All cannabis plants start as seeds, and they all require water to germinate properly. Each seed contains a full, little plant that has a root, stem and a couple of leaves. But you might want to know – how deep to plant marijuana seeds and how to grow strong marijuana plants ready for transplant?
There are enough nutrients in the seed for it to survive the first portion of its life. During germination, these vital nutrients (proteins, carbs, etc.) are transformed into glucose, which all plants need for growth.
Soaking seeds
1. Let the seeds soak in water that is 65°F (18°C) until they split open and roots appear.
When seeds achieve a nice moistness level, they will enlarge and split open. A single root will grow downward with gravity out of that split. The root will always grow down no matter what and the stem will always grow up.

Placing your seeds in water ensures that they have achieved the proper moisture level for the process of germination to begin. The seeds will not take on excess water and drown until about 2 weeks after they have cracked open (you will have already transplanted them into soil by then).
TIP: Looking to buy seeds? Visit the ILGM seed shop.

Buy high-quality seeds
- We ship daily to all U.S. states for FREE!
- Our seeds are guaranteed to germinate
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When you fill your glass with water, simply put it in the living room so that it shifts to the temperature of the environment. Tap water is fine, but don’t give the seeds any extra nutrients because they already have everything they need. The seeds will crack open in between 2 and 7 days. Make sure to replenish the water in the glass every other day. Start transplanting when the roots reach 0.1 to 0.2 inches (3 to 5 mm) in length.
2. Place your seeds in a ½-inch hole in small pots with seedling soil
The nutrient level of the seeds is already adequate, so you should use a soil with fewer nutrients to start. Soil made specifically for seedlings and clones that has low quantities of nutrients is ideal. Plants are very susceptible to nutrient burn at this stage if you give them too many nutrients.

The pots should be filled halfway with the seedling soil. To make the half-inch hole, use your finger tip or a pen. Each seed should have its own pot. Since the roots will always grow down, you don’t have to worry how you place the seeds in the soil.
Place the seed in the hole, and cover it up with the soil. When you spray the soil with water, it will tamp down on its own. Avoid pressing the soil. The germination process will continue until the plant starts to surface within a week. The taproot will produce other root offshoots so that the system is strong.
3. Use a plant sprayer to moisten the soil
Water is responsible for both life and germination, making it the most vital component early on. It is extremely important that you give the plants plenty of water and keep the soil moistened.

Plants that don’t receive enough water will compensate by not growing to full capacity. This is largely to increase the plants’ chances of survival. Of course, too much water can cause the plants to lose out on valuable oxygen. Leaves will start to wither and the marijuana plant and growth medium will become more susceptible to diseases and bacteria.
When you fill your glass with water, simply put it in the living room so that it shifts to the temperature of the environment. Tap water is fine, but don’t give the seeds any extra nutrients because they already have everything they need. The seeds will crack open in between 2 and 7 days. Make sure to replenish the water in the glass every other day. Start transplanting when the roots reach 0.1 to 0.2 inches (3 to 5 mm) in length.
Download my free marijuana grow guide to learn more about marijuana seeds.
The soil needs to stay adequately moist (not too dry and not over-soaked). The seedling won’t use much water, but a lot of the water evaporates fast. This is the major reason why seedlings should never go on a windowsill or near a heater. Spraying the plants 1 or 2 times throughout the day should be plenty.
4. Put pots 2 inches below CFL tube
Other than water, light is another vital component for the plant’s growth. Light and water help convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and glucose—necessary resources for plant growth. This is referred to as photosynthesis.

When plants don’t receive adequate light, they will form fewer side branches and will elongate abnormally. This stretching helps marijuana plants grow taller to grab enough light in nature. Plants that receive adequate light will grow wider (not taller) and produce a flurry of side branches with a ton of buds. Light should be kept on 24 hours per day and the room should have a consistent temperature of around 72° Fahrenheit.
The pots should be placed under a cool white CFL light at a distance of 2 inches. These tubes don’t create that much heat, they’re energy-efficient, and they use the ideal light spectrum for seedlings. Seedlings require about 3 to 5 watts each. When the plants surface after 5 to 10 days, they will need all the light they can get to grow optimally.
