Want to learn how to make your own feminized marijuana seeds? So far in your growing process you have probably only worried about the ways to keep your plants happy and healthy – to both survive and thrive. Chances are, this has taken up most of your time.
It has probably used up more of your time than you ever expected. How could you even think about doing something extra for your next time around?
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The truth is, having one season’s worth of a great harvest is a good thing – but you could make it great by setting your sights on the future.
You have so far achieved some very difficult stuff during your grow season. Maybe you had to overcome unforeseen obstacles. Do you want to make things easier next time around?
If your plants are currently maturing, start taking a closer look at them. Are there growths forming at the spot where stalk and leaf connect? Are some of your plants growing tall and skinny while others are remaining bushy and short?
These changes come from your plants reaching their sexually mature stage. As soon as this starts happening, you should be able to accurately decide which plants you will want to reproduce so you have a stash of pot for the entire year. Do you know how to make feminized seeds, click here and learn directly how to make feminized marijuana seeds
In this article, we will cover the basics of looking to future generations of growing seasons. The secret of success is your plants’ seeds, as well as the sexes of those seeds.
How to sex plants
The first step in making these crucial decisions is to determine which plants are male and which are female. You should start being able to do this once the season starts to change.

As soon as the length of daylight falls below eighteen hours per day, you will begin to see responses in the male plants. They will start to grow bud-like growths, which are actually greenish-white flowers in the shape of an egg. You won’t be able to mistake its gender once you shake these flowers since they will give off a cloud of pollen.
About two weeks later you will start to see distinct changes in the females as well. They will start to grow buds, which begin as a little cactus-like white growth at the ends of branches.
These buds will grow and grow until about a month has passed, at which point they will be significantly larger, sticky with resin, and odorous. Depending on the strain you are growing, this odor could smell similar to a skunk, or it could have a sweet, pleasant smell.
Download my Harvest Guide! and learn to harvest marijuana and start getting higher yields.
Surprisingly, you can get a pretty good idea of which plants are male before they start reacting to the changes in daylight. In general, the male plants will be the tallest of your crop.
This is a simple evolutionary trait that was naturally selected over generations – by being taller and maturing faster, males are more likely to successfully drop their pollen onto the female plants as they are budding. Taller males will also have their pollen travel longer distances in the wind.
Read the article How to sex marijuana plants for more about sexing
These male plants also die sooner than females. Luckily for you, you can cut off their flowers and smoke or eat them (after properly drying them, of course). You will be pleased with the resulting high since it will be almost as good as smoking the female buds of your harvest later.
What is pollination
To seed or not to seed? That is the eternal question of many marijuana growers – especially new ones.
When left to their own devices, male marijuana plants will fertilize the females, causing a new generation of seeds to be “born.” While this may appear harmless to the uneducated grower, it can significantly decrease your resulting harvest.

THC-rich buds
When female plants are fertilized, they will slow down their production of resin, which has a high amount of THC. An unfertilized flower contains the most THC you can find on any marijuana plant. Additionally, unfertilized females can remain in the flowering phase for a long time – between six and ten weeks – meaning a higher amount of these THC-rich buds.
All this means that you will need to decide how many (if any) female plants you would like to be fertilized, and how many you want only for your harvest.
Protecting your females from fertilization isn’t as easy as it sounds, but it is crucial to you getting a successful harvest in the end. The most effective way to do this is simply by uprooting your males and taking them away from your at-risk females.
Ideally, you already took the high male-female ratio into account when you initially planted. Marijuana plants generally are 70% male, so removing all your male plants will reduce the number of plants significantly.
Remember that the end result will be higher, so don’t fear this process. That being said, you better be completely sure a plant is male before removing it from your crop.
There could be nothing worse than to uproot a plant you thought was male, only to discover you just killed a huge female plant that could have significantly contributed to your end yield.
Plenty of growers who only want the marijuana for their personal use will simply allow the males to pollinate the females, and will remove the marijuana seeds from the harvest later.
How to make seeds
This process is best for indoor growers, and it involves fertilizing your plants. To begin with, you must identify which plants are male and which are female (see above).
