Grower’s Glossary

When starting a new hobby you may find yourself lost in a jungle of terminology. In this gloassary you will find all jargon and slang used by marijuana growers. Bookmark this page and ase the A-Z navigation to jump to anywhere on the page.



Acidity / pH

pH is the value used to determine if a material is acidic, neutral or alkaline. It is measured on a scale from 0 to 14 where 7 stands for ‘neutral’.

pH is important because it determines how well nutrients can be absorbed by a plant. The ideal pH levels for cannabis plants is between 5.5 and 6.5.

Growers often refer to pH levels when they talk about the “acidity of water”.

Learn more about pH levels:

More water related definitions:

EC (Electric Conductivity) | Irrigation system | Dropper | Water temperature

Aeroponic Growing

Aeroponic growing is an advanced growing method that suspends a plant’s roots in the air. The roots are periodically sprayed with a nutrient solution.

Aeroponic growing leads to the highest yields, but is a complex, expensive and vulnerable way of growing.

Learn about aeroponic growing:

More grow medium definitions:

Grow medium | Soil | Seedling & Cutting soil | Hydroponic | Rockwool | Clay pellets | Coconut fiber | Perlite | Vermiculite |

Air Circulation

Air circulation is necessary to maintain proper CO2 levels in your grow room. When the air between your cannabis plant’s leaves is stagnant, the carbon dioxide levels will deplete. This leads to the plant suffocating and growth stopping. Air circulation also helps develop solid stems, control the room temperature, and prevent bugs and diseases.

For the perfect climate, you will need both CO2-rich air supply and an extractor for getting CO2-poor air (and warmth) out of your grow room. To keep it stealthy, and prevent your neighbors from complaining, use a charcoal filter with your extractor to prevent odor.

The use of fans helps control the circulation within the room itself.

Learn all about climate for growing marijuana:

More climate related terms:

Climate | Airtight | Charcoal filter | Extractor | Fancontroller | Fans | Hygrometer | Humidistat | Humidifier | Dehumidifier | Heating

What is Airtight?

To control the climate in your grow room you need to keep it airtight. The only air to enter or leave the room should go through an extractor and charcoal filter.

Using an extractor ensures no smell leaves the room, and that temperature and CO2 levels are controlled.

Learn all about climate for growing marijuana:

More climate related terms:

Climate | Air circulation | Charcoal filter | Extractor | Fancontroller | Fans | Hygrometer | Humidistat | Humidifier | Dehumidifier | Heating

Anti Detection Foil

Anti detection foil is a reflective material that can be used to line the inside of your grow room. It is infused with metals that give it reflective properties. The foil helps prevent light leakage from inside of a grow room and keeps all of the warmth inside. Keeping the warmth inside also helps prevent thermal imaging gear from spotting the grow room from outside.

Unfortunately, this will not be enough to manage the room’s heat. Anti detection foil is just one potential method for improving grow room security.

Learn more about the grow room:

More grow room definitions:

Grow room | Grow tent | Grow box | Security | Sound proof | Pond liner | Green house


Assimilation is the transformation of CO2 (carbon dioxide) to sugars and oxygen. This process occurs during the light cycle of the cannabis plant’s life.

More plant processes:

Osmosis | Photosynthesis | Photolysis | Photo Tropism | Pollination | Dissimilation

Looking for marijuana seed deals? Subscribe to our seed deals to gain access to weekly deals on marijuana seeds!

Autoflowering Seeds

Autoflowering seeds are marijuana seeds that are bred specifically for those seeking a less strict light cycle.

By combining traits from existing strains with traits from the ruderalis plant, breeders were able to create a new type of plant. The autoflowering marijuana plant is smaller while remaining relatively high yielding.

More importantly, its grow cycle is not dependent on light; instead, it’s embedded in its genes. The result is a plant that is always ready for harvesting within ten weeks.

Learn more about autoflowering seeds in these articles:

More seed definitions:

Seeds | Female seeds | Male seeds |



A ballast is a device that is used to limit electricity use by an HPS lamp. Use a dimmable ballast if you want to easily be able to switch between lights during different stages of growth.

More on electricity:

More electrical definitions and uses:

Power consumption | Power capacity | Electricity cables | Fuse | Grounding electricity | Transformer | Relay | Watt

Biodynamic Growing

Biodynamic growing is a method of growing that, in addition to using only biological nutrients, takes into account esoteric methods. Growers consider the phases of the moon when determining the best time to harvest, and soil is carefully crafted using homeopathic remedies.

Learn all about growing marijuana naturally in this article:

More growing ideologies:

Natural growing | Organic growing | Veganic growing |

Blue Light

Blue light is light with an approximate wavelength of 445 nanometer. It comes from HPS lights. Blue light is required by the cannabis plant to create chlorophyll.

Learn all about growing and lighting:

More lighting related terms:

Lighting | Light cycle | Dark cycle | Light shortage | Light distribution | Light spectrum | Red light | Nanometer | Light tight | Lumen | Lux | Reflecting light | Lamp height | HPS lights | HPI lights | LED lights | Compact fluorescent lights


Boron (B) is a nutrient used in small amounts to solidify the cannabis plant membranes.

Learn more about nutrients:

More nutrient elements:

Calcium (Ca) | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | Chlorine (Cl) | Copper (Cu) | Glucose (C6H12O6) | Iron (Fe) | Molybdenum (Mo) | Magnesium (Ma) | Manganese (Mn) | Nickel (Ni) | Nitrogen (N) |  Phosphorus (P) | Potassium (K) | Sulfur (S) | Water (H2O) | Zinc (Zn)

Bud Rot

Bud rot is caused by the Botrytis Cinerea fungus which affects the cannabis flower from the inside out.

The fungus is easily transferable through air or water. If your bud becomes mushy you need to open it up to check for grey mold.

Bud rot also exists in other plants and is often referred to as “grey mold”, “botrytis blight” or “botrytis rot”.

Read more on recognizing and dealing with bud rot in these articles:

More plant problem definitions:

Stretching | Stress | Pests | Diseases



Calcium (Ca) is a nutrient used for osmosis processes in the cannabis plant.

Learn more about nutrients:

More nutrient elements:

Boron (B) | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | Chlorine (Cl) | Copper (Cu) | Glucose (C6H12O6) | Iron (Fe) | Molybdenum (Mo) | Magnesium (Ma) | Manganese (Mn) | Nickel (Ni) | Nitrogen (N) |  Phosphorus (P) | Potassium (K) | Sulfur (S) | Water (H2O) | Zinc (Zn)


The calyx of a flower is the base of where the flower starts to bud. They come in different shapes on the cannabis plant and are covered with trichomes.

Learn more about the cannabis plant:

More plant parts:

Stomata | Flower | Chloroplasts | Chlorophyll | Cola | Pistil | Pollen | Pollen sacs | Trichomes | Stem | Node | Fan leaves | Sugar leaves

Cannabidiol (CBD)

CBD is short for Cannabidiol. It is a cannabinoid found in cannabis. CBD acts on the cannabinoid receptors in the brain and is known for its anti inflammatory effect, nausea relief and many more treatments.

Learn more about CBD:

More plant elements:

Cannabinoids | THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) | Terpenes


Cannabinoids are a type of chemical compound that acts upon cannabinoid receptors in cells that send neurotransmitter signals to the brain. This network of cannabinoid receptors is called the endocannabinoid system (ECS). It controls various processes including appetite, pain-sensation, mood, and memory.

Variants of cannabinoids are:

  • Endocannabinoids, which are produced in the human body
  • Phytocannabinoids, found in cannabis and some other plants
  • Synthetic cannabinoids manufactured by man

There are at least known 113 cannabinoids. The most well-known cannabinoids are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) which are found in cannabis.

Learn more about cannabinoids:

More plant elements:

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) | CBD (cannabidiol) | Terpenes

Carbon Dioxide (C02)

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is, next to water, the most important material for the cannabis plant’s growth. The plant uses carbon dioxide and water and converts it to oxygen and sugars.

Learn more about nutrients:

More nutrient elements:

Boron (B) | Calcium (Ca) | Chlorine (Cl) | Copper (Cu) | Glucose (C6H12O6) | Iron (Fe) | Molybdenum (Mo) | Magnesium (Ma) | Manganese (Mn) | Nickel (Ni) | Nitrogen (N) |  Phosphorus (P) | Potassium (K) | Sulfur (S) | Water (H2O) | Zinc (Zn)

Charcoal Filter

A charcoal filter is a metal cylinder filled with active charcoal. This will filter the air going out of your grow room from the strong marijuana smell. A charcoal filter can be connected to the air extractor.

Learn all about climate for growing marijuana:

More climate related terms:

Climate | Air circulation | Airtight | Extractor | Fancontroler | Fans | Hygrometer | Humidistat | Humidifier | Dehumifier | Heating

Chlorine (Cl)

Chlorine (Cl) is a nutrient used by the cannabis plant to balance salt levels and to help absorb other nutrients through the roots.