Optimized environment
5. Keep the environment optimized
Creating the ideal climate is also important for germinating the marijuana seeds under ideal conditions. CFL tubes don’t produce that much heat, but they will keep the soil warm. You can keep the distance between the plants and the bulbs to a minimum, but if the temperature exceeds 77° F, then you should move them farther apart or cool down the area.

Proper soil moisture is essential, but the soil only needs as much water as the seed can absorb (which isn’t much). Avoid adding more water or nutrients until the first true leaves emerge. This should occur after 5 to 8 days. In the meanwhile, be patient and simply monitor the moisture.
6. First signs of the seedlings
As soon as the seedlings pop their heads out of the soil, it’s vital to inspect the distance between the plant and the light. Adjust the lights if the temperature goes past 72° Fahrenheit or the leaves start receiving excessive light. The soil also needs to stay moist. The leaves on the plants can absorb water, so continue spraying them 2 times per day.

Again, this early stage in life makes the plants susceptible to damage from negative conditions. Don’t use a lot of nutrients and make sure the lights stay on 24 hours to produce a reliable climate. Avoid touching the plants and do not take away the seed skins from the leaves
The plants need to grow and develop sturdy root systems. Big green leaves are capable of absorbing ample light and converting it into energy. Healthy root systems allow plants to take in plenty of water and nutrients. The plant is just starting to form the base for the remainder of its life, so it’s important that they receive proper, diligent care.
7. First two internodes
When the initial internodes start to form, you can feed your plant with root-stimulating foliar nutrients. Start the plants off with a small dose as the developing roots can’t withstand higher concentrations just yet.

The plants will start to grow rapidly (about 0.5 inches per day). Inspect your plants each day for signs of nutrient surplus (e.g. burned leaf tips).
8. Transplant into bigger pots when roots grow out of the bottom
The roots will start to grow out of the bottom of your smaller pot at which point it’s time to transplant. The plant will become rootbound and stop growing if you do not transplant.

To recognize the roots, look for white tips poking out of the bottom. Check for the roots each day and start giving your plants grow stimulator, which is high in nitrogen. More about nutrients on this link.
Once the plant is fully grown you will need to start thinking about flowering and harvest time. Our free little Harvest Guide will help you determine the best moment to cut your plants. Download it here.
Growing outdoors
9. Grow you plants outdoors or under MH/HPS lights
If everything went as planned, then you have strong, healthy plants that will eventually produce high yields. A good start in life means that the plants will be less susceptible to bacteria, diseases, pests, and the effects of harsh weather extremes. Plants that are healthy can better absorb water and nutrients and will develop a faster metabolism for better yields. If you email me a photo of your seedlings, I will publish them on my site.

These plants can now grow outdoors and will thrive in a wind-free location that gets a lot of sun. The plants will also do better in a big container (15 gallons) on a stool. This keeps away any interference from animals like rabbits or snails.
Kickstart your marijuana grow journey by buying high-quality seeds from my seed bank.
As you have seen, it’s not very hard to grow healthy marijuana plants. If you want to start growing yourself, download my free marijuana grow bible and order some marijuana seeds. All top quality marijuana seeds are available in my marijuana seed shop. We ship seeds all over the USA! For any grow related question please visit the marijuana support page.
FAQ about growing strong marijuana plants
How to germinate seeds?
To germinate your seeds, you can soak them in water that is 65°F/18°C until they split open.
How many seeds do you need to grow a plant?
You only need one seed to grow one plant.
Can I get a grow journal from seed to harvest?
Yes, you can. ILGM offers a grow calendar and plenty of other useful online resources to help you with your growing endeavors. Click here to check out the grow calendar.
My seedling grew right up the side of the peat cup… Should I risk trying to gently transplant it to a new cup? Or jut leave it? Will it be ok?
