. Feelgood flowers in 8 to 9 weeks. It produces between 1 to 2 ounces of buds per square meter at harvest.


It takes the same amount of time for Dr. Feelgood to mature from seed to harvest. Usually, this is around the second to the third week of October. Each plant produces 1 to 2 ounces of buds.

Have you ever smoked or grown your own Dr. Feelgood? Please let me know what you think about this marijuana strain in the comments below.


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1 thought on “Dr. Feelgood Strain”

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