Learn more about nutrients:

More nutrient elements:

Boron (B) | Calcium (Ca) | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | Copper (Cu) | Glucose (C6H12O6) | Iron (Fe) | Molybdenum (Mo) | Magnesium (Ma) | Manganese (Mn) | Nickel (Ni) | Nitrogen (N) |  Phosphorus (P) | Potassium (K) | Sulfur (S) | Water (H2O) | Zinc (Zn)


Chloroplasts exist inside plant cells. They are responsible for the leaves’ green color. They also help the entire plant with the photosynthesis process.

Learn more about photosynthesis:

More plant parts:

Stomata | Flower | Chlorophyll | Cola | Calyx | Pistil | Pollen | Pollen sacs | Trichomes | Stem | Node | Fan leaves | Sugar leaves


Chlorophyll gives plants their green color and is critical for catching light and turning it into chemical energy. Chlorophyll tastes bitter but fortunately turns into glucose during the drying process.

More plant parts:

Stomata | Flower | Chloroplasts | Cola | Calyx | Pistil | Pollen | Pollen sacs | Trichomes | Stem | Node | Fan leaves | Sugar leaves

Clay Pellets

Clay pellets can be used as a growing medium for hydroponic growing. They don’t retain much water and cycle nutrients easily due to their round nature.

Other hydroponic growing mediums include RockwoolCoconut fiber, Perlite and Vermiculite.

Learn about growing hydroponically in this article:

More grow medium definitions:

Grow medium | Soil | Seedling & Cutting soil | Hydroponic | Rockwool | Coconut fiber | Perlite | Vermiculite | Aeroponic


Climate condition is one of the most important factors when growing marijuana.

When growing outside, you have no control over the climate. You do however control the types of strains you choose to grow based on whether they flourish in your local climate.

When growing indoors, you have more control over the climate. For instance, you can add carbon dioxide to fit the needs of your plants and increase its yield. This works even better if you manage to create an airtight grow room or use a grow tent.

When talking indoor climate, we include temperature, air content and humidity factors.

Learn all about climate and marijuana growing:

More climate related terms:

Air circulation | Airtight | Charcoal filter | Extractor | Fancontroller | Fans | Hygrometer | Humidistat | Humidifier | Dehumidifier | Heating


Cloning is the process of taking a cutting of an existing plant, the mother plant, then getting it to root so it can grow into a new plant.

Read more about cloning in these articles:

More cloning definitions:


Coconut Fiber

Coconut fiber is the husk of the coconut. It can be used as a growing medium for hydroponic growing.

Other hydroponic growing mediums include RockwoolClay pellets, Perlite and Vermiculite.

Learn about growing hydroponically:

More grow medium definitions:

Grow medium | Soil | Seedling & Cutting soil | Hydroponic | Rockwool | Clay pellets | Perlite | Vermiculite | Aeroponic


Colas are the clustered flowers of the plant. The main cola grows at the top center bud site and is also called the apical bud. Other colas may grow on lower bud sites.

Learn more about the plant or its flower:

More plant parts:

Stomata | Flower | Chloroplasts | Chlorophyll | Calyx | Pistil | Pollen | Pollen sacs | Trichomes | Stem | Node | Fan leaves | Sugar leaves

Colloidal Silver Feminizing

Colloidal silver feminizing is used when breeding seeds. It aims to increase the probability of female seeds. This method involves spraying a mixture of distilled water and pure silver on female plants.

Learn all about feminizing in this article:

More feminizing definitions:

Feminizing | Silver thiosulfate feminizing | Rodelization feminizing

Copper (Cu)

Copper (Cu) is a nutrient. It is part of a group enzymes that supports the photosynthesis process.

Learn more about nutrients:

More nutrient elements:

Boron (B) | Calcium (Ca) | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | Chlorine (Cl) | Glucose (C6H12O6) | Iron (Fe) | Molybdenum (Mo) | Magnesium (Ma) | Manganese (Mn) | Nickel (Ni) | Nitrogen (N) |  Phosphorus (P) | Potassium (K) | Sulfur (S) | Water (H2O) | Zinc (Zn)


Curing takes place after harvesting and drying your bud. It is the delicate process of letting your fresh marijuana air-out versus maintaining its moisture.

Growers cure their bud for a variety of reasons, including preventing mold and increasing the flavor when smoking.

For more information about curing marijuana, view these articles:

More growing process definitions:

Germinating | Seedling Transplanting | Vegetative stage | Flowering stage | Flushing | Harvesting | Drying | Yield


Dark Period

To force the cannabis plant into flowering it needs a dark period of at least 12 hours per day. If it receives any light during this time the flowering process will be disturbed. It can even revert back into the vegetative stage.

Learn all about growing and lighting:

More lighting related terms:

Lighting | Light cycle | Light shortage | Light distribution | Light spectrum | Blue light | Red light | Nanometer | Light tight | Lumen | Lux | Reflecting light | Lamp height | HPS lights | HPI lights | LED lights | Compact fluorescent lights


A dehumidifier removes humid from the air whenever humidity levels become too high. Your grow room can get too humid when your light cycle is shortened. Use a dehumidifier to prevent bud rot and other molds.

Learn all about humidity and your grow room:

More climate related terms:

Climate | Air circulation | Airtight | Charcoal filter | Extractor | Fancontroller | Fans | Hygrometer | Humidistat | Humidifier | Heating


Cannabis plants can pick up all kinds of diseases that are destructive to your grow. Use our symptom checkers to quickly identify which disease your plant has and how you can intervene:

More plant problem definitions:

Bud rot | Stretching | Stress | Pests |


Dissimilation is the process where energy, which is stored in sugars, from oxygen and water is transformed to protein, CO2 and water vapor. This process occurs during the cannabis plant’s dark cycle.

More plant processes:

Osmosis | Photosynthesis | Photolysis | Photo Tropism | Pollination | Assimilation |


A dropper is the part of an irrigation system that looks a bit like a plastic pen and drops the water in your substrate.

Learn all about watering cannabis plants:

More water related definitions:

pH / Acidity | EC (Electric Conductivity) | Irrigation system | Water temperature


The process of drying marijuana takes place right after harvesting your plants. By hanging the branches with the colas attached in a dry room, you remove most of the plant’s initial moisture.

Drying is the first step of processing your plant flowers into smokable bud.

For more information on drying marijuana, view these articles:

More growing process definitions:

Germinating | Seedling Transplanting | Vegetative stage | Flowering stage | Flushing | Harvesting | Curing | Yield


Electrical Conductivity

Electric Conductivity (EC) measures water’s capacity to conduct an electrical current by checking nutritious particles in the water. By measuring EC, you can determine the amount of nutrients that can be added to the water used to feed the plant. EC is measured with an EC-meter.

Learn all about EC measurements:

More water related definitions:

pH / Acidity | Irrigation system |  Dropper | Water temperature

Electrical Fuses

Always make sure you fuse your lamps. This ensures that electricity is switched off when a surcharge or short circuit occur.

More on electricity:

More electrical definitions and uses:

Power consumption | Power capacity | Electricity cables | Grounding electricity | Transformer | Relay | Ballast | Watt

Electricity Cables

Always use electricity cables that have at least 3 x 0.75 mm thickness for a 600-watt bulb.

The yellow-green wire is for grounding.

The brown wire is the phase wire and supplies the current.

The blue wire is the neutral wire and abducts the current.

More on electricity:

More electrical definitions and uses:

Power consumption | Power capacity | Fuse | Grounding electricity | Transformer | Relay | Ballast | Watt


An extractor ensures warm and CO2– deficient air is extracted from your grow room. It connects with a charcoal filter to remove marijuana smell. An extractor works best in an airtight grow room.

Learn all about climate for growing marijuana:

More climate related terms:

Climate | Air circulation | Airtight | Charcoal filter | Fancontroller | Fans | Hygrometer | Humidistat | Humidifier | Dehumidifier | Heating


Fan Controller

A fan controller manages the extractors in your grow room. When temperatures becomes too high it kicks off the extractors. When temperatures becomes too low the extractors return to their low setting.

More on grow room climate:

More climate related terms:

Climate | Air circulation | Airtight | Charcoal filter | Extractor | Fans | Hygrometer | Humidistat | Humidifier | Dehumidifier | Heating

Fan Leaves

Fan leaves are the large leaves of the cannabis plant located just below the colas. The fan leaves are in charge of catching light for the photosynthesis process. This turns light energy into the chemical energy required for the plant to grow.

Learn more about the cannabis plant:

More plant parts:

Stomata | Flower | Chloroplasts | Chlorophyll | Cola | Calyx | Pistil | Pollen | Pollen sacs | Trichomes | Stem | Node | Sugar leaves


Fans help with the air circulation in the grow room.  Place fans in strategic spots to prevent the air from becoming stale and keep CO2 from becoming poor.