How often should I water my plant if it is out door grown
Good read so far ive done everything to a tee before reading this my 2 week old babies are growing rapid in my neighbors last years mended garden soil. Its still black and filled with goodies. And she goes easy adding at the rite times my plants loved it last year but this time im starting off with this soil last year i screwed up went through like 3 different old bags of mixed soil either too wet or 2 dry and wouldnt hold water or drain rite. But her garden soil mix is the bomb!! My babies are taking off. Suppose its to late to go in the ground tho its july and fall is coming. I live in new Hampshire it gets cold and wet here fall can be brutal so should i go with buckets or whats best? Or if i go in ground will they change over to flowering at whatever height i get em to? I could use some advice ive never grown indoor i dont have the money or the rite lights i made an incubation box foiled the inside and run the one black light light bulb i got in that and it does pretty good at keeping them thriving at night i wasnt sure if they should get ligt 24 hours or 18 till i read this i guess ill leave it on all night from now on and back to sun during day .
Usefull stuff thanks
My sprouts are two days above ground appear to be a bit leggy
One of my seeds is growing the root upside down what went wrong
Spence I’m just starting out, every thing I did comes from your grow bible. thank you so much for all the info.
Always great info. Love These guys.
Not safe from anyone to post
this is illegal
Thank you for the information! Much appreciated!
Never grown indica down here u.S. just want to make sure all is well 3 1/2 weeks.
hello I was on your site yesterday and I clicked the link for your free book in my email and I believe it is not there yet how long does it usually take for it to go into your email I am highly interested
This is my first time growing. I am going to use hydro ebb and flow. My question is, how far apart do I drill the holes in the 4 inch. PVC
4″ PVC is not used in ebb and flow. It is commonly used for NFT. Ebb and flow generally requires a flood table. How far apart to drill holes ion 4″ PVC is a matter of how many plants, you want to grow in the pipe. Also; For how long or to what stage of growth you want to achieve. Be warned. You cannot stat=rt plants in 4″ PVC and transplant them as all the roots get tangled up.
We are not set up here in the blog to do extensive grow support. We invite you to join our support forum, where we have friendly members and expert staff willing to guide you to sucessful growing.
New Grower…confused about your discussion on lighting. First you say to keep them away from the window after they have started growing through the soil, then you say to give them lots of light for successful growth. First batch all died except one. They all grew too tall because of too little light. This batch I have put in the window now that they have reached 1″ in height thru soil. Can you elaborate please?
I black spots on my plant. It started off kinda of shining looking then started to go brown do u have any idea of what that could be
Stephen Finch, I suggest you go here to our ILGM forum: support.ilovegrowingmarijuana…com Lot of great growers sharing grow knowledge.
Lol Cannabis is the tree of knowledge, That must be why all the kids at the skate park are so switched on.
Lol Cannabis is the tree of knowledge, That must be why all the kids at the skate park are so swiched on.
Hi Robert,
In one of the pictures you have has some plastic wrap, AM I supposed to do that?
Your articles seem to always have a bad paragraph somewhere. In this one, it’s:
“Soil moisture is important to ensure that the seed disposes of the water. Avoid feeding the seeds until the initial leaves make it through the soil.”
“disposes of the water”????? do you mean that the seed is able to use enough water that the soil doesn’t stay soaked?
“the initial leaves make it through the soil.”: The initial leaves don’t “make it through the soil. You could say that the cotyledons do – but that’s not quite right either – and it’s not what you want to say, anyway (which is “once the first true leaves emerge”).
Thanks for you comments; I will pass them along to the editor.
Wow those are some awesome yields Patrick! Thanks for sharing
I live in the Humboldt County area close to the coast (very wet and drizzly at night) the last years outdoors crop was the best I have had yet. Mold issues that plagued me in the past were very minimal due to the vigilant use of Serenade mold preventative. I grew in 4 foot diameter kiddie pools filled with a soil mix that was fox farms soil mixed with lots of rice hulls, bio char, and pearl lite, covered with a 4 inch straw mulch. This mix and mulch let me water once a week even in the hottest months. This season I will be using 6 foot kiddie pools with an additional 8 inch deep ring on top filled with more soil to give the roots more room to grow. Last year I averaged about 3/4 pounds per plant, this year I plan on harvesting 1 to 1.5 pounds per plant.