You will, of course, need at least one male to fertilize your females, but usually one is enough. Choose the one male plant that you think has the best qualities, then remove all of the rest.
The next step is to isolate this male plant so that you can control its lighting separately from the females.
While the females still have continuous light, your male plant should have 12 hours of light and 12 hours of complete darkness. This lighting change will spur the male into flowering and therefore producing pollen.
You should take this pollen and save it since you’re going to need it later. Use a piece of paper to get the pollen from the flowers, and then drop the pollen into an envelope. Stick the envelope in a freezer to keep it fresh.
Meanwhile, keep your female plants in their vegetation phase for as long as possible. Once it is time for the flowering phase to begin, it’s time to use the pollen that has been stored in the freezer.
Decide carefully which females you will want to pollinate. It could be because she exhibits specific qualities you like, or maybe she comes from the same strain as the male plant and it happened to be a great strain, so you want to keep the strain completely pure.
Place the pollen in one cola of the female plant(s). Don’t pollinate flowers on that same plant, and don’t get the pollen in the flowers of the other plants, either.
Also read “Best feminized seed variety packs”
The process of pollinating your plants must be done carefully. For best results, separate the whole female plant to avoid contaminating the other plants around it.
First, put the frozen pollen into a little bowl, and get a small watercolor paintbrush. Use this brush to glaze the pollen on the top of your female plant’s cola.
After four days or so, put the pollinated female plant under 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness. This is the point when you no longer have to worry about cross-pollination since the pollen will be firmly stuck to the cola.
Keep a close eye on your pollinated female to make sure you harvest her seeds at a suitable time. Mature marijuana seeds will not be green, but rather will be some sort of brown color.
Once the seeds are mature enough, simply use your fingers to take them out. Label the container with the seeds and then refrigerate them all. As long as they remain cool and dry, they won’t lose their ability to germinate next season.
In the end, you will both have a nice, high-quality strain of seeds for your next growing period, and the rest of your unpollinated plants will produce wonderful weed. It is a great way to conserve financially while also increasing the quality of your future crops.

Feminizing seeds
At this point, you are probably thinking that the 70% male and 30% female average is pretty unfortunate. Most growers would agree with you. Unfortunately, you don’t have much control over your future plants’ genders when you use regular fertilization techniques.
This is why many take measures to make it more likely that they will get only (or mostly) female plants. One way to sway the odds in your favor is to feminize your marijuana seeds.
In general, you cannot tell the difference between male and female seeds. You also cannot change a seed’s gender. The idea behind feminizing your plants is to maximize the amount of females in your crop since female plants generally have a higher THC content than males, and, therefore, get priority.
Seed feminization utilizes a number of pollination methods to tip the scale in your favor. If you have some extra cash and aren’t feeling up to the challenge, you can also buy already feminized seeds from marijuana seed companies.
Early on, feminized cannabis seeds were produced using two female marijuana plants. One of the plants in question would have had hermaphroditic tendencies (or, the propensity to create male flowers during stress). To stress the plant, growers would disrupt the light cycle or prune branches or leaves. The pollen produced from the hermaphroditic plant would then be used to pollinate the “pure” female. Unfortunately, the hermaphroditic plants used to pollinate the females could pass that hermaphroditic trait down to the resultant seeds. This essentially meant that the feminized seeds showed a stronger tendency to be hermaphroditic rather than purely female.
Over time, however, the process of creating feminized seeds improved and became more complex. With the help of different types of silver (find out how to produce feminized marijuana seeds using colloidal silver), it became possible to force even the purest females to create male cannabis flowers.
There are three types of feminization: silver thiosulfate, colloidal silver and rodelization. Each one, when properly carried out, should end up successfully giving you mostly female plant.
That being said, buying feminized marijuana seeds online can often be hit or miss. Make sure the company you are buying from is reputable. This is the best seed shop online.

Buy feminized seeds
- Every plant will produce flowers
- No time wasted growing useless cannabis
- Grow nothing but harvestable plants
Silver Thiosulfate method
The new innovation if using STS (Silver Thiosulfate Solution) has somehow become commonplace – and it’s a great one because it is highly effective. It has allowed feminized seeds to be found everywhere, meaning that the average grower can buy feminized marijuana seeds.