Learn all about climate for growing marijuana:

More climate related terms:

Climate | Air circulation | Airtight | Charcoal filter | Extractor | Fancontroler |Hygrometer | Humidistat | Humidifier | Dehumidifier | Heating

Female Plants

Female marijuana plants grow flowers which, after harvesting, can be used for medical or recreational purposes. Unlike female plants, male plants do not produce these flowers, which are also known as bud.

Learn more about female plants:

More plant definitions:

Cannabis Sativa | Cannabis Indica | Cannabis Ruderalis | Hybrid | Male plant | Hermaphrodite | Sensimilla

Female Seeds

Female marijuana seeds produce flowering plants. These flowers are the bud that you can consume.

Unlike the female plant, the male plant does not flower, and therefore, does not produce bud. So you will always want female seeds if your goal is to grow your own weed.

For more info on female seeds, view these articles:

If you’re looking for female marijuana seeds, look no further! Our seed shop has the best selection of seeds on the market.

More seed definitions:

Seeds | Male seeds | Autoflowering seeds


Feminizing is a technique used when breeding seeds to increase the probability of producing female seeds.

Feminizing can be done via the colloidal silver method, silver thiosulfate method or rodelization.

Learn more about feminizing through this article:

More feminizing definitions:

Colloidal silver feminizing | Silver thiosulfate feminizing | Rodelization feminizing


FIMming is a cannabis pruning method that helps increase yield and control a plant’s height.

By pinching two thirds of the newest shoot, the plant will grow more in width than in length.

Read more about pruning marijuana plants in these articles:

More pruning definitions:

Pruning | Topping | Super cropping | Monster cropping | SOG (Sea of Green) | SCROG (Screen Of Green) | Low Stress Training | Lollipopping | Overpruning


The marijuana flower is also known as bud. The flower has the most THC, and it is also the part most used for consumption.

Learn more about the cannabis plant:

More plant parts:

Stomata | Chloroplasts | Chlorophyll | Cola | Calyx | Pistil | Pollen | Pollen sacs | Trichomes | Stem | Node | Fan leaves | Sugar leaves

Flowering Stage

The flowering stage takes place from the moment the female plant starts to flower until the moment the colas are ripe for harvesting.

This is often the most anticipated period of the grow season, as you can see the fruits of your work come to life.

Read all about the flowering stage in these articles:

More growing process definitions:

Germinating | Seedling Transplanting | Vegetative stage | Flushing | Harvesting | Drying | Curing | Yield

Fluorescent Lighting

Fluorescent lighting can be used for growing. Color codes 21 or 33 (cool white) are especially useful during the vegetative stage.

The benefits of these lamps are that they are cheap. Also, they emit relatively low levels of heat so you can place them as close as a few inch from the plants.

On the downside, these lamps do not yield as well as HPS lights, LED lights and HPI lights.

Learn all about growing and lighting:

More lighting related terms:

Lighting | Light cycle | Dark cycle | Light shortage | Light distribution | Light spectrum | Blue light | Red light | Nanometer | Light tight | Lumen | Lux | Reflecting light | Lamp height

HPS lights | HPI lights | LED lights |


Flushing is the process of drenching your plant’s growing medium (e.g. soil) with pure water. The goal is to clean all nutrients from the plant’s system.

Flushing can either be done prior to harvesting to purify the bud from any nutrients. Or if it is necessary, when a plant has nutrient problems.

More information on flushing marijuana plants can be found here:

More growing process definitions:

Germinating | Seedling Transplanting | Vegetative stage | Flowering stage |Harvesting | Drying | Curing | Yield



Germination or sprouting is the process of getting the first sprout to pop up from a seed.

This entails more than simply jamming the seed in some soil and hoping for the best. Although that sometimes works, you will have more success when you handle the seeds with the right type and quantity of moisture.

For more information about germination view these articles:

More process definitions:

Seedling Transplanting | Vegetative stage | Flowering stage | Flushing | Harvesting | Drying | Curing | Yield


Glucose (C6H12O6) is created by the plant during the photosynthesis process. It is the primary material used by plants for growth and flowering.

Learn more about nutrients:

More nutrient elements:

Boron (B) | Calcium (Ca) | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | Chlorine (Cl) | Copper (Cu) | Iron (Fe) | Molybdenum (Mo) | Magnesium (Ma) | Manganese (Mn) | Nickel (Ni) | Nitrogen (N) |  Phosphorus (P) | Potassium (K) | Sulfur (S) | Water (H2O) | Zinc (Zn)

Green House

A green house can be used to grow marijuana outside while being able to control some factors. The elements, bugs and diseases and watering are much easier to control with a green house.

Learn more about green houses:

More grow room definitions:

Grow room | Grow tent | Grow box | Security | Anti detection foil | Sound proof | Pond liner |

Grounding Electricity

Grounded electricity is a safety measure that is required to ensure your equipment is not electrically charged on the outside.

More on electricity:

More electrical definitions and uses:

Power consumption | Power capacity | Electricity cables | Fuse | Transformer | Relay | Ballast | Watt

Grow Box

A Grow box is, much like a grow tent, en enclosed system that allows you to grow your plants inside. Grow boxes can be built or bought keyturn ready.

One of the biggest benefits of a grow box is that you have full control over the environment inside. This makes controlling lightcycle, humidity, smell and heat a lot easier.

More grow room definitions:

Grow room | Grow tent | Security | Anti detection foil | Sound proof | Pond liner | Green house

Grow Medium

A grow medium is the material on or in which you grow a plant. Also called a substrate.

Some examples of grow mediums are:

Read all about grow mediums in these articles:

More grow medium definitions:

Soil | Seedling & Cutting soil | Hydroponic | Rockwool | Clay pellets | Coconut fiber | Perlite | Vermiculite | Aeroponic

Download my FREE marijuana grow bible and start growing high quality marijuana strains.

Grow Regulator

Grow Regulator is a biological product based on algae that can be used to prevent plants from growing too high, while also  stimulating flowering.

More nutrient definitions:

Nutrients | Nutrient deficiency | Nutrient burn | Macronutrients | Micronutrients | Organic nutrients | NPK

Grow Room

A grow room is simply the room where you decide to grow your plants. Whether this is your attic, basement or a shed outside, we call it a grow room. Your grow room can contain a simple pot-and-lamp setup or a professionally automated rig. But any way you put it, it is a grow room.

The measurements of your grow room determine a number of factors like: the amount of light and plants and the power of ventilators and other environmental control units.

Ensure your grow room is always tidy and clean. Give it a good cleaning with bleach to kill al bacteria after each round of growing. This way bugs don’t have a chance to infect your new grow.

Learn more about setting up a grow room:

More grow room definitions:

Grow tent | Grow box | Security | Anti detection foil | Sound proof | Pond liner | Green house

Grow Tent

A grow tent is a tent made exactly for the purpose of growing plants. Often times these are tailored precicely to the purpose of growing marijuana indoors. They have the appropriate measurements and room to spare to fit air filters, lighting and such.

One of the biggest benefits of a grow tent is that you have full control over the environment in the tent. This makes controlling the lightcycle, humidity, smell and heat a lot easier.

More grow room definitions:

Grow room | Grow box | Security | Anti detection foil | Sound proof | Pond liner | Green house



Harvesting marijuana is the cutting of its flowers (the bud) so that it can be dried into smokable herb.

After flowering to its full potential, the colas are cut from the plant, ending the plant’s lifecycle.

For more information about harvesting view these articles:

More growing process definitions:

Germinating | Seedling Transplanting | Vegetative stage | Flowering stage | FlushingDrying | Curing | Yield

Know how to perfectly time your harvest so you can maximize your yield. Download our free mini harvesting guide


You do not need to heat your grow room when the grow lights are on. But during the flowering stage, you may need to crank up the heat to ensure the grow room doesn’t get too cold.

Use an electric heater and connect it to your relay. This way, it can automatically switch on when your lights go out.

Learn all about the optimal temperatures for growing marijuana:

More climate related terms:

Climate | Air circulation | Airtight | Charcoal filter | Extractor | Fancontroller | Fans | Hygrometer | Humidistat | Humidifier | Dehumidifier |

Hermaphrodite Plant

A hermaphrodite plant has both male and female reproduction systems. Most plants are hermaphrodite, but the cannabis plant is dioecious which means separate plants have separate genders. A marijuana plant can become hermaphrodite due to stress in rare cases but it’s mostly predetermined in the plant’s genes.

Learn more about hermaphrodism:

More plant definitions:

Cannabis Sativa | Cannabis Indica | Cannabis Ruderalis | Hybrid | Male plant | Female plant | Sensimilla


A hortipot is a lightweight pot made of fabric which can be folded if not used. It is ideal if you sometimes move your garden’s location. Hortipots also provide good airflow and do not retain surplus water.