I don’t mess with the seeds, too much chance to screw them up. I plant them in soaked starter soil. They come up in about 4 or five days.
Good for you. Exercise your God given right. If by chance you end up in court, tell the judge you were growing Indica. The law books read, it is illegal to grow Sativa. No mention of Indica. Good luck and VA. will eventually confirm to the popular census.
For sure , semantics have always been the best defense. just have a number of well concealed 12 oz stashes.
All plants don’t all start as seeds what about clones?
Dave; Once a clone is rooted, you grow it like any other plant, picking pup in early veg mode.
I have gotten seed from you guys before with the promise that I would get a FREE down lowed of you Bible on how to grow, I haven’t got one yet.. So much for promises.
There is no hard copy. You download the free grow bible as Roy has pointed out. Check your emails. I think there might be a link in the emails to your free copy of the grow bible.
The lower leaves are starting to fall off, any idea what could be causing this, the top of plant is fine with no sign of pests and disease.
Your issue could be from under watering and tamps being too high. Unfortunately, we are not set up to do this type of grow support here in the blog.
Please join our support forum, where we have many experts and members who are always willing to share knowledge with new members
Peace, lw
HELLO I am a first time grower im using the same formula I use for growing tomatoes and the plants love it! A friend of mine saw my tomato plants and said dude if you can grow tomatoes like that you need to try marijuana! Well I have and so far so good will keep you posted on how it works.
Hi guys. Does anyone have any experience using LEDs from seed to harvest? I’m bran new grower and had a horrible first two tries. I have 2 Mars hydro 600 full spectrum LEDs. How far from the soil should I have them to start? Should I only use one to start or would you run both? They’re in a 4x4x8 ft reflective room. Please help, very frustrated and lost all confidence:)
Well Greg you defiantly have the right lights for veg and flower. You should however invest in some T5 lighting to start your plants out until they are ready to veg. hang 2 inches above the seedlings. This will solve all your problems. Read Roberts grow bible it is a wealth of info…….good luck with your grow.
FYI Mars Hydro 600 is only 270 watts. You would only need one from the very start. Keep them 16-24″ above top of plants. Go to Mars Hydro and look at their recommendations. Cob lamps are excellent.
Also a member below suggested you invest in T5 lighting for seedlings and early veg; I agree. This is what we use:
I also invite you to join our forum.
Some of our staff use Cob lamps, so they might be able to share more info with you. 🙂
Happy growing, lw
I have started my second plant two weeks ago. I am growing under a 1200 W cob led, very cool, not much heat output. Lately we have had a cold spell and my grow room is not heated, I use a 19/5 growing day timer. Have temps that drop into 50ish degree F in growing chamber harmfull to my two week old, and two week budding plant?
Yes. 50f is damaging to mature plants, much less seedlings. You need seedling in a warm humid environment in order for them to thrive. I suggest you find a way to keep temps at 70-86f for seedlings and early veg. You do not want the temps to drop below 65f at night. Hope this helps. Join our support forum. There you can share with members and perhaps come up with a solution to your problem. 🙂
I was wondering if you have ever heard of the Aerogarden? I have successfully used it to germinate and grow herbs, lettuce, and flowers. I am planning to try it for my new seeds that I just received but didn’t know if you had any suggestions for that.
Hi NanaDisney, we know of aerogardens but have yet to investigate it further. It’s on Rob’s to do list 🙂
I take a small issue with how to place seeds in the soil. To maximize results & reduce stress on the seedling, the pointed end should always be up, towards the surface of the soil.
When a cannabis seed sprouts, the root ALWAYS takes about a 180′ curve towards the fat end. If the pointed end is down, the root may pop through the soil & have to readjust itself to go back down. I have had that happen.
2nd best approach is lay the seed side ways, but pointed end up is the best. If you disagree, fine, I am not writing a ‘law’. 😉 You can research the subject to get confirmation. There are a few sites that illustrate with pics that back up what I say.