Better yet, we can all rest assured that they are probably properly feminized, rather than the hit-or-miss feminized seeds market of days past.
So what is silver thiosulfate? It’s a half-and-half combination of sodium thiosulfate and silver nitrate. It simply causes a hormonal reaction of stress in the plant that triggers a change in gender.
So how do you actually create feminized marijuana seeds yourself? It involves a little bit more than drenching your plants in silver thiosulfate, unfortunately…
First you should decide which plants you’re going to use. They should all be female and from one strain, and nearly mature. Then just take one of them, separate it from the bunch, spray it with STS, let it dry, and finally replace it alongside its sister plants.
That plant will start looked very stressed out. It will turn brown and might worry you with how close to death it appears. Just five days later, however, it will begin its revival. In one month’s time, this plant will have finished its transition into being male.
At this point, you can simply shake the new male plant right over those same females, thus pollinating the female plants. Because the new male plant used to be female, the pollen it provides is actually female pollen. That means that, after just a couple of weeks, these pollinated female plants will create feminized seeds.
Although the process seems extremely simple, especially compared to other methods you may have heard of, this doesn’t mean you will have success on your first try. Luckily for you, breeders you might want to buy feminized seeds from always make sure each batch of seeds, along with the entire process, is successful.
They will, therefore, give you seeds that you can depend on. In fact, these days the highest end feminized seeds have a feminization rate of 99% or more, so this method is clearly a huge help to the marijuana industry.
Colloidal Silver method
For this method, you will need a very small amount of colloidal silver (pure silver) and distilled water. Put the former into the latter, then, using a spray bottle, apply the resulting mixture onto your female plants while they are flowering.

The plants will begin to form pollen sacs (which are normally seen on males). The pollen contains genetic material that is actually totally female – making it highly probable that the marijuana seeds the plant produces will be female.
That was the simple way of describing the process. Actually doing it is much more complex and involves many more details. In addition to the pure silver and distilled water, you need a 9-volt battery and connector, alligator clips, and soldering iron. Sound like too much trouble? Just buy colloidal silver online at this link here
Assuming you have no problem with spending the time and money finding these “ingredients,” the next step in the process is to connect the battery and its connector.
Solder the alligator clips onto the red and black wires to form the best electrical current. Then connect these to the silver (probably coins) that you have.
Put the silver coins into the distilled water, without allowing the alligator clips or wires to touch the water. Because the water is distilled, this will cause the silver ions to simply float around in the water instead of connecting with other ions.
Leave this for seven hours or longer – the longer, the better, since it will increase the colloidal silver concentration. That being said, leaving it for too long will cause the particles to eventually become too large.
At this point, you can spray your plants and cause the feminization process to come about. Spray them every day after they have reached their flowering stage, up until they have begun to form male pollen sacs.
It should take less than two weeks although the timing can vary. Once you see the sacs, follow the instructions above to normally fertilize your plant.
Take note: NEVER consume or smoke the parts of the plant that you sprayed with the colloidal silver solution. If you’re not 100% sure about which parts were sprayed, simply discard the entire plant to be safe. The pollen, on the other hand, will be totally safe.
Rodelization method
This process involves the natural response of the females when they are under stress. When feeling stress or are reaching the end of their lives after not having been fertilized, females will actually start to grow pollen sacs without any male fertilization.
This is a simple evolutionary response that allows plants that were never fertilized to continue their “bloodline.” Because the resulting seeds come from exclusively female genetics, the likelihood of them being female seeds is much higher than usual.

Rodelization purposefully encourages this process to come about, exponentially increasing the odds of the seeds being female. Although it can be tricky, it is generally a simpler task than using the colloidal silver method. Because it’s a totally natural process, you will need to depend on your plant to act accordingly – and that can be risky.
The aim of the rodelization technique is to keep your female plants in their flowering phase for much longer than normal – far longer than when you would normally harvest.
When left this late, the plants should have the natural response to “panic” and jump into self-pollination mode. As soon as the pollen sacs begin emerging, you can harvest the pollen normally, as was described above. Decide which buds and colas you would like to glaze with this pollen.