More equipment definitions:

Propagator | Tumble trimmer

HPI Lights

HPI lights are a type of metal halide lamps that are very suitable for growing. HPI lights are especially useful during the vegetative stage due to their white light and high intensity.

Learn all about growing and lighting:

More lighting related terms:

Lighting | Light cycle | Dark cycle | Light shortage | Light distribution | Light spectrum | Blue light | Red light | Nanometer | Light tight | Lumen | Lux | Reflecting light | Lamp height

HPS lights |LED lights | Compact fluorescent lights

HPS Lights

High Pressure Sodium (HPS) lamps are great for growing marijuana. Due to their red light spectrum and great light intensity per watt, they work well during the flowering phase.

Learn all about growing and lighting:

More lighting related terms:

Lighting | Light cycle | Dark cycle | Light shortage | Light distribution | Light spectrum | Blue light | Red light | Nanometer | Light tight | Lumen | Lux | Reflecting light | Lamp height

HPI lights | LED lights | Compact fluorescent lights


A humidifier ensures the humidity in your grow room stays at the correct levels. During the vegetative stage, you want a humidity of around 80%. Gradually lower this to 40%  as the grow progresses toward harvest.

Learn all about humidity and your grow room:

More climate related terms:

Climate | Air circulation | Airtight | Charcoal filter | Extractor | Fancontroller | Fans | Hygrometer | Humidistat | Dehumidifier | Heating


A humidistat measures the humidity levels in your grow room and automates humidity control. When the humidity gets too high, the humidistat kicks off the dehumidifier. When the humidity gets too low the humidistat kicks off the humidifier.

Learn all about humidity and your grow room:

More climate related terms:

Climate | Air circulation | Airtight | Charcoal filter | Extractor | Fancontroller | Fans | Hygrometer | Humidifier | Dehumidifier | Heating


Hybrid marijuana or hybrid strains are strains that have been bred with other existing strains through crossbreeding. Most commonly the term hybrid strain is used when Sativa and Indica strains are crossbred.

Learn more about hybrids:

More plant definitions:

Cannabis Sativa | Cannabis Indica | Cannabis Ruderalis | Male plant | Female plant | Hermaphrodite | Sensimilla

Hydroponic Growing

Hydroponic growing is a method where plants root in water instead of soil.

The primary advantage of growing hydroponically is overall higher yields as compared to growing in soil. Other benefits are more control over nutrients, better hydration, and fewer pests and diseases. A downside to hydroponic systems is the initial investment cost.

Learn all about growing hydroponically in these articles:

More grow medium definitions:

Grow medium | Soil | Seedling & Cutting soil |Rockwool | Clay pellets | Coconut fiber | Perlite | Vermiculite | Aeroponic


You will need a hygrometer to measure the humidity in your grow room. Hygrometers often include a built-in thermometer, which is great because you need them both.

Learn all about climate for growing marijuana:

More climate related terms:

Climate | Air circulation | Airtight | Charcoal filter | Extractor | Fancontroller | Fans | Humidistat | Humidifier | Dehumidifier | Heating



Cannabis Indica is the annual cannabis plant that has its roots in the Hindu Kush mountain range. So unlike their Sativa cousins, the Indica plant flourishes in a more temperate climate. Formerly known as Cannabis Sativa Forma Indica, Cannabis Indica was classified as a separate species in 1782. Its leaves are wider and they grow more bushy than the higher Sativa plant.

The flower of the Cannabis Indica plant is less uplifting. It has more of a relaxing, sedative effect.

Learn more about Cannabis Indica:

More plant definitions:

Cannabis Sativa | Cannabis Ruderalis | Hybrid | Male plant | Female plant | Hermaphrodite | Sensimilla

Iron (Fe)

Iron (Fe) is a nutrient used by cannabis plants to generate chloroplasts.

Learn more about nutrients:

More nutrient elements:

Boron (B) | Calcium (Ca) | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | Chlorine (Cl) | Copper (Cu) | Glucose (C6H12O6) | Molybdenum (Mo) | Magnesium (Ma) | Manganese (Mn) | Nickel (Ni) | Nitrogen (N) |  Phosphorus (P) | Potassium (K) | Sulfur (S) | Water (H2O) | Zinc (Zn)

Irrigation System

An irrigation system is an automated system that waters your plants at set times. A basic irrigation system includes a timer, pipes, tubes, pumps and droppers.

Learn all about watering cannabis plants:

More water related definitions:

pH / Acidity | EC (Electric Conductivity) | Dropper | Water temperature


Lamp Height

Lamp height is the height between the lamp and the top of the plant. The amount of light determines the yield. The effect of a lamp at 20 inches is four times stronger than a lamp at 40 inches.

Learn all about growing and lighting:

More lighting related terms:

Lighting | Light cycle | Dark cycle | Light shortage | Light distribution | Light spectrum | Blue light | Red light | Nanometer | Light tight | Lumen | Lux | Reflecting light |

HPS lights | HPI lights | LED lights | Compact fluorescent lights

LED Lights

LED lights have taken a while to catch on, but nowadays LED lights can almost yield as much as conventional HPS lights.

A large benefit of LED lights is that their power needs are much lower than HPS lights. On the downside, LED lights have a much higher purchase cost.

Learn all about growing and lighting:

More lighting related terms:

Lighting | Light cycle | Dark cycle | Light shortage | Light distribution | Light spectrum | Blue light | Red light | Nanometer | Light tight | Lumen | Lux | Reflecting light | Lamp height

HPS lights | HPI lights |Compact fluorescent lights


Cannabis plants need light to convert carbon dioxide into glucose which is required for growth and development. The plant relies on the sun for light when grown outside. When growing inside,  plants need specific lamps and a light cycle  to stimulate the plant’s growth.

Not all lights are suitable for growing due to light spectrum or intensity.

  • Lamps that are not suitable for growing are: light bulbs, energy saving lamps, halogen lamps, mercury vapor lamps, low-pressure sodium lamps
  • Lamps that are suitable for growing are: fluorescent lighting, HPS lights, HPI lights, LED lights

Learn all about growing and lighting:

More lighting related terms:

Light cycle | Dark cycle | Light shortage | Light distribution | Light spectrum | Blue light | Red light | Nanometer | Light tight | Lumen | Lux | Reflecting light | Lamp height

HPS lights | HPI lights | LED lights | Compact fluorescent lights

Light Cycle

The cannabis plant grows and flowers depending on the amounts of light it gets. In nature, it is an annually flowering plant that grows during the summer season and starts flowering when the days turn shorter.

When growing inside you can manipulate the plant’s lifecycle with the following basic light cycle:

  • Give the plants 18-24 hours of light to keep it in vegetative state.
  • Give the plants 12 hours of light to force it to start flowering.

Learn all about the best light cycles:

More lighting related terms:

Lighting | Dark cycle | Light shortage | Light distribution | Light spectrum | Blue light | Red light | Nanometer | Light tight | Lumen | Lux | Reflecting light | Lamp height

HPS lights | HPI lights | LED lights | Compact fluorescent lights

Light Distribution

To ensure the even growth of your cannabis plants, all of your plants need an equal amount of light.

High quality lamps require quite a bit of power, and you don’t want any light wasted on the ceiling or other non-plant surfaces. Use reflectors and reflecting foil to distribute the light to where you want it to go.

Learn all about growing and lighting:

More lighting related terms:

Lighting | Light cycle | Dark cycle | Light shortage | Light spectrum | Blue light | Red light | Nanometer | Light tight | Lumen | Lux | Reflecting light | Lamp height

HPS lights | HPI lights | LED lights | Compact fluorescent lights

Light Shortage

When cannabis plants experience a light shortage during the vegetative stage they will stretch. They are searching for more light.

A light shortage during the flowering stage results in soft, low quality buds.

Learn all about growing and lighting:

More lighting related terms:

Lighting | Light cycle | Dark cycle | Light distribution | Light spectrum | Blue light | Red light | Nanometer | Light tight | Lumen | Lux | Reflecting light | Lamp height

HPS lights | HPI lights | LED lights | Compact fluorescent lights

Light Spectrum

When talking about light spectrum we’re talking about the spectrum of colors within light. Sunlight has the full color spectrum with all the colors of the rainbow. Plants flourish under red and blue light as the leaves absorb the most energy from these wavelengths.

Learn all about growing and lighting:

More lighting related terms:

Lighting | Light cycle | Dark cycle | Light shortage | Light distribution | Blue light | Red light | Nanometer | Light tight | Lumen | Lux | Reflecting light | Lamp height

HPS lights | HPI lights | LED lights | Compact fluorescent lights

Light Tight

When growing inside, you need to ensure that your grow room is light tight (meaning no outside light can enter). The light cycle of cannabis plants is very important to maintain. When even the smallest light reaches your plants during its dark periods it can severely disturb the plant’s growth. In the worst case, a plant can even be stressed into becoming a hermaphrodite.