No matter your decision, all the best to each grower! Get them scissors stuck together! 🙂
I wish i knew this before i am new and i just noticed my first seed is doing just this, its growing 180 degrees but I didn’t know why. UGH is this ok to keep growing or what do i need to do? thanks
I beg to differ brother. The root comes out of the pointed end and goes straight down! No turns. Just straight down.! If You put pointed end up then the root has to turn. You can prove it just by digging it up after you know its sprouted. Im sorry guy but Its cool youre a hard head. Me too only Im right!
I like to start them on a paper towel, and move them into soil once the taproot takes a direction, with the tap root pointing down.
Well…I would say that you already have a “clue” I advise you to join our grow support forum. I think this will op-en up your avenue to knowledge from growers all over the world, and in different climates.
I look forward to helping you out. 1st. Just try growing a few with your previous grow methods. This will tell you where you stand. I
Hi, looking foreword to more info on amendments. I have not grown cannabis seriously, but I have grown other stuff. I have grown a 750 lb pumpkin, in giant pumpkin growing we use a lot of (to name a few) liquid fish until a week before flowers blossom, apply flower bloom, then a lot of liquid seaweed. We also use mycorrhizal for the roots. Any info on cannabis amendments would be appreciated. Thanks
I haven’t done it with cannabis, but I have put fish heads or what’s left over after filleting a fish in the bottom of a hole, add some dirt, plant whatever on top and whatever goes crazy.
[…] Learn how and when they grow, and use this to your advantage. It will help you grow healthy, strong marijuana plants, and will allow you to have a successful crop without any theft or loss of your plants. Any […]
[…] You cannot yet move your plants while they are in their seedling phase, but do ensure that they have plenty of light and water (or just moisture in the soil). The seedling phase can be between two and six weeks long. Read How to grow strong plants ready to transplant […]
Fantastic website Robert I prefer germinating my seeds in a damp paper towel for three days in my warm grow tent (covered from the light). I also prefer to plant my germinated seeds (about a half inch of root) directly into the end 5 gallon smart pots they finish in. Any advantages to planting in smaller pots then transplanting when roots show? Other than a bit better wateringmoister control? Thanks
Thanks MrCouchlock. I always plant into smaller pots because I start with a mildly fertilized potting soil (TDS of 500 ppm) before transplanting them to a more heavily fertilized soil. Robert
as well as moisture control, you are adding water/nutrient that isn’t being used by tiny plants and evaporating into
your grow space atmosphere raising your humidity to no practical purpose, and potentially causing problems associated with high humidity . more work for you and your equipment :-{>
After I germinate my seeds in early march can I plant them directly into their prepared locations outside?
Will they be just as strong if I don’t grow inside for the first 3to4 weeks? If not after the first 3to4 weeks of growth inside under lights,do I have to acclimate them to sunlight?
thanks for your help,
I am in the Southern hemisphere and only grow outdoors in Spring and Summer. I found that your LIGHT period must always be about more than 2 Hours of the dark period. After about 2 months I select the plants I want to clone ( as per method in ILGM Bible) place them in rooting powder for about 3 weeks and start the process all over again. It is really truly magic to see a clone start on its own and also a lot quicker than germinating seeds. CD
Yes Fredt40 , any time you start your plants indoors , you must temper them slowly to get used to the powerful light coming from the sun. Typically I’ll put them outdoors for the first couple of days in a place where they get no direct sunlight , after a couple days of that I will give them just a couple hours of direct light , and every few days I increase the amount of sun they get until after 10-14 days they’re perfectly fine to be in the sun all day long. You should read Robert free online grow bible. It has plenty of useful info that can assist you in having success on your first grow and in the future. Before placing outdoors permanently your seedlings should be at least 6-8 but maybe even more. Just big enough where they can survive.
Icebox: Your T5’s are gust fine. If you have a high wattage your concerned with you can always raise the height of the lighting to accommodate. I use T5’s for my seedlings until transplanting to vegitatate. Then they go to the grow room. Of coarse my success was accompanied with some of Roberts finer strains.
Novice grower here! I have T5 grow lights for seedling starter. Can I use the T5 lights for putting my seeds under once they are planted in soil for getting them to root? Thanks!