The main disadvantage of this method is its lack of reliability – even if everything goes right, the seeds might somehow not be feminized. Because of this risk (and the fact that leaving your plants in the flowering stage long past the ideal harvesting time will not help the harvest itself), you need to think long and hard about whether or not this is the method for you.
Many growers choose this method because it is completely natural, and perhaps they are already organic growers. Some strains will work better than others for this method as well.
How to make marijuana clones
Both of the above methods can be risky, so many growers will simply clone their female plants. It doesn’t feminize the seeds, per say, but it does guarantee you to have a reliable source of female plants.

This is only a good option if you are completely happy with the female plant and want to copy it exactly. If you want a combination of two plants or strains, the seed feminization techniques make more sense.
Faq about making feminized marijuana seeds
What is silver thiosulfate?
It’s a combination of sodium thiosulfate and silver nitrate. It causes a hormonal reaction of stress in the marijuana plant that triggers a change in gender
What is colloidal silver method of feminizing marijuana?
It’s a method, in which you mix pure silver & distilled water and spray on female plants while they are flowering. As a result plants will begin to form pollen sacs (which are normally seen on males). The pollen contains genetic material that is actually totally female – which ultimately increases the probability of getting a female seed.
What are the best feminized cannabis seeds to grow outdoors?
Here is our recommended list of top cannabis seeds to grow outdoors and get higher yields: Gold Leaf, Super Skunk, Amnesia Haze, Sour Diesel, and Northern Lights.
Choosing what to grow next?
- Cannabis seed types explained
- What are feminized seeds?
- What are autoflower seeds?
- What are regular cannabis seeds?
- What are photoperiod cannabis seeds?
- Comparing autoflower vs. photoperiod
- What is sinsemilla?
- ILGM Quiz: What strain is best for you?
- Cannabis plant types: Sativa, Indica, and Ruderalis
- Where to buy marijuana seeds?
- Cannabis Seed Banks in the USA
- Recognizing quality marijuana seeds
- How to store cannabis seeds
- Feminizing: How to make female cannabis seeds
Thanks for reading. Please leave comments or questions below and don’t forget to download my free grow bible
Robert Bergman
P.S. To the above. If you keep doing the procedure over and over never producing seed, each successive re-vegged plant will lose fingers on the new leaves. If you go too far the seeds and pollen will produce plants with fewer blades, distorted growth and smaller buds. Introducing foreign genetics (pollen) cures conditions but may put you back to female & male plant ratios.
I’ve harvested females but not completely. More like severe pruning for early buds. Put the light back to 18-24 force veg again. Usually stresses the plant to produce some hermie type male flowers in the female crotches. Buds left on the plant can get pollinated giving some pure female seed. Harvest pollen and transfer to another female with brush and bag method. When making seeds my best success was hybrids. Re-vegged female/forced male, sativa for pollen and then painting indica plants to get seeded buds. Seeds had impressive size and viability for years.
Amen to that… Common sense trumps BS theory… from them that’s been doing since 1971, LMAO…
I used the colonial silver on one branch. The hope is to get a ton of feminized seeds. My plan is to put the entire plant in a secure place with a small fan and gently shake. But do I do this with the pollen on the plant or remove the pollen and let the buds get bigger before pollinating?
robert i want to thank you for sharing your deep knowledge with us.you are a treasure for marijuana lovers. ILGM you`re the best.
How much plant needs to make 10000 feminised seeds?
I have heard that you can feminize seeds by jarring them with a banana peel after they have been soaked with sensi-soak for 27 hours. have you heard anything about this method? is it viable? and what do you use to soak them with? as i can find no other reference about sensi-soak. found reference to this product on a canadian grow blog. but cannot find it anywhere. please let me know if you have heard of this method, and how exactly does it work. i like the sound of it as it was advertized as an all natural way to feminize seeds. Thanks for any info you can share.
Mark, you really need to contact herbie’s seed bank. We have no way of knowing what’s up with his genetics. Good Luck
great info many thanks.one question about seeds i bought from herbies seeds called bruce banner#3 when they arrived i started germination the next.after day one they all had exuded a purple stain and never germinated.would you have any idea of what may have caused this as i have never seen this problem in the 43 years i have been growing cannabis
very interesting !!! THANKS FOR THE INFO.