Learn all about growing and lighting:

More lighting related terms:

Lighting | Light cycle | Dark cycle | Light shortage | Light distribution | Light spectrum | Blue light | Red light | NanometerLumen | Lux | Reflecting light | Lamp height

HPS lights | HPI lights | LED lights | Compact fluorescent lights


Lollipopping is a pruning technique that removes the lower growth of your plants to promote better bud development on the top.

Learn all about lollipopping in this article:

More pruning definitions:

Pruning | Fimming | Topping | Super cropping | Monster cropping | SOG (Sea of Green) | SCROG (Screen Of Green) | Low Stress Training | Overpruning

Low Stress Training (LST)

Low stress training or LST is a technique that increases a plant’s yield by bending stems and tying them down. This way lower branches catch more light and can produce colas as well.

Read all about low stress training in the following articles:

More pruning definitions:

Pruning | Fimming | Topping | Super cropping | Monster cropping | SOG (Sea of Green) | SCROG (Screen Of Green) | Lollipopping | Overpruning


A lumen is a measurement of the amount of light radiated by a source. Cannabis plants need at least 30.000 lumen per 3 square feet. More is better.

Learn all about growing and lighting:

More lighting related terms:

Lighting | Light cycle | Dark cycle | Light shortage | Light distribution | Light spectrum | Blue light | Red light | Nanometer | Light tight | Lux | Reflecting light | Lamp height

HPS lights | HPI lights | LED lights | Compact fluorescent lights


Lux is the unit used for measuring the power of illumination. Lux is basically the amount of light on a certain surface. 1 lux = 1 lumen/m2 (3 square feet)

More lighting related terms:

Lighting | Light cycle | Dark cycle | Light shortage | Light distribution | Light spectrum | Blue light | Red light | Nanometer | Light tight | Lumen | Reflecting light | Lamp height

HPS lights | HPI lights | LED lights | Compact fluorescent lights



Macronutrients are the primary nutrients required by every plant to survive. Other nutrients (micronutrients) are given to a plant, but macronutrients should always be a part of the regular diet.

A plant’s macronutrients are Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium.

Learn more about macronutrients and micronutrients:

More nutrient definitions:

Nutrients | Nutrient deficiency | Nutrient burn | Micronutrients | Organic nutrients | NPK

Magnesium (Ma)

Magnesium (Ma) is a nutrient that supports the cannabis plant‘s chloroplast system.

Learn more about nutrients:

More nutrient elements:

Boron (B) | Calcium (Ca) | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | Chlorine (Cl) | Copper (Cu) | Glucose (C6H12O6) | Iron (Fe) | Molybdenum (Mo) | Manganese (Mn) | Nickel (Ni) | Nitrogen (N) |  Phosphorus (P) | Potassium (K) | Sulfur (S) | Water (H2O) | Zinc (Zn)

Male Plants

For marijuana plants to reproduce, they need seeds. The male plant pollinates the female plant to create seeds. Unlike female plants, male plants do not produce flowers (also known as bud). Therefore, male plants are primarily used by marijuana growers for breeding seeds. Female plants are preferred by most.

Learn more about male plants:

More plant definitions:

Cannabis Sativa | Cannabis Indica | Cannabis Ruderalis | Hybrid | Female plant | Hermaphrodite | Sensimilla

Male Seeds

Marijuana seeds are available as regular seeds (both male and female) or feminized seeds.

Unlike female seeds, the male seed grows into a plant that does not flower or produce bud. So you need to ensure you’re getting female seeds when your goal is growing actual weed.

Male plants can be used for pollinating female plants, so they start to grow seeds instead of bud.

For more information on male seeds view these articles:

More seed definitions:

Seeds | Female seeds |Autoflowering seeds

Manganese (Mn)

Manganese (Mn) is a nutrient required by the cannabis plant to solidify chloroplasts and support the release of oxygen.

Learn more about nutrients:

More nutrient elements:

Boron (B) | Calcium (Ca) | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | Chlorine (Cl) | Copper (Cu) | Glucose (C6H12O6) | Iron (Fe) | Molybdenum (Mo) | Magnesium (Ma) | Nickel (Ni) | Nitrogen (N) |  Phosphorus (P) | Potassium (K) | Sulfur (S) | Water (H2O) | Zinc (Zn)


A grow medium is the material on or in which you grow a plant. Also called a substrate.

Some examples of grow mediums are:

Read all about grow mediums in these articles:

More grow medium definitions:

Soil | Seedling & Cutting soil | Hydroponic | Rockwool | Clay pellets | Coconut fiber | Perlite | Vermiculite | Aeroponic


Unlike macronutrients, micronutrients are not required for basic survival. Nevertheless, micronutrients are critical to maintaining the vigor and health of a plant.

Plant micronutrients include Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur, Manganese, Boron, Zinc and Copper.

Learn more about macronutrients and micronutrients:

More nutrient definitions:

Nutrients | Nutrient deficiency | Nutrient burn | MacronutrientsOrganic nutrients | NPK

Molybdenum (Mo)

Molybdenum (Mo) is a nutrient that reduces nitrate and helps transfer nitrogen to the plant.

Learn more about nutrients:

More nutrient elements:

Boron (B) | Calcium (Ca) | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | Chlorine (Cl) | Copper (Cu) | Glucose (C6H12O6) | Iron (Fe) | Magnesium (Ma) | Manganese (Mn) | Nickel (Ni) | Nitrogen (N) |  Phosphorus (P) | Potassium (K) | Sulfur (S) | Water (H2O) | Zinc (Zn)

Monster Cropping

Monster cropping is a technique where clones from a flowering mother plant are taken and then rooted. The clones will revert back to vegetative state and result in a very wide, bushy plant.

For more on monster cropping view theses articles:

More pruning definitions:

Pruning | Fimming | Topping | Super cropping |SOG (Sea of Green) | SCROG (Screen Of Green) | Low Stress Training | Lollipopping | Overpruning



A nanometer is a metric system unit that equals a billionth of a meter. Nanometer (nm) is also used to describe the wavelength of light.

Learn all about growing and lighting:

More lighting related terms:

Lighting | Light cycle | Dark cycle | Light shortage | Light distribution | Light spectrum | Blue light | Red light | Light tight | Lumen | Lux | Reflecting light | Lamp height

HPS lights | HPI lights | LED lights | Compact fluorescent lights

Natural Growing

Natural growing focuses on efficient and environmentally conscious growing techniques. Natural growing uses sustainable and renewable methods.

Learn all about growing marijuana naturally in this article:

More growing ideologies:

Organic growing | Veganic growing | Biodynamic growing

Nickel (Ni)

Nickel (Ni) is a nutrient used by the cannabis plant to ensure the constant circulation of nitrogen.

Learn more about nutrients:

More nutrient elements:

Boron (B) | Calcium (Ca) | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | Chlorine (Cl) | Copper (Cu) | Glucose (C6H12O6) | Iron (Fe) | Molybdenum (Mo) | Magnesium (Ma) | Manganese (Mn) | Nitrogen (N) |  Phosphorus (P) | Potassium (K) | Sulfur (S) | Water (H2O) | Zinc (Zn)

Nitrogen (N)

Nitrogen (N) is a very important nutrient for the growth of the cannabis plant. It also helps build proteins. Nitrogen therefore is one of the macronutrients.

Learn more about nutrients:

More nutrient elements:

Calcium (Ca) | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | Chlorine (Cl) | Copper (Cu) | Glucose (C6H12O6) | Iron (Fe) | Molybdenum (Mo) | Magnesium (Ma) | Manganese (Mn) | Nickel (Ni) | Phosphorus (P) | Potassium (K) | Sulfur (S) | Water (H2O) | Zinc (Zn)


A node is a joint where a leaf branches off from the stalk or where stalks branch out from the stem. The cannabis plant mostly shows its gender at the fourth node of the stem.

An internode is the stalk or stem in between nodes.

More plant parts:

Stomata | Flower | Chloroplasts | Chlorophyll | Cola | Calyx | Pistil | Pollen | Pollen sacs | Trichomes | Stem | Fan leaves | Sugar leaves


NPK is an abbreviation of the three macronutrients Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K). This abbreviation can often be found on nutrient packaging.

Learn more about nutrients:

More nutrient definitions:

Nutrients | Nutrient deficiency | Nutrient burn | Macronutrients | Micronutrients | Organic nutrients |


Marijuana plant nutrients is the collective name for the many nutrients necessary for plant growth. In addition to assisting with regular growth, cannabis nutrients can help increase the yield  of the plant. Different stages of the plant’s growth require different types and amounts of nutrients.