I used four T5 tubes for the entire grow cycle. My last plant was 22″ tall and yielded 3oz of dried bud. I used Fox Farms nutrients. In other words, T5 fixtures can do the job from start to finish.
I also use 4´ t5 lights,4 bulbs. My fixture is equipped with t8 blue or red led bulbs. In the flowering stages I put 4 t8 blue bulbs in. I keep the lamps 16 in away from the tallest plant,and they are timed 18 hrs on, 6 off. Excellent results!!! Ps: t8 bulbs start at 80$ a piece….. Good luck. kev.
T5s are great, 54W 6400 K for veg and 2700k ( or a mix of 2700/4100) for flower and with a light rail you’ll get more coverage = 25% more yield, but you’ve gotta stay close. Hence the rail.I still prefer HIDs for flower but depends on circumstance
I just received an e-mail that you got the cash I sent in the mail for an order. I was unsure about this, sending cash from the united states, and I sent it regular mail. I am so happy I took the chance, you are my new seed supply for life. thank you for being honest.
Have you ever seen leaves like these
Does anyone have experience with the octo-pot hybrid growing system?
Please help me just a little. Please leave advise
My plants drooped overnight I growing them in 4.0 cash crop cabinet and they fine last night and got up and hey fell over what happened
how to stop plants from stretting to much.they are outside,should I bring them in at night as long as it stays above 50 degrees
Yeah if you want them to live, LOL!!!
How you doing I’ve been growing for about a month now indoor an it’s still only about 6 inches an it look like it stop growing an the leaves at the bottom turn in if you can help with anything I would appreciate it
Classical music. I had one where the leaves started to burn and stopped growing after 3 weeks of no growth I decided to start playing classical music and you wouldn’t believe it all my plants even the seedlings that I planted three days prior to playing classical have now sprouted. It’s crazy but try it.
Awesome. Thanks for the advise. I thought being directly under the MH lamp was going to give me a false reading.
With the lights shining directly on the thermometer you’re getting a thermal reading, what you want is a reading of air temperature so your thermometer needs to be shaded and be at canopy height. Another way is to hang your hygrometer to the side of your lights at canopy height. That’s how my seedling set-up is arranged. When I first started out I also had my thermometer in with the seedlings 🙂
Mark, you could make a small aluminum foil tunnel (open for air flow) to hide the thermometer from the direct lights, and it would also be beneficial to have a room thermometer as well as the seedlings area monitoring.
Where is the best location for a thermometer in a small 4×5 grow room? Up high, down low or halfway up? My thermometer is in with the seedlings and I get a high reading with the lights shining directly on the thermometer. What can I do and where should I put it to get a true reading?
You want the thermometer right where the plants are. That tells you what temperature the plants are getting.
Raise for medical use
I have MS I have decided to grow it freely in the sate of VA where it is outlawed even medically. My aim is to get arrested so I can sue the state for denying me my rights and freedom to pursue what happiness I can with this diagnosis. I would not pay bail and make them dress, bathe, and toilet me. I am furious with this issue. islamists don’t have to buy the insurance the real Americans who believe in Democracy do. Why am I being denied by a bunch of GOP who think they can bully us into compliance? MY LORD (not ala) tells me in the Torah that he has given me of EVERY plant on Earth except the tree of knowledge. GOP thinks they can trump the Lord. (unintended pun) we also can’t have what they say we can’t-all starting with Hearst and Dupont.
Go girl I’m with u all the way.Were riding on the same boat,stay in the wake.
Jesus gave you the plants and the bible, inspired by Him is only book you can trust. Do what it says and repent of your sin and receive His free gift of forgiveness and eternal life. Ephesians 2:: 8-10 Nowhere in His book are we told we can’t grow and smoke what He has created.