Hi just have to say really great info.i was growing a little a few years ago and recently was told I have cancer so I started to grow again to hoping it will help,I seen a lot of new info and seems that you have it all.i got to say I been reading a lot your grow guide and you helped me out a lot I really thank you you are very knowledgeable when it comes to marijuana plants and everything about them .thank you again,your greatful joe
I started 4 purple kush plants in July. The plants are approx 18”
Tall now but have not made any five finger leaves. Every leaf has three fingers. I’ve never had this happen before and wonder if Five finger leaves are still likely. Please let me know if the plants are still okay. Thanks
I found this to be very interesting and informative. I’m not sure how soon I will try it as I am a beginner grower. I haven’t even gotten my seeds yet. But I am very anxious to get started, and in the future my want to try feminizing my own seeds. The Rodelization method sounds especially intriguing. I’m also intrigued by the cloning of my plants. Thank you so much for the info.
Hi bought some seed from a seed bank in Amsterdam.Had to send cash waited for two months for seed to reach me.when i did my order i asked for femezied seeds.Took first batch witch was lemon ice seeds and planted them.well low and behold focken HEMERFEDITE after all that time waiting to get HEME waist my FOCKING time.so DOC BERGMAN meed help.THE HAPPY HAWAIIAN
Here are the contradicting clips from each article:
Label the container with the seeds and then freeze them all. As long as they remain frozen, they won’t lose their ability to germinate next season.
You won’t know if the seeds have been frozen when you get your cannabis, but if the seeds have in fact been frozen, they are far less likely to produce viable plants.
In this article it says to freeze the seeds, yet in the article selecting quality seeds it says that freezing the seeds can have a negative effect. So to freeze or not to freeze is the question.
I need help sexing. I have pics but don’t know how to post.
Hi greengirl, you can post pics on the forum, our experts will be there to help you out.
My feminized seeds. 1st year grower. Planted a bunch of old seeds 15 years approx. One grew. Real purple Indica my UK. So I made 8 clones. Mama was flowering beautifully nice purple hairs at the beginning, then she grew balls. No reason I knew of, outside. I had bought 3 clones and cloned them. I put half out and half under LED grow lights. A couple of sea of greens later I put all the UK into the flower side with a few blue dreams and a gelato. The UK hermied as I suspected it would and my non hermie girls were pollinated. I ended up with 22 blue dream seeds and 4 gelato. They were small plants. This spring I planted 12 Blur dream seeds and 2 gelato seeds. They all came up, they are all female and strong. Brought them out from the LED lights, screwed up their light time, put half in GH rest Outside. Topped them all twice trying to keep them below the fence, broke them up pretty good in the GH No death no hermies yet. 12 seeds for next year taking a break from indoor. I found how on-line somewhere? Guess not you.
What a great article! You did a great job explaining everything to a beginner and it was an interesting read all the way through. I’m waiting patiently for my ILGM seeds to arrive any day now. Thank you!
PS—You said “There are two three of feminization” but you meant to say “There are three types of feminization.” Also, “Just buy colloidal silver online at this link here” is a 404 error.
Thanks heaps Michelle! I corrected those. Hope your seeds arrive soon and you can start your grow 😀
Thanks Bloodrust for sharing. I’m so pleased I read all the way to yhe bottom now as your post was the needle in the haystack. Cheers!
When you create “feminized” seeds, you create in essence a “hermie”. (Thats the yellow pollen sacs you see on a female).
When a hermie is created, it unlocks the plants genetic potential to be a FULL hermophradite plant, meaning once it goes hermie it’ll ALWAYS be hermie, FACT!
ALL PLANTS HAVE HIDDEN HERMIE TRAIT, its if you unlock this trait through stress or “experiments” itll rear its ugly head. (Odd fact, some of the frostiest plants I’ve ever grown hermed out on me odd.) So theres something to that, different subject.
Marijuana has survived for millions of years this way through, climate variances,and extremes (hot/cold/inscets/Mold/disease etc)
So if you create feminized seeds, odds are youll have hermies in your strain thatll pollinate all the other females in your grow. ALso theres a good chance ALL of the seeds you created will be full blown hermies, and youll have mad seeds in your bud/start over.