Learn more about nutrients:

More nutrient definitions:

Nutrient deficiency | Nutrient burn | Macronutrients | Micronutrients | Organic nutrients | NPK

Nutrient Burn

Nutrient burn happens when a plant receives too much of a certain nutrient and its health suffers as a result.

The opposite of a nutrient burn is a nutrient deficiency. This is caused by receiving too little of a certain nutrient.

Learn how to handle nutrient problems:

More nutrient definitions:

Nutrients | Nutrient burn | Macronutrients | Micronutrients | Organic nutrients | NPK

Nutrient Deficiency

A nutrient deficiency is a shortage of a particular nutrient that leads to a decline in a plant’s health.

The opposite of a nutrient deficiency is a nutrient burn, which is the result of too much of a certain nutrient.

Learn how to handle nutrient problems:

More nutrient definitions:

Nutrients | Nutrient burn | Macronutrients | Micronutrients | Organic nutrients | NPK


Organic Growing

Organic growing is a federally regulated method of growing fruits and vegetables. The strict guidelines regarding the use of chemicals and pesticides are sometimes transferred to growing marijuana. However, although there are no regulations for growing marijuana, some growers swear by organic guidelines.

Learn all about growing marijuana naturally in this article:

More growing ideologies:

Natural growing | Veganic growing | Biodynamic growing

Organic Nutrients

There are no official guidelines around organic nutrients for marijuana growing. This is because organic marijuana growing is not federally regulated like fruits or vegetables.

However, people do create their own nutrients by applying some of the rules for organic fruits and vegetables.  Organic nutrients do not contain conventional chemicals and are often made out of compost. All natural products are sold in stores as well. Store-bought solutions often contain algae, seaweeds, soil bacteria, bone meal and other natural products.

Learn more about nutrients:

More nutrient definitions:

Nutrients | Nutrient deficiency | Nutrient burn | Macronutrients | Micronutrients | NPK


Osmosis is the natural movement of water from a place with the highest concentration of nutrients to one with less. For example, a cannabis plant, via a water-permeable cell wall in the roots, absorbs nutrients from the water when the concentration of nutrients in the plant is lower than in the water.

Learn more about osmosis:

More plant processes:

Photosynthesis | Photolysis | Photo Tropism | Pollination | Assimilation | Dissimilation


Over pruning happens when you’ve gone overboard on pruning a marijuana plant resulting in an unhealthy plant.

Read all about over pruning in this article:

More pruning definitions:

Over pruning happens when you’ve gone overboard on pruning a marijuana plant resulting in an unhealthy plant.

Read all about over pruning in this article:

More pruning definitions:

Pruning | Fimming | Topping | Super cropping | Monster cropping | SOG (Sea of Green) | SCROG (Screen Of Green) | Low Stress Training | Lollipopping



Perlite is a magmatic rock that can bee used as growing medium for hydroponic growing. Due to its permeable nature, it lets water and nutrients circulate easily.

Other hydroponic growing mediums include RockwoolClay pelletsCoconut fiber, and Vermiculite.

Learn about perlite and growing hydroponically:

More grow medium definitions:

Grow medium | Soil | Seedling & Cutting soil | Hydroponic | Rockwool | Clay pellets | Coconut fiber | Vermiculite | Aeroponic


Pests on cannabis plants come in all shapes and sizes. Bugs, mold, pets and outside animals can all be destructive to healthy growing plants.

Learn how to recognize and fight the most common pests:

More plant problem definitions:

Bud rot | Stretching | Stress | Diseases


pH is the value used to determine if a material is acidic, neutral or alkaline. It is measured on a scale from 0 to 14 where 7 stands for ‘neutral’.

pH is important because it determines how well nutrients can be absorbed by a plant. The ideal pH levels for cannabis plants is between 5.5 and 6.5.

Growers often refer to pH levels when they talk about the “acidity of water”.

Learn more about pH levels:

More water related definitions:

EC (Electric Conductivity) | Irrigation system | Dropper | Water temperature

Phosphorus (P)

Phosphorus (P) is a nutrient used by the cannabis plant to transfer energy and manage cells, DNA, proteins and enzymes.

Learn more about nutrients:

More nutrient elements:

Calcium (Ca) | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | Chlorine (Cl) | Copper (Cu) | Glucose (C6H12O6) | Iron (Fe) | Molybdenum (Mo) | Magnesium (Ma) | Manganese (Mn) | Nickel (Ni) | Nitrogen (N) | Potassium (K) | Sulfur (S) | Water (H2O) | Zinc (Zn)

Photo Tropism

Plants tend to want to grow towards light. This phenomenon is called photo tropism.

More plant processes:

Osmosis | Photosynthesis | Photolysis | Pollination | Assimilation | Dissimilation


Photolysis is a process where chemicals are broken down by light.  In the cannabis plant, this process is responsible for releasing water and oxygen.

Learn more about the chemical processes of the cannabis plant:

More plant processes:

Osmosis | Photosynthesis | Photo Tropism  | Pollination | Assimilation | Dissimilation


Photosynthesis is the complex, multi-step process where plants harness the energy of light into chemical energy needed for growing.

During this process carbon dioxide (exhaled by all living organisms) is transformed into oxygen (inhaled by all living organisms).

For more information about photosynthesis view these articles:

More plant processes:

Osmosis | Photolysis | Photo Tropism  | Pollination | Assimilation | Dissimilation


Pistils are hair-like structures that stick out from the cannabis flowers and collect male pollen from the air. During the grow process they can change colors –  from white to orange to brown. Pistils are required for plant reproduction but they do not affect the end product.

Learn more about the cannabis plant:

More plant parts:

Stomata | Flower | Chlorophyll | Cola | Calyx | Pollen | Pollen sacs | Trichomes | Stem | Node | Fan leaves | Sugar leaves


Pollen is a fine powderlike material produced by the male plant’s pollen sacs. Pollen travel by air and aim to be caught by a female plant’s pistils so it’s fertilized and seeds start to grow.

Learn more about the cannabis plant:

More plant parts:

Stomata | Flower | Chlorophyll | Cola | Calyx | Pollen sacs | Trichomes | Stem | Node | Fan leaves | Sugar leaves

Pollen Sacs

Pollen Sacs are the reproductive parts of a male plant that produce pollen. You can recognize if a plant is male when you discover these pollen sacs. Remove the male plant from any female plants if you don’t want the female plants to start growing seeds.

Learn more about the cannabis plant:

More plant parts:

Stomata | Flower | Chlorophyll | Cola | Calyx | Pollen | Trichomes | Stem | Node | Fan leaves | Sugar leaves


Pollination occurs when a male plant‘s pollen fertilizes a female plant‘s ovules. This causes the female plant to grow seeds. Pollination is not desirable when growing marijuana but it is required when breeding seeds.

Learn more about the cannabis plant:

More plant processes:

Osmosis | Photosynthesis | Photolysis | Photo Tropism | Assimilation | Dissimilation

Pond Liner

Pond liner is a thick, waterproof foil used to line the bottom of ponds. Use it to line the floor of your grow room to create a waterproof floor in case of spillage or leaking.

Learn more about setting up a grow room:

More grow room definitions:

Grow room | Grow tent | Grow box | Security | Anti detection foil | Sound proof | Green house

Potassium (K)

Potassium (K) is a nutrient used by the cannabis plant to activate enzymes. It helps balance the plant’s salt levels and supports the opening of the stomata, helping the plant to “breathe” carbon dioxide.

Learn more about nutrients:

View more nutrients:

Boron | Calcium (Ca) | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | Chlorine (Cl) | Copper (Cu) | Glucose (C6H12O6) | Iron (Fe) | Molybdenum (Mo) | Magnesium (Ma) | Manganese (Mn) | Nickel (Ni) | Nitrogen (N) | Sulfur (S) | Water (H2O) | Zinc (Zn)

Power Capacity

The power capacity identifies the maximum wattage that can be used  in your grow room.

For instance, when a 16 amp group is set to 110 volts, you can apply a maximum of 16 x 110. That’s 1760 watts total.

Remember this when attaching 600watt lamps to the network.

More on electricity:

More electrical definitions and uses:

Power consumption | Electricity cables | Fuse | Grounding electricity | Transformer | Relay | Ballast | Watt

Power Consumption

Power consumption is a big issue when growing marijuana. With all the electrical equipment that comes into play, you need to keep an eye on the electricity bill and power capacity.

Although lamps will be the bulk of the power consumption, don’t forget to consider all of your climate control devices as well.

Always ensure your electricity is set up safely and that you don’t overcharge your network capacity.

More on electricity:

More electrical definitions and uses:

Power capacity | Electricity cables | Fuse | Grounding electricity | Transformer | Relay | Ballast | Watt


A propagator is a plastic container with a transparent hood used to germinate seeds or root cuttings.

