Marijuana Grow Guides

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Freeze drying weed

What is Freeze Drying

Before we get down to the brass tacks of freeze drying weed, it’s important to know that freeze-drying is not the same as putting your buds in a freezer. Freeze-drying cannabis is a more effective way of long-term storage as opposed to freezing cannabis. It ensures a longer shelf-life for your buds while also keeping …

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Well flowered autoflower marijuana strain

How to maximize autoflower yield

Regarding the wide world of growing, autoflowers have developed a reputation for low yields and quality. However, through the work of breeders and growers, those days are behind us. Along with their hard work, there are various ways to help autoflowers reach their full potential. When asked how to maximize autoflower yields, it breaks down …

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Cannabis plants growing in fabric pots.

Choosing a pot size for autoflowers

Growing is an art of science, and some methods achieve better results than others. There are different sizes, types, and colors of pots to consider, and it can be intimidating to know if you’re making the right choice. And with good reason. Your choice of an auto flower pot can impact your plant’s growth. We’ll …

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Auto marijuana plant

What are the best nutrients for autoflowering cannabis?

Autoflowers can save the day when it comes to faster harvests, manageable plant sizes, simpler lighting requirements, and more. However, when growing autoflowers vs. regular or feminized seeds, there are some nuances. If you want to maximize yields and quality in your home grow, consider the best nutrients for autoflowering and know how autoflowers differ …

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Weed but rot in jar

What is Jar Rot, and what can I do to prevent it?

Despite what its name may imply, jar rot is not a form of decay in your cannabis. Instead, mold develops from improperly dried and cured buds. How does this happen? The environment and conditions for storage can be unsuitable for cannabis in many ways, ranging from insufficient air circulation in the jars to excess humidity …

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Outdoor Cannabis Growing

Indoor vs. outdoor weed: Which is better?

If you want to really get a room of cultivators talking and taking sides, there’s one question to rule them all. Indoor vs. outdoor cannabis? Knowing which methods to choose and why can be difficult when starting out. While both methods can produce quality cannabis, there’s really no best way to do it. There are, …

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Marijuana Trichomes close up

How to harvest cannabis based on trichome ripeness

Once your cannabis plants have reached maturity in the late flowering stages, they’ll look and smell beautiful. This is often when cultivators start to think about harvesting. Resist the temptation to harvest early and let your plants mature to get the best quality out of your grow.  While it can be difficult to know when …

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A cannabis plant growing outside, showing off green leaves and small buds in the sunlight.

How much yield can I expect from a single Autoflower plant?

Harvesting cannabis is one of the most rewarding steps in the growing process. It’s the moment when all your hard work pays off, and you get to enjoy the results of your effort. But when it comes to autoflowers, you may wonder what kind of yield you can expect. Autoflowers are popular for how easy …

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cannabis seed yellowing

Cannabis Seedling Yellowing: Causes and Solutions

Yellowing in cannabis seedlings is a common concern that can indicate several potential problems in your plants’ environment. This condition, known as chlorosis, occurs when leaves lose their vibrant green hue and become pale or yellow. It’s essential to accurately diagnose the cause of yellowing because it can stem from a range of factors, including nutrient deficiencies, …

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Autoflower Marijuana Seeds

What are Autoflower Seeds?

Are you new to cannabis growing and looking for a fast and easy way to get started? Are you an experienced grower looking to squeeze in more harvests per year with less work?  In either case, autoflowering cannabis seeds may be the solution. As cannabis genetics continue evolving to fulfill the needs and novelty of …

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Drooping Leaves on Cannabis Plants

How to Fix Wilting and Drooping Leaves on Cannabis Plants

If you’re a cannabis grower, you know that keeping your plants healthy and happy is key to a successful harvest. And if you’ve noticed your cannabis plant leaves drooping, it could be an indication of something wrong with the environment or the way you are caring for them. In this blog post, we will explore what …

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