No you cant pull off the “male sacs”. The plants are experts at hiding them, they’ll even hide a male pistol in the middle of a bud.
I grow many females at a time outdoors with no males. And out of Lbs of flowers theres ALWAYS 1-3 seeds per harvest. And thats with straight females bred from my own hand, no hermie in the genetics, OR males.
Pot always finds a way, its how its survived over millions of eons.
So what im saying, unless you want to ruin a whole crop, dont feminize, I’m with the guy whos talking about lazy people whio dont wanna pull males. Cloning is a better option by far, if the “mama” plant gets weak after alot of runs.. breed it with a fresh genetic, or grow a male of the same/differ strain and re-breed it again, then re-grow. Weak genetics solved.
And a rate of 70% males is TERRIBLE! Out of 25 indoor (veg) I get norm 7 males or so. If your getting 70% males then your room temps are too HOT! USE CFL FOR VEG! HPS FOR BLOOM! Vegetative temps not to get over 75F, use fans, try for lower humidity also helps alot.
Veg indoors/Sex/ ace the males then do what you want with the females. If you VEG them outdoors, youll generally have more males also, due to HEAT.
Some strains genetically have more males then others, but Ive been growing for 15 years, and I rarely get more then 50% males, and thats a rough run. Also some females which are completely female will start to herm at the end of the growing season, usually when you let them go past their prime. Thats the plant trying its extreme hardest to create a seed! Thats what it spends its WHOLE life doing. Its not a coincidence, in the end of summer the rains come and a wild cannabis plant would be FULL of seeds, the rain/rot knocks the plant down and spreads the seeds, so it can re-grow next season. Its actually simple, Its how it propigates itself. This site is OK for beginners, but lacks advanced explainations, cause/effect. DONT BUY FEMINIZED! If I was gonna buy a Fem. Id clone it first and flower out the mama just to make sure you didnt get hermie genetics. Ive grown feminized from MANY seedbanks, and generally 80% of them full blown hermie! They gonna say ” your fault”. Funny, none of my hand-bred stuff herms… and I clone the crap outta it,need I say more. No I’ve never ordered from this site before either.
completely Awsome article, I maybe trying the STS approach , thanks
[…] Source: ILoveGrowingMarijuana.Com […]
Females do not get stronger when the males are removed, and they do not get weaker. They do however thrive and grow flowers which produce resin; Something that would suffer if you allowed them to be pollinated by the males.
Will your female plants be stronger if you take the male plants away from them?
[…] why do you want to avoid pollinating your female marijuana plants? Pollination means that the plants will use their precious energy for creating seeds instead of […]
Skeeter ,
I do not use colloidal silver myself. However; If you join our Support Community; I am sure that one of our members or experts will have an answer for you.
Hi can someone tell me how much colloidal silver to how much water to use ? Thanks Skeeter
[…] Pollination is crucial to be understood because female plants that have been pollinated will stop focusing their valuable energy on their flower growth. Rather, they will use all their energy for seed production, making it undesirable for a successful harvest and a high yield. […]
Robert Bergma
Mr. Bergman may I call you Robert. You are a GOD. They say brilliance it Is recognized early but I believe that brilliance comes from not only understanding but being able to explain and teach what you have learned easily to others. Your guidance in explaining the process of what is going Tat and what you need to do to make it happen in that manner his brilliance. It’s like looking at the new website now the creator of the website believes this site is The best ever made because he’s designed it and understand completely. But the user of this website is the lost completely lost not knowing where to go next because there’s no explanation. That is stuck in the creators head he forgot to explain it because to him it’s second nature to go down that road first. But the user is lost without explanation or road signs explaining why to take that road and why it’s the best choice. Anyone can write a story but to make it so the reader is in the story and understands to take the proper road and why. Makes the difference between a story and a masterpiece. Your explanation of the full circle in marijuana expertise is a masterpiece. When reading your words I can actually see plants growing. Thank you for loving what do you do so much that you give 100% of yourself in each and every description an explanation of how and why to allow us to have the very best of what you love. And that’s having the most healthy marijuana plant a person could have. Thank you sincerely the Goo.
[…] you aren’t fertilizing your plants for future seeds at all, then you definitely won’t have an issue. Birds are there for […]
[…] Throughout all of this, they might go through a lot of rough handling and questionable environments. Since the legality surrounding cannabis cultivation is hazy in most parts of the world, there aren’t very many regulations that need to be followed. Instead of leaving it to hope that you might find quality seeds in your stash, read this guide first. If you want to make your own feminized seeds, read my article How to make feminized seeds. […]
[…] different forms of silver (read how to make feminized marijuana seeds with colloidal silver here), female marijuana plants with a very minor tendency to turn intersexual – plants that would stay […]
[…] Over time, however, the process of creating feminized seeds improved and became more complex. With the help of different types of silver (find out how to produce feminized marijuana seeds using colloidal silver), it became possible to force even the purest females to create male cannabis flowers. Thus, the seeds created from these plants do not have any proclivity toward intersexuality. All of the feminized seeds on I Love Growing Marijuana are created with this method. Click here if you want to make your own feminized marijuana seeds. […]
This must be done in an dedicated area; As not to allow for the spread of pollen through the entire grow area.
You do this buy collecting pollen in a small paper sack. You place the sack over a male plant limb with pollen sacks. Once pollen sacks have opened spreading pollen inside the bag; You can store in “Ftig”, and, when ready; Place over a kola, tying the bag off.
This will pollinate the buds inside the small paper sack; Without spreading to the other “Sensi” buds on your plant. 🙂 Happy Growing .
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Thank the powers for common sense. I personally use a 00 red sable brush; use preferred pollen, bag the beauties. Fabulous. Works like a charm, and good luck!
That,s a great way to make female seed. I got one question, is it possible to do on branch only ??
Thanks Thomas.
Pollen fem with herm pollen. Bingo xy xx yy=¶∆
That was for The Bread man a.k.a. Derick Irwin. Also thanks to everyone that helps with there knowledge and ideas. Grow Great Greeness. 😉
Hey thanks so much for your time and knowledge. I want to tell you I appreciate it alot. I also agree with Ending this prohibition against a plant that is indeed a miracle plant . More and more people see this and people should be free to grow eat smoke it anytime they choose. If it’s not bothering anyone then we should have too it. The government has controlled us way to long and most the wworld for that matter. Sorry yapping. Thank you again and Please Keep Growing and Educating people. Again I appreciate it. Thank you… Shawn .
13 thoughts on “How To Make Feminized Marijuana Seeds!! Ok hi I’m the breadman I have successfully forsed young vegetating female cannbiss too reverse sex/” hermaferdite ” and I’ve forsed older females three weeks from harvest by treating the lower branches with a 50 ppm solution of colloidal silver which is what iv found to work great for the purpose of forcing a female to herm now I just wanted to add that there is another way to achieve a forced herm and it’s really cheap it is called (Gibberilic acid) or ( if your into organic chemistry you would write it out as (GA3) and easy to use and cheap to buy . you want a solution of 500 PPM useing distilled/ reverse osmosis as you’ll need to have an accurate reading on your ppm to get it right and I believe that there are a lot of breeders out there who use this stuff because it’s so cheap comparatively speaking when you look at the amount of $ going in compared to the amount you will save or $ not going out because you will not be paying an average of $12 per seed for anything decent from a decent breeder and then trying your best not to kill any of those 6 measly over priced beans and if your lucky enough to get them past the first three to six weeks of veg you should feel first very lucky and then you should know you’ve still got at least another 8 weeks of shepherding to go until you’ll see something comeback from your now growing investment in (time vested,money’s spent on all the nutes , medium ,cotainers,Etc! ) now here’s how I do it and it is the same weather your using (GA3 @ 500 ppm or colloidal silver @ 50ppm wait till you are approximately three weeks from forcing flower or 12/12 I will pick the three best looking cuts of a single hybrid or just one that I want to get genetics from to use later or right away but to creat new crosses but still enjoy not having to keep a mother plant ( more money needed that is ongoing as you will have to suppliment light for that, space food, etc so trust me in the end it will pay to try this it’s not rocket science and if you just follow this basic formula it will work well! So be for I go on