More equipment definitions:

A propagator is a plastic container with a transparent hood used to germinate seeds or root cuttings.

More equipment definitions:

Hortipot | Tumble trimmer


Trimming or pruning is the process of cutting pieces off of a plant to either increase its survivability or increase its yield.

There are several pruning techniques that can be applied to marijuana plants. Topping, FIMmingsuper cropping and monster cropping are some, among others.

Read more about pruning marijuana plants in these articles:

More pruning definitions:

Fimming | Topping | Super cropping | Monster cropping | SOG (Sea of Green) | SCROG (Screen Of Green) | Low Stress Training | Lollipopping | Overpruning


Red Light

Red light is an important part of the light spectrum required for the cannabis plant’s growth.

Learn all about growing and lighting:

More lighting related terms:

Lighting | Light cycle | Dark cycle | Light shortage | Light distribution | Light spectrum | Blue light | Nanometer | Light tight | Lumen | Lux | Reflecting light | Lamp height

HPS lights | HPI lights | LED lights | Compact fluorescent lights

Reflecting Light

Reflectors help prevent light leakage and ensure equal light distribution to the cannabis plants. To reflect light, reflective hoods can be placed over lamps and reflective film can be lined across walls.

Learn all about growing and lighting:

More lighting related terms:

Lighting | Light cycle | Dark cycle | Light shortage | Light distribution | Light spectrum | Blue light | Red light | Nanometer | Light tight | Lumen | Lux | Lamp height

HPS lights | HPI lights | LED lights | Compact fluorescent lights


A relay is an electromagnet-controlled switch. Connect it to a timer to automate your lights and other systems in your grow room.

More on electricity:

More electrical definitions and uses:

Power consumption | Power capacity | Electricity cables | Fuse | Grounding electricity | Transformer | Ballast | Watt


Rockwool is a mineral made of a basalt and silica compound. It is used as a grow medium for hydroponic growing because it is cheap, easy to use and can easily retain water.

Learn all about growing with rockwool in this article:

More grow medium definitions:

Grow medium | Soil | Seedling & Cutting soil | Hydroponic | Clay pellets | Coconut fiber | Perlite | Vermiculite | Aeroponic


Rodelization feminizing is a method used to breed female seeds. By stressing the female plant into growing her own pollen sacs, chances are much higher that she will create female seeds. This is the most natural (but also risky) method of feminizing.

Learn all about feminizing in this article:

More feminizing definitions:

Feminizing | Colloidal silver feminizing | Silver thiosulfate feminizing |


Cannabis Ruderalis has its roots in Russia’s Siberian region. Unlike its Indica and Sativa cousins, the Ruderalis plant flourishes in colder climates. Cannabis Ruderalis was classified as a species in 1942. These plants are hardier than their Indica and Sativa cousins but they never grow much larger than two feet high.

The flower of the Cannabis Ruderalis plant has much less THC but much more CBD than Cannabis Indica and Sativa. Therefore, it’s often used to breed more medically oriented strains.

Another major difference between Ruderalis and its cousins is that it automatically flowers within 10 weeks. The lightcycle is of no influence to the time of flowering. Hence Ruderalis is bred with existing strains to create an easier to grow Autoflowering variant.

Learn more about Cannabis Ruderalis:

More plant definitions:

Cannabis Ruderalis has its roots in Russia’s Siberian region. Unlike its Indica and Sativa cousins, the Ruderalis plant flourishes in colder climates. Cannabis Ruderalis was classified as a species in 1942. These plants are hardier than their Indica and Sativa cousins but they never grow much larger than two feet high.

The flower of the Cannabis Ruderalis plant has much less THC but much more CBD than Cannabis Indica and Sativa. Therefore, it’s often used to breed more medically oriented strains.

Another major difference between Ruderalis and its cousins is that it automatically flowers within 10 weeks. The lightcycle is of no influence to the time of flowering. Hence Ruderalis is bred with existing strains to create an easier to grow Autoflowering variant.

Learn more about Cannabis Ruderalis:

More plant definitions:

Cannabis Sativa | Cannabis Indica | Hybrid | Male plant | Female plant | Hermaphrodite | Sensimilla



Cannabis Sativa is an annual cannabis plant that originates in the equator regions. So unlike its Indica cousins, the Sativa plant flourishes in tropical climates. Cannabis Sativa was classified as a species in 1735. Its leaves are more narrow and it grows higher than the bushy Indica plant.

The flowers of the Cannabis Sativa plant are not a strong sedative, instead they have more of an uplifting effect.

Learn more about Cannabis Sativa:

More plant definitions:

Cannabis Indica | Cannabis Ruderalis | Hybrid | Male plant | Female plant | Hermaphrodite | Sensimilla

Screen of Green (SCRoG)

SCROG stands for “Screen of Green.” It is a growing method that involves the spreading of a plant’s branches through a horizontally placed screen. This causes all the branches to catch the light, hopefully resulting in a higher yield.

Scrogging is often combined with pruning techniques like topping.

Learn all about scrogging through this article:

More pruning definitions:

Pruning | Fimming | Topping | Super cropping | Monster cropping | SOG (Sea of Green) | Low Stress Training | Lollipopping | Overpruning


When talking about security and growing marijuana, we mean security in the broadest sense.

Factors you need to be aware of are the police, nosy neighbors and false friends that either rob you or snitch on you.

But aside from people, you have to be aware of your own setup as well. Can you see, hear or smell your grow room from the outside? Are the electrical bits set up safely so you’re doing everything to prevent fire?

These are all things to keep in mind when talking about security. Find more on the subject in these articles:

More grow room definitions:

Grow room | Grow tent | Grow box | Anti detection foil | Sound proof | Pond liner | Green house


During the younger stages of a plant’s growth it is called a seedling.

Once a seed sprouts and its roots take hold, it will grow into a baby plant. Up until the moment that it needs transplanting we refer to it as a seedling.

View more information about seedlings and the seedling stage here:

More process definitions:

Germinating | Transplanting | Vegetative stage | Flowering stage | Flushing | Harvesting | Drying | Curing | Yield

Seedling Soil

Seedling & Cutting soil is specifically prepared to promote the rooting of seeds or cuttings. The soil contains a controlled amounts of nutrients and air content so seeds’ or cuttings’ roots can easily take hold in the soil.

More grow medium definitions:

Grow medium | Soil | Hydroponic | Rockwool | Clay pellets | Coconut fiber | Perlite | Vermiculite | Aeroponic


When we’re talking about seeds, of course, we’re talking about marijuana seeds.

Marijuana plants originally grew in the wild, but today’s seeds are mostly bred for optimal taste and effects.

For more information on marijuana seeds view these articles:

Or visit our seed shop and get some of your own seeds!

More seed definitions:

Female seeds | Male seeds | Autoflowering seeds


A sensimilla plant is a female cannabis plant that has not been pollinated and has not grown seeds. Sensimilla plants are most desired by growers as they produce the best flowers, AKA weed.

More plant definitions:

Cannabis Sativa | Cannabis Indica | Cannabis Ruderalis | Hybrid | Male plant | Female plant | Hermaphrodite |

Silver Thiosulfate

Silver thiosulfate feminizing is a method used to increase the probability of breeding female seeds. By spraying STS (Silver Thiosulfate Solution), a 50/50 mixture of sodium thiosulfate and silver nitrate, on a female plant, it will transform into a male plant. Have this plant pollinate other females and you’re almost sure to create female seeds.

Learn all about feminizing in this article:

More feminizing definitions:

Feminizing | Colloidal silver feminizing | Rodelization feminizing


Soil is an earthy substance in which plants can grow. It contains mineral particles mixed with decayed organic matter and is capable of retaining water.

Read all about soil for growing marijuana in these articles:

More grow medium definitions:

Grow medium | Seedling & Cutting soil | Hydroponic | Rockwool | Clay pellets | Coconut fiber | Perlite | Vermiculite | Aeroponic

Sound Proof

Equipment like fans, transformers and extractors create a constant humming sound. To prevent neighbors from complaining, you should sound proof your grow room by hanging equipment with rubber hoses and rings.

Learn more about safely setting up a grow room:

More grow room definitions:

Grow room | Grow tent | Grow box | Security | Anti detection foil | Pond liner | Green house


The stem or stalk of the cannabis plant provides structural support for the leaves and flowers. This part of the plant transports nutrients from the roots to the flowers and leaves. The stem can be used for textiles, but not consumption.

Learn more about the cannabis plant:

More plant parts:

Stomata | Flower | Chloroplasts | Chlorophyll | Cola | Calyx | Pistil | Pollen | Pollen sacs | Trichomes |  Node | Fan leaves | Sugar leaves


A stoma (plural stomata) is a tiny opening on the underside of a leaf used for the exchange of gasses. They take in carbon dioxide (CO2) while releasing water (H2O) and oxygen (O2). This process is essential to a plant’s growth facilitating photosynthesis.