Batshit crazy.
they’re everywhere, looking for any edge
Shut up you autistic retard. No one gives a fuck about your jesus obsession
Talk about a jerk!!!!! have an autistic son… first you are a bullshit talking more on and you second your uneducated the worst thing about having an autistic child is the public and their uneducated rude ass comments why because you don’t know what the hell is going on so you have to show your uneducated thickness by making comments and we don’t use the term retard anymore you retard they are not retarded it is a mental disease you keep badmouthing and dude karma is going to come and bite you right on the end of the dick and you’re going to end up with a child that has autism then you can shove it up your ass
Look you need go let him What say what want to name calling only showed me your immaturity this is a free country remember regular careful what he has to say but I’m not gonna sit here and read his or Your comments say by the way all religion is a bunch of crap !!! that’s how I feel so Think we should just get back to growing the worry about religious comments and I think it’s pretty cheap to pick on child with autism hello low can you go evidently you’re IQ MUST be pretty low………..
One thing I’ve learned in 65 years is Karma, You sow what you reap in this life!
You have no idea what you are talking about! The Bible was NEVER a book that Jesus had ANYTHING to do with! If you “Believe” in the teachings of Jesus, then you MUST be a Jew. Remember that Jesus was a Rabbi, the Last Supper was a Passover Seder, and that the Bible, that you site, actually says that God created, All plants that bear seeds. And that the Bible is the Romans interperitation of the Torah, (and other random scrolls that “fit” the agenda, they wanted it to.) If they had printed it all, it would be many times as thick as it is, but MOST of the scrolls, did NOT agree with their narative, and were thusly destroyed.
Religeon is a means to “calm and control” masses of IGNORANT peasants and slaves!
Thank the “GODS” for Weed!
The bible has everything to do with Jesus and I fully believe the teachings of Jesus and I am not a Jew my friend
We’re called gentiles. I’m not a Jew. I think God gave us cannabis to use but this also isn’t the place for this kind of talk
I thought this was a cannabis website, not a “religious” one. Whichever ancient stories that people choose to believe is their own business, I’m just not really sure what any of that has to do with caring for cannabis seedlings. It has always struck me as odd though, the fact that so many people believe so many different versions of essentially the same story, and then get all pissed off with each other when someone disagrees with their version. Oh well, whatever gets you through life.
…………..beautifully said,
………………… god all the glory,
Pastor Lori Firestone
I live in Virginia, it is not illegal to cultivate marijuana in VA. It is illegal to possess certain amounts, “Whereas, historically, there were laws for growing marijuana, there are currently no laws against growing marijuana in Virginia. There is likely the assumption that cultivation is not allowed- especially since they have criminalized possession of ½ an ounce, but specific cultivation laws have been left out.” Lose lips sink ships, do not tell anyone you are growing and find a well concealed place to grow, Virginia land grows outstanding weed!
I see that this was posted year and a half ago, What is your status? Hoping that all is well.
When did Terry (your Governor) become a member of the GOP????????????????????????????????
Best way is to grow your own
I totally agree with your frustration and the fact that when you are in constant pain and riddled with nerve damage, stress, depression & all that goes along with being in daily torture, that person, should have access to a plant that God put in this earth to help them. I have degenerative disc disease, fibromyalgia, poly neuropathy, Sjögren’s syndrome, carpal tunnel all that keep me in debilitating pain & fatige. I don’t think that it’s the GOP that is keeping legalization from happening but a general uncaring attitude by most all politicians. You cannot explain chronic pain so they can’t sympathize with it unless they have a close relative dealing with it. They could, however, empathize & use common sense. No one has ever died from a marijuana overdose. It’s anti inflammatory & helps nerve damage.
Cuts way down in the need for opioids. It needs to change. It should be changed to be legalized federally & recognized as a legitimize drug treatment for medical patients in need & made available @ dispensaries for medication in each state. There should be no difference from one state to another. 1 card should cover every state
bc you don’t get well when you cross state lines. Their are so many with diseases and disorders that have been proven helped by cannibis treatment.
Time to help the ppl & stop stereotyping.
MANY, believe that Cannabis IS the “Tree of Knowledge”, and that, THAT IS the reason it should be ILLEGAL. Just saying, as an argument point, that is treading on thin ice!
And yes I realize that these are old as f**k posts.
Massive amount of respect! Make changes and fight for what you deserve.
you are a fucking idiot and a racist