another tangent here is that formula find your lady’s that appeal to your sence of greatness three weeks from changing light scegdual to 12/12 put your silver spray or GA3 put it in a hand sprayer label it if it’s silver make sure you ether use an opaque spay bottle or cover it in duct tape and if it’s GA3 make sure you put it in the fridge everyday after using also if using GA3 you need to make your mix and date it as it will only last about 14 days after mixing silver will last for ever as long as you don’t show it to much light during your processes now I place the plants to be treated in an area where you won’t over spay on to plants and surfaces that could get contaminated I spray the plant top to bottom twice a day for no less than five days but really not more than seven days total I spray in the afternoon about 4:00 pm and if it looks like it’s going to rain I’ll put a fan on them to dry up the treatment and this is really important can’t say it enough label and date your plants always and keep some kind of a log otherwise you lose all that time that you spent ( trying to retain what little you’ve remembered to write and it’s just a great habit to have if you want to progress as you go it really helps in a lot of other aspects too like finishing, breeding , or even just knowing what plant is being grown !! Sorry another tangent ( after the seven days Of treating said plants just let them veg for another seven days minimum before forcing flower you’ll not see anything happen for the first 14 days in flower but by the end of the third week in flower you’ll see male ball’s / sacks emerging from inside the female calyx/ or female flower pods usually you’ll see it happen at the main stem where you’ll see the first sign of sex if you did a good job you will see a colas that at a glance seem to be female but it’ll be all male sacks that make up those colas I hope that someone will benefit from this as I have just tried to condense five years of research , trial and error , money and time to understand this proses but it works and if you get good at it teach someone ells knowledge should be shared! And fuck those over priced beens with all there hype and fuck having to keep mother plants that degrade over time and always keep you paying for power ,space ,and time most of all enjoy this truly life saving, life giving ,plant that has been prohibited in the name of greed and control ! Let’s all work on ending this senseless prohibition that has been putting good people in jail where they are a burden to us rather than being a working part of society creating and becoming something good or even great like becoming the next Steve jobs , Henry Ford ,or Robert plant’s of the world or maybe just be a part of the working class that pays most of the bills around here ! It’s about time people enjoy this gift from our Mother Earth that we have been using now since well before Christ
Forsed is spelt forced FIY
LOL, it gave me a headache from the misspellings… I think I’ll keep growing the fab sensi here in SE Ohio… since 1971…
True day
First time experiencing a almost full grow. What are the downfalls and risks taking to make this plant feminized? Anything genetically “bad” different from the mother to the seedlings?
i have been trying to feminize my super skunk i got from you . i have been spraying her with 60 ppm for going on 4 weeks ,but no pollen sacks any ideas. she is on 12-12
30 ppm is what I heard
I just got doing a crop of fem seeds using colloidal silver, I got nice mature seeds but they just won’t germinate?? Tap root’s pop out and then does nothing at all, What do you think went wrong? Bad genetics? I used cotton candy from delicious seeds. I’ll admit I did this in an outdoor grow but everything went great until I tried to pop the seeds.
Hello, This is my first grow with organic fertilizer, 0-10-3 Jamaican Bat Guano. Do I need to flush them with plain water at 10 to14 days before harvist? Thank You Darrell
If it’s all natural fertilizers no you don’t have to flush the plants. Keep in mind your word of natural fertilizers and pesticides. I hope you know the differences
How much distilled water do I use? A pint, a quart, a gallon?
Can I only do one branch on the plant,or need to do the hole plant, Thank,s
Good stuff =P The only thing I’m wondering is, if you do either of these techniques would you be passing down hermaphrodite genes?
Excellent…….. Been creating some new strains but feminized seed’s really seems to be the best way to go. Thanks again.
thanks for sharing your knowledge. i am a grower/breeder in so.cal. do you have any thoughts or(companys)any ideas for me to help w/ getting my killer genetics to the world stage?(market) thanks…………..reboman
Hello I saw your comment aboutbeing a grower/breeder I was wondering what kind of seeds you might have for sale? I been looking for some good landrace seeds for myself. let me kno as soon as u can please.. Thanks so much.. Ashley
old boy is tapping on the toes a bit