Learn all about stomata:

More plant parts:

A stoma (plural stomata) is a tiny opening on the underside of a leaf used for the exchange of gasses. They take in carbon dioxide (CO2) while releasing water (H2O) and oxygen (O2). This process is essential to a plant’s growth facilitating photosynthesis.

Learn all about stomata:

More plant parts:

Flower | Chloroplasts | Chlorophyll | Cola | Calyx | Pistil | Pollen | Pollen sacs | Trichomes | Stem | Node | Fan leaves | Sugar leaves

Stressed Plants

Cannabis can get stressed for a number of reasons; nutrients, climate, faulty pruning and dark cycle interruption are just a few. When you see the plant having trouble functioning or growing these are signs of stress and it is time to intervene.

Learn all about stress, prevention and fixes:

More plant problem definitions:

Bud rot | Stretching | Pests | Diseases


Stretching is a phenomenon that causes the stem of a plant to stretch long and thin. This may result in the plant not being able to support its own weight when it matures. Stretching can occur due to genetics but lighting, temperature, climate, and stress factor in as well.

Learn all about stretching and how to prevent it:

More plant problem definitions:

Stretching is a phenomenon that causes the stem of a plant to stretch long and thin. This may result in the plant not being able to support its own weight when it matures. Stretching can occur due to genetics but lighting, temperature, climate, and stress factor in as well.

Learn all about stretching and how to prevent it:

More plant problem definitions:

Bud rot | Stress | Pests | Diseases

Sugar Leaves

Sugar leaves are the small leaves found in the colas of the plant. They are called sugar leaves because they are covered with trichomes. There is no consensus as to whether sugar leaves should be smoked. They contain THC but also offer a harsh taste and a sore throat.

Learn more about the cannabis plant:

More plant parts:

Stomata | Flower | Chloroplasts | Chlorophyll | Cola | Calyx | Pistil | Pollen | Pollen sacs | Trichomes | Stem | Node | Fan leaves |

Sulfur (S)

Sulfur (S) is a nutrient. A cannabis plant only requires a small amount of it as part of a group of amino acids and proteins.

Learn more about nutrients:

More nutrient elements:

Boron | Calcium (Ca) | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | Chlorine (Cl) | Copper (Cu) | Glucose (C6H12O6) | Iron (Fe) | Molybdenum (Mo) | Magnesium (Ma) | Manganese (Mn) | Nickel (Ni) | Nitrogen (N) | Water (H2O) | Zinc (Zn)

Super Cropping

Super cropping is a technique that increases the yield of a marijuana plant. By crushing and bending a stem, the plant will work harder to heal. This results in more energy being directed to this stem, generating larger flowers.

Learn more about the super cropping technique in these articles:

More pruning definitions:

Pruning | Fimming | Topping | Monster cropping | SOG (Sea of Green) | SCROG (Screen Of Green) | Low Stress Training | Lollipopping | Overpruning



Terpenes are fragrant oils that are secreted from the cannabis plant’s resin glands. Terpenes give Strawberry Kush its fruity smell and Sour Diesel its fuel flavor.

Terpenes can also be found in many plants, fruits and herbs.

Terpenes’ boiling point is generally lower than those of cannabinoids, generally below 200 degrees Fahrenheit. So you could set your vaporizer to just vape the terpenes if you like.

More plant elements:

Cannabinoids | THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) | CBD (cannabidiol) |


THC is short for tetrahydrocannabinol. It is a cannabinoid found in cannabis. THC acts on the cannabinoid receptors in the brain and is responsible for the psychoactive effect of marijuana.

Learn more about THC:

More plant elements:

Cannabinoids | CBD (cannabidiol) | Terpenes


Topping is a pruning technique that cuts off the top shoot. This results in the plant dividing its energy and creating multiple new shoots around the top.

Read more about pruning marijuana plants in these articles:

More pruning definitions:

Pruning | Fimming | Super cropping | Monster cropping | SOG (Sea of Green) | SCROG (Screen Of Green) | Low Stress Training | Lollipopping | Overpruning


A transformer is an electrical device used to stabilize AC to match your grow room’s need.

More on electricity:

More electrical definitions and uses:

Power consumption | Power capacity | Electricity cables | Fuse | Grounding electricity | Relay | Ballast | Watt


Transplanting is the process of moving your marijuana plant from one pot to another.

Use transplanting to prevent rootbound by moving seedlings to a bigger pot.

More process definitions:

Germinating | Seedling | Vegetative stage | Flowering stage | Flushing | Harvesting | Drying | Curing | Yield


Trichomes are the clear little hair like bulbes that can be found covering the leaves, stem and calyxes of the cannabis plant. Trichomes are resin glands that secrete terpenes and cannabinoids like THC and CBD and were originally inteded to protect the plant from predators and the elements.

Learn more about the cannabis plant:

More plant parts:

Flower | Chloroplasts | Chlorophyll | Cola | Calyx | Pistil | Pollen | Pollen sacs | Stem | Node | Fan leaves | Sugar leaves

Tumble Trimmer

A tumble trimmer is an appliance that easily separates the leaves from the flowers after harvesting. There are both manual and electrical tumble trimmers on the market. Tumble trimmers save a lot of time but they do cost a little bit of yield.

More equipment definitions:

Hortipot | Propagator


Veganic Growing

Veganic growing utilizes biological nutrients, but only those that do not contain animal matter like manure.

Learn all about growing marijuana naturally in this article:

More growing ideologies:

Natural growing | Organic growing | Biodynamic growing

Vegetative Stage

The vegetative stage occurs from the period of a small seedling to when the marijuana plant matures to a flowering plant.

The vegetative period is the perfect time to optimize the nutrient and light schedule, maximizing the eventual yield.

Find more about the vegetative stage here:

More growing process definitions:

Germinating | Seedling Transplanting |Flowering stage | Flushing | Harvesting | Drying | Curing | Yield


Vermiculite is a natural mineral often used with another growing medium to solidify a hydroponic growing setup.

Other hydroponic growing mediums include RockwoolClay pelletsCoconut fiber, and Perlite.

Learn about growing hydroponically:

More grow medium definitions:

Vermiculite is a natural mineral often used with another growing medium to solidify a hydroponic growing setup.

Other hydroponic growing mediums include RockwoolClay pelletsCoconut fiber, and Perlite.

Learn about growing hydroponically:

More grow medium definitions:

Grow medium | Soil | Seedling & Cutting soil | Hydroponic | Rockwool | Clay pellets | Coconut fiber | Perlite | Aeroponic



Water (H2O) is, next to carbon dioxide, one of the primary materials used by a cannabis plant to grow. It is used to transport nutrients to and through the plant. The plant uses carbon dioxide and water and converts it into oxygen and sugars.

Learn more about nutrients:

More nutrient elements:

Water (H2O) is, next to carbon dioxide, one of the primary materials used by a cannabis plant to grow. It is used to transport nutrients to and through the plant. The plant uses carbon dioxide and water and converts it into oxygen and sugars.

Learn more about nutrients:

More nutrient elements:

Boron | Calcium (Ca) | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | Chlorine (Cl) | Copper (Cu) | Glucose (C6H12O6) | Iron (Fe) | Molybdenum (Mo) | Magnesium (Ma) | Manganese (Mn) | Nickel (Ni) | Nitrogen (N) | Zinc (Zn)

Water Temperature

The roots of a cannabis plant absorb water best when it’s around 20 degrees Celsius / 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

More water related definitions:

pH / Acidity | EC (Electric Conductivity) | Irrigation system | Dropper |


A Watt (wattage) is a unit of measurement for power.  An electricity meter can only handle a set amount of wattage, so calculate your grow room’s power use before using it. You don’t want to use more than your network can handle.

More on electricity:

More electrical definitions and uses:

Power consumption | Power capacity | Electricity cables | Fuse | Grounding electricity | Transformer | Relay | Ballast |



The yield of your marijuana plants is the amount of dried bud that is harvested from the plant.

Increasing the yield of your plants is one of the biggest sports among growers.

Find more info about maximizing your yield in these articles:

More growing process definitions:

Germinating | Seedling Transplanting | Vegetative stage | Flowering stage | Flushing | Harvesting | Drying | Curing |


Zinc (Zn)

Zinc (Zn) is a nutrient that is part of a group of enzymes. The cannabis plant does not require much zinc.

Learn more about nutrients:

More nutrient elements:

Boron | Calcium (Ca) | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | Chlorine (Cl) | Copper (Cu) | Glucose (C6H12O6) | Iron (Fe) | Molybdenum (Mo) | Magnesium (Ma) | Manganese (Mn) | Nickel (Ni) | Nitrogen (N) | Phosphorus (P) | Potas|sium (K) | Sulfur (S) | Water (H